Examples of the the word, equality , in a Sentence Context

The word ( equality ), is the 3339 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Argues that Smith supported markets in the belief that they would lead to, equality , and that Smith opposed wage labor and corporations. Economic historians such
  2. Second volume but died before completing it. While Wollstonecraft does call for, equality ,between the sexes in particular areas of life, such as morality, she does not
  3. Christian churches since the sixth century. It is the first creed in which the, equality ,of the three persons of the Trinity is explicitly stated, and differs from the
  4. Cantons are ethnically mixed and have special laws implemented to ensure the, equality ,of all constituent people. The fourth level of political division in Bosnia and
  5. Great care and awareness is essential in one's actions. Jainism emphasizes the, equality ,of all life, advocating harmlessness towards all, whether the creatures are
  6. And made a number of statements on women's rights, by declaring, equality ,of the sexes The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) began using Pakistan's
  7. In the Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft does not make the claim for gender, equality ,using the same arguments or the same language that late 19th- and 20th century
  8. To the same virtues demanded of women. However,Wollstonecraft's arguments for, equality ,stand in contrast to her statements respecting the superiority of masculine
  9. Of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia and Herzegovina has one of the highest income, equality ,rankings in the world, ranking eighth out of 193 nations. According to Eurostat
  10. Only bear hatred to Jews. This has resulted in Palestinian cries for justice, equality , freedom and even basic human rights being ignored while the world getting
  11. Influenced other groups and movements in struggles for civil rights and social, equality ,within American society, including the Free Speech Movement, the disabled
  12. Missing for non-Christians in most of Europe until the institutionalization of, equality ,under a secular idea of citizenship after the French Revolution—and allowed
  13. Social-welfare state is not a road to serfdom but rather to fairness, economic, equality , and international competitiveness. " Austrian school economist Sudra Henry
  14. Thus came the widespread assertion of liberty, individual rights, equality ,and hostility toward corruption which would prove core values of liberal
  15. Sheet anchor" of republicanism. The Declaration's emphasis on freedom and, equality ,for all, in contrast to the Constitution's tolerance of slavery, shifted the
  16. Violated the republicanism principles of the Founding Fathers, especially the, equality ,of all men and democratic self-government as expressed in the Declaration of
  17. Such as the unity of God, unity of the religions, oneness of humanity, equality ,of women and men, world peace and economic justice. ` Abdul'l-Bahá's visit to
  18. That the non-slave-holding states were" proclaiming the debasing doctrine of, equality ,of all men, irrespective of race or color ", and that the African race" were
  19. Assumes a property of an ellipse not found in Apollonian work, that the, equality ,of the angles subtended at a focus by two tangents drawn from a point, and
  20. Southern concerns included not only economic loss but also fears of racial, equality , Name" mcpherson15"/> name" impending16"/> name" William"/>
  21. And argue that humans have needs that society ought to fulfill," recognizing, equality ,of entitlement ". In chronological and theoretical sense there are classical —
  22. Axiomatic set theory. For example, if we try to model the general concept of ", equality ," as a binary relation, we must take the domain and codomain to be the" set of
  23. Self-government that the Constitution permits every nationality, on outright, equality ,to the rest of the nationalities and regions that compose Spain, and with a
  24. And small merchants joined the Patriot cause to demand more political, equality , They were especially successful in the Pennsylvania but less so in New England
  25. Life, but we want another which will be eternal. " *" The law, in its majestic, equality , forbids the rich and the poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the
  26. Of Solon at the start of the 6th century BC). By allowing a new kind of, equality ,among citizens this opened the way to democracy, which in turn called for a new
  27. The corrupt purchase of votes, and it gave citizens a unique form of political, equality ,as all had an equal chance of obtaining government office. The random
  28. Next few years demonstrated the AFL's ability to achieve a greater level of, equality ,with the NFL. On January 29, 1964,the AFL signed a lucrative $36 million
  29. ICU) to contain ongoing problems, including a lack of women's wage, equality , the use of child labor, and the continuing issue of forced labor. Benin is a
  30. Of her statements regarding female and male difference to reflect a greater, equality ,between the sexes. Wollstonecraft never wrote the second part to the Rights of
  31. ICU) to contain ongoing problems, including a lack of women's wage, equality , the use of child labor, and the continuing issue of forced labor. Banks and
  32. As the difference between 'arithmetic' and 'geometric' ( i.e. proportional), equality , Democracy was far from being the normal style of governance and the beliefs on
  33. States were unrepresented and attempted to fix, by federal law," a perfect, equality ,of the white and black races in every State of the Union. " Johnson said it was
  34. The first emperor in human history who has taught the lesson of unity, peace, equality , and love. Ashoka's aim was not to expand the territories but the welfare of
  35. Of the peasantry entered to Ottoman masters while Bulgarians lacked judicial, equality ,with the Ottoman Muslims and had to pay much higher taxes than them. Bulgarian
  36. This context. ) In most mathematical contexts, references to the relations of, equality , membership and subset are harmless because they can be understood implicitly
  37. Used ethnic slurs, told jokes that ridiculed blacks, insisted he opposed social, equality , and proposed sending freed slaves to another country. Defenders retorted that
  38. He defined the war as an effort dedicated to these principles of liberty and, equality ,for all. The emancipation of slaves was now part of the national war effort. He
  39. Granted the Swiss Jews the fullest rights of citizens. However, full civil, equality ,was obtained only when they received the formal rights of citizenship, which
  40. And codomain (and so the graph) to be proper classes: in such a theory, equality , membership, and subset are binary relations without special comment. (A minor
  41. Unanimously proclaimed King of the Portuguese by his soldiers, establishing his, equality ,in rank to the other realms of the Peninsula. The first assembly of the
  42. Punishment achieved after death. The Bahá'í writings emphasize the essential, equality ,of human beings, and the abolition of prejudice. Humanity is seen as
  43. Some slaves understood Revolutionary rhetoric as promising freedom and, equality , Both British and American governments made promises of freedom for service
  44. By definition. A relation can be both symmetric and antisymmetric (e.g.,the, equality ,relation),and there are relations which are neither symmetric nor
  45. Only bear hatred to Jews. This has resulted in Palestinian cries for justice, equality , freedom and even basic human rights being ignored while the world getting
  46. Absolute letter of the law; rather he was driven by concerns over humanity and, equality , and introduced into Roman law many important new principles based upon this
  47. To establish by revolution an ideal Christian commonwealth, with absolute, equality ,and the community of goods. There were some common points between the Zwickau
  48. State that men and women are equal. Her ambiguous statements regarding the, equality ,of the sexes have since made it difficult to classify Wollstonecraft as a
  49. Years (1997–2010). * PASS is a first order logic theorem proper with, equality , This is developed by the research group Automation of Logic, Max Planck
  50. Nicene homoousios, while they rejected Arius and his teaching and accepted the, equality ,and externality of the persons of the Trinity. Because of this centrist

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