Examples of the the word, cognitive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cognitive ), is the 3341 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is an abstraction that stems from the observation that scores on all forms of, cognitive ,tests correlate positively with one another. Jensen claimed, on the basis of
  2. Seems to be most prominent in brain areas underlying the development of higher, cognitive ,specialization. * Disturbed neuronal migration during early gestation. *
  3. And internalizing behavior/affect (two children). Group means for each, cognitive ,domain were all within one standard deviation of age norms, demonstrating that
  4. Often draw on related fields including sociolinguistics, pragmatics, cognitive , linguistics,semiotics, discourse analysis, and narrative analysis. Linguistic
  5. The effects of long-term use or misuse include the tendency to cause or worsen, cognitive ,deficits, depression and anxiety. However, there is disagreement among expert
  6. Care center following 6 November 2006. Medical experts indicated that Sharon's, cognitive ,abilities were destroyed by the stroke, and that he is in a persistent
  7. ASD's symptoms. *Epilepsy, with variations in risk of epilepsy due to age, cognitive ,level, and type of language disorder. *Several metabolic defects, such as
  8. But performed at least one standard deviation below age norms in at least one, cognitive ,domain, such as complex attention (one child),short-term memory (one child
  9. GUIDE) is an interactive verbal prompting system that talks people with, cognitive ,impairment through daily routine tasks. Claims Since children with autism
  10. Treatment combines normally education on the disease, group therapy and, cognitive ,behavioral therapy. In the elderly There is a relative lack of knowledge about
  11. Archaeoastronomy fills complementary niches in landscape archaeology and, cognitive ,archaeology. Material evidence and its connection to the sky can reveal how a
  12. Also influenced a number of developments in the 1960s and 1970s,including, cognitive ,anthropology and component analysis. Authors such as David Schneider
  13. Causes It has long been presumed that there is a common cause at the genetic, cognitive , and neural levels for autism's characteristic triad of symptoms. Complexity
  14. 17 (17p12) are inconclusive. Neuropsychology Two major categories of, cognitive ,theories have been proposed about the links between autistic brains and
  15. Is a psychological and physiological state characterized by somatic, emotional, cognitive , and behavioral components. The root meaning of the word anxiety is '.
  16. Continued faith in astrology could be psychologically explained as a matter of, cognitive ,bias. Skeptics say that the practice of western astrologers allows them to
  17. Not recommended by clinical guidelines. Psychological therapies such as, cognitive ,behavioral therapy are recommended as a first-line therapy for panic disorder;
  18. F. Bear (B. A. '78,Ph.D. '84),Penn psychologist, Lasker Award winner and, cognitive ,therapy originator Aaron Beck '50,John Bates Clark Medal winning MIT economist
  19. Complete absence of a coherent theory which should have served as the general, cognitive ,basis for the actual conduct of operations ". Nave described it as an" ad hoc
  20. Measure a real variable, g,or" the general factor common to many, cognitive ,abilities" which can be measured along a unilinear scale. This is a claim most
  21. Protections and public law changes for Americans with physical, mental and, cognitive ,disabilities. It was intended to be a flexible set of laws that could only be
  22. Rationalist ", Tylor believed that this view was" childish" and typical of ", cognitive ,underdevelopment ", and that it was therefore common in" primitive" peoples
  23. Objects. A larger proportion (up to 50 %) suffer from a milder version of, cognitive ,change which primarily affects what is known as executive function. Briefly
  24. Thought of the nervous system in hydraulic terms. He believed that the highest, cognitive ,functions are carried out by a non-physical res cogitate, but that the majority
  25. Vision could be developed, in part, by practicing rigorous forms of ethical and, cognitive ,self-discipline, concentration,and meditation; in particular, a person's
  26. Of several new (late 20th century) interdisciplinary fields such as, cognitive ,science, global studies, and various ethnic studies. Basic trends There are
  27. And immunoglobulin, two remained paraplegic, one had motor and, cognitive ,handicaps, and two recovered. A study of IVG treatment in adults with ADAM
  28. Psychological effects such as the will to believe, name Beyer stein />, cognitive ,biases that help maintain self-esteem and promote harmonious social functioning
  29. To beginning on a spiritual path include a willingness to take up serious, cognitive ,studies, a respect for factual evidence, and a responsible attitude. Central to
  30. Full major depressive episodes, and ADHD. BD is also accompanied by changes in, cognitive ,processes and abilities. This includes reduced attentional and executive
  31. Others may have serious adverse effects. Some side effects, such as subtle, cognitive ,problems, may go unnoticed. There is a possibility that the risk of tardive
  32. The past and present. " Paul Ban has described archaeoastronomy as an area of, cognitive ,archaeology. Other researchers relate archaeoastronomy to the history of
  33. And its relationship to the size of the white-black differences on various, cognitive ,tests (i.e.,Spearman's hypothesis) suggests that the average white-black
  34. Naturalism. Hallo effect Ad hominem arguments work via the halo effect, a human, cognitive ,bias in which the perception of one trait is influenced by the perception of an
  35. Degree of pathology in these areas has been directly related to the degree of, cognitive ,change experienced by the patient, if any. Patients with MND and dementia have
  36. Associated with them. Familial MND may also confer a higher risk of developing, cognitive ,changes such as frontotemporal dementia or executive dysfunction (see
  37. Due to the lack of other options including talking therapies, counseling and, cognitive ,behavior therapy. One more factor that may be increasing the consumption of
  38. Are the product of intention or consciousness. Piaget explains this with a, cognitive ,inability to distinguish the external world from one's own psyche.
  39. Misuse of alcohol can cause a wide range of mental health problems. Severe, cognitive ,problems are common; approximately 10 percent of all dementia cases are related
  40. General Intelligence developed at the University of Memphis, implementing a, cognitive ,architecture based on Global Workspace Theory. Games * Chinook, a computer
  41. Motion and manipulation * Cog, a robot developed by MIT to study theories of, cognitive ,science and artificial intelligence, now discontinued. * Grand Challenge 5 –
  42. In both the sciences and the humanities look to evolutionary psychology and, cognitive ,science in an effort to understand the connection between psychology and
  43. With one another. Jensen claimed, on the basis of his research, that general, cognitive ,ability is essentially an inherited trait, determined predominantly by genetic
  44. Sedation and the dependence associated with benzodiazepines and cause much less, cognitive ,impairment. They may be less effective than benzodiazepines in patients who
  45. Deploying them as antidepressants,antianxiety drugs, mood stabilizers, cognitive ,enhancers, anti-aggressive,anti-impulsive, anti-suicidal and hypnotic (sleep
  46. Long-term use of benzodiazepines has been associated with increased risk of, cognitive ,impairment, but its relationship with dementia remains inconclusive. The
  47. Beer, is associated with a decreased risk of cardiac disease, stroke and, cognitive ,decline. The long term health effects of continuous, heavy alcohol consumption
  48. To express a feeling, as in ('I feel ', as in terms of thinking but with less, cognitive ,reasoning),(feeling/sensation),and (mood/morale). It is used to mean
  49. With other possible secondary effects after prolonged use such as psychomotor, cognitive , or memory impairments, limit their long-term applicability. The effects of
  50. It does not disrupt sleep architecture and produces less severe, cognitive ,and psychomotor impairment; it also has a low potential for abuse and

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