Examples of the the word, faith , in a Sentence Context

The word ( faith ), is the 1389 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And Newman saw the Church of England of their day as sorely deficient in, faith ,; but whereas Newman had looked back to a distant past when the light of faith
  2. Was able to produce the first large scale manufacture of steel. Articles of, faith ,are sets of beliefs usually found in creeds, sometimes numbered, and often
  3. The city an important place of pilgrimage until the adoption of the Protestant, faith , The Still Om gang—a silent procession in civil attire—is today a remnant of
  4. Statements of Anglicanism doctrine. Other articles and creeds The confession of, faith ,of Westminster is one of many evangelical creeds that give articles of faith
  5. Laboratory research. *The second type is based on a form of faith , usually, faith , in the stories that are told by ancestors or faith in religious books such as
  6. Level of comfort while in the grave depends wholly on their level of Man or, faith ,in the one God, or Allah, equivalent in Arabic. In order for one to achieve
  7. Theologians prior to Anselm had believed, but Anselm put forth the opinion that, faith ,and rationalism were compatible and encouraged rationalism in a Christian
  8. Believed that" people are the riches of the nation ", and there was a general, faith ,in an economy that paid its workers low wages because high wages meant workers
  9. Tradition, most notably those referred to as Continuing Anglican churches. The, faith ,of Anglicans is founded in the scriptures, the traditions of the apostolic
  10. Of an eponymous founder (such as Calvinism),nor summed up in a confession of, faith ,beyond the ecumenical creeds (such as the Lutheran Book of Concord). For them
  11. Things necessary for salvation" and as being the rule and ultimate standard of, faith , Anglicans understand the Apostles' Creed as the baptismal symbol and the
  12. And cannot easily be explained, it forces people into a crucial test of, faith ,: either we must believe everything or we must deny everything, and who
  13. Another sermon saying that the death of the innocent child is a test of, faith , Since God willed the child's death, so the Christian should, will it, too. A
  14. Things necessary to salvation," and as being the rule and ultimate standard of, faith ,.: (b) The Apostles' Creed, as the Baptismal Symbol; and the Nicene Creed, as
  15. Symbol and the Nicene Creed as the sufficient statement of the Christian, faith , Anglicans believe the Catholic and apostolic faith is revealed in Holy
  16. Preceded by" ANI Ma'main B'emu nah Sheath "," I believe with perfect, faith ,that ..." These principles are reflected in the hymn Signal. Sikh The Sikh
  17. And growing fame were obscured and tarnished by broken contracts and violated, faith , " The States did not respond with any of the money requested from them.
  18. Statement of the Christian faith . Anglicans believe the Catholic and apostolic, faith ,is revealed in Holy Scripture and the Catholic creeds and interpret these in
  19. On a form of faith , usually faith in the stories that are told by ancestors or, faith ,in religious books such as the Bible, the Qur'an, the Talmud, the Vedas and the
  20. Algeria in the mid-7th century,many locals converted to the new, faith , After the fall of the Umayyad Arab Dynasty in 751,numerous local Berber
  21. In the Christian Church. Articles of the apostles The earliest articles of, faith ,were said to have been composed in the first century by the apostles themselves
  22. Editor of the Chicago Democrat. Islam There are six traditional articles of, faith ,among Muslims: # One God # Angels # Prophets # Scriptures # The Day of Judgment
  23. And reason. His view, widely accepted today, was that God must be accepted on, faith ,alone; He could not be limited by human reason. Of course this view was not
  24. Fire incident,28 mentally ill persons tied to chain were burnt to death at a, faith ,based institution at Er wadi, Tamil Nadu. *2008 – A military junta led by
  25. The souls of humans who have received immortality from the grace of God through, faith ,in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who dwell in Heaven with God. Latter Day Saints
  26. Abortion is largely heavily restricted or forbidden in areas of high Islamic, faith ,such as the Middle East and North Africa. In Europe and North America, abortion
  27. Promise was," to be true and faith ful to the king and his heirs, and truth and, faith ,to bear of life and limb and Terrence honor, and not to know or hear of any ill
  28. Contracted after drinking infected cow's milk as a boy. Turing's religious, faith ,was shattered, and he became an atheist. He adopted the conviction that all
  29. Relates to strictly laboratory research. *The second type is based on a form of, faith , usually faith in the stories that are told by ancestors or faith in religious
  30. Brighter, Maurice looked forward to the possibility of a brighter revelation of, faith ,in the future. Maurice saw the Protestant and Catholic strands within the
  31. Of faith of Westminster is one of many evangelical creeds that give articles of, faith ,based on sold scripture rather than on the living experience of the Church.
  32. That Buddhism affected Schopenhauer’s philosophy more than any other Dharma, faith ,loses more credence when viewed in light of the fact that Schopenhauer did not
  33. Of an innocent child's suffering and says it is a test of a Christian's, faith , since it requires him either to deny everything or believe everything. He
  34. Attacks would often stop if Jews stopped practicing or changed their public, faith , especially by conversion to the official or right religion, and sometimes
  35. Faith; but whereas Newman had looked back to a distant past when the light of, faith ,might have appeared to burn brighter, Maurice looked forward to the possibility
  36. That the philosophy and knowledge of the Upanishads would become the cherished, faith ,of the West. Schopenhauer was first introduced to the 1802 Latin Upanishads
  37. Symbol; and the Nicene Creed, as the sufficient statement of the Christian, faith ,.: (c) The two Sacraments ordained by Christ Himself - Baptism and the Supper
  38. To as being a via media (or" middle way" ) between these traditions. The, faith ,of Anglicans is founded in the Scriptures and the Gospels, the traditions of
  39. Christian thinkers. Saint Anselm (1033–1109) was a Benedictine who believed, faith ,must precede rationalism, as Augustine and most theologians prior to Anselm had
  40. Of the prison chaplain, who mistakes Alex's Bible studies for stirrings of, faith ,(Alex is actually reading Scripture for the violent passages). After Alex
  41. To His Will, Divine Ordinances and Commandments is the pivot of the Muslim, faith , All these names refer to Allah, the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name.
  42. Preference,59 % said they possessed a" full understanding" of their, faith ,and needed no further learning. In a 2007 poll,92 % of Alabamians reported
  43. Franciscan who died in 1349,attacked the Thomism view of compatibility between, faith ,and reason. His view, widely accepted today, was that God must be accepted on
  44. Or transcendental: Philosophy ... is a science, and as such has no articles of, faith ,; accordingly, in it nothing can be assumed as existing except what is either
  45. Into Outer Darkness. (See Doctrine and Covenants, Section 76. ) Salvation, faith ,and merit from ancient to modern Christianity Most Christians deny that entry
  46. Reason as the only means of acquiring knowledge and rejected all forms of, faith ,and religion. She supported rational egoism and rejected ethical altruism. In
  47. The belief that true Christianity should always work towards a unity of, faith ,and purpose. Schweitzer's home language was an Alsatian dialect of German. At
  48. These principles are reflected in the hymn Signal. Sikh The Sikh articles of, faith ,are the Five K's: #K'ESH: Unshorn hair #Kan'GA: Wooden comb #Kir'pan: Sword
  49. Al-Bukhari, Prophet Muhammad explains," It (Ahriman/ faith ) is to affirm your, faith ,in God, His angels, His Books His Messengers and the Last Day, and to believe
  50. Back to the 3rd and 4th centuries. The country formally adopted the Christian, faith ,in 301 A. D. Over 90 % of Armenians belong to the Armenian Apostolic Church, a

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