Examples of the the word, stroke , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stroke ), is the 3347 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cardiovascular disease. Although aspirin also raises the risk of hemorrhagic, stroke ,and other major bleeds by about twofold, these events are rare, and the balance
  2. Expand its range of specialty areas beyond veterans' health to incorporate, stroke , orthopedic rehabilitation and aged care. With the" Global Financial Crisis "
  3. Prime Minister. He has been in a permanent vegetative state since suffering a, stroke ,on 4 January 2006. Sharon was a commander in the Israeli Army since its
  4. Insomnia, mania,nightmare, melancholia,dementia, epilepsy,paralysis, stroke , vertigo and tremor. He described melancholia as a depressive type of mood
  5. Liked to form a new Karima party. On 4 January 2006,Sharon suffered a severe, stroke ,that left him in a persistent vegetative state. In March 2006 elections, Kadima
  6. For detecting melanomas * BCD² score, a score for determining the risk of, stroke ,after TIA In science * BCD matrix analysis, a type of ray tracing technique
  7. Another two years, until 1880. He remained an MP until his death in 1892 from a, stroke ,that resulted from hitting his head during a fall. He died in Toronto and was
  8. Nail) and tranylcypromine (Parade) include hepatitis, heart attack, stroke , and seizures. Serotonin syndrome is a side effect of Maoist when combined with
  9. To the U. S. Senate. Johnson served from March 4,1875,until his death from a, stroke ,near Elizabethtown, Tennessee,on July 31 that year. In his first speech since
  10. i. e., being empty or unmarked, and having a single mark in it, say a vertical, stroke ,.:" One box is to be singled out and called the starting point. ... a specific
  11. Shortly after Vivaldi's arrival in Vienna, Charles VI died,a, stroke ,of bad luck that left the composer without royal protection or a steady source
  12. Where Gertrude had fled to join Lambert. On his way down, Arnulf suffered a, stroke , forcing him to call off his campaign and return to Bavaria. Arnulfo only
  13. Prizes, to be awarded annually without distinction of nationality. He died of a, stroke ,on 10 December 1896 at Supremo, Italy. After taxes and bequests to individuals
  14. g. A piston. Diesel engines rely on adiabatic heating during their compression, stroke ,to elevate the temperature sufficiently to ignite the fuel. Adiabatic heating
  15. A part of the Duchy of Bavaria. After Carlo man was incapacitated by a, stroke ,in 879,Louis the Younger inherited Bavaria, Charles the Fat was given the
  16. Arthritis, shoulder pain, schizophrenia,smoking cessation, acute stroke , stroke ,rehabilitation, tennis elbow, and vascular dementia. Positive results from some
  17. Cerebral microbleeds are important since they often occur prior to ischemic, stroke ,or intracerebral hemorrhage, Binswanger disease and Alzheimer's disease.
  18. Ink brush traditionally used for writing kanji and for painting, produces a, stroke ,of widely varying thickness. Anime also tends to borrow many elements from
  19. Years later to participate in the BBC News night program, Speer suffered a, stroke ,and died on September 1,1981. Even to the end of his life, Speer continued to
  20. Undiagnosed cerebral amyloid antipathy (CAA) while treating his first, stroke , a brain disorder which, in conjunction with anticoagulant medication
  21. State. In March 2006 elections, Kadima, led by HUD Older following Sharon's, stroke , went on to win plurality of Knesset seats, becoming the senior coalition
  22. Let's now look at a common example of adiabatic compression- the compression, stroke ,in a gasoline engine. We will make a few simplifying assumptions: that the
  23. Write. Aphasia disorders usually develop quickly as a result of head injury or, stroke , but can develop slowly from a brain tumor, infection,or dementia, or can be a
  24. To Sharon was potentially problematic for someone who had recently suffered a, stroke , On 9 January 2006,Heart revealed that doctors had discovered his previously
  25. He could continue to write (the Cockburn play premiered immediately after the, stroke , If I Were You, was written before his illness),but his first play written
  26. Skin, acne,pallor, convulsions,and with chronic and/or high doses, seizure, stroke , coma, heart attack and death can occur. There is also significant research
  27. Singular in 2007 and The Norman Conquests in 2008. ) After Cockburn suffered a, stroke ,in February 2006,he returned to work in September and premiered his 70th play
  28. Character which had to be made from a" delta" ( shift-H) and a" Shaffer, stroke ," (shift-M). This was necessary because the APL character set was larger than
  29. Disease, aspirin reduces the chance of a heart attack and ischemic, stroke ,by about a fifth. This translates to an absolute rate reduction from 8.2 % to
  30. And precise due to its reliance on a fixed, predefined stroke alphabet. The, stroke ,alphabet used letter shapes which resembled standard handwriting, but which
  31. Can negate the antiplatelet effect of aspirin used for cardio protection and, stroke ,prevention. The pharmacological activity of spironolactone may be reduced by
  32. Mr. Milne' to the members of his platoon. He retired to the farm after a, stroke ,and brain surgery in 1952 left him an invalid and by August 1953" he seemed
  33. Paid to Sharon's sons. Just 24 hours after the announcement, Sharon suffered a, stroke , went to coma, and never recovered. Some commentators said that the dose of
  34. Speed provides a higher launch airspeed for aircraft at the end of the catapult, stroke ,or ski-jump, plus it makes recovery safer by reducing the difference between
  35. Music and watching television at home. On September 6,1998,Kurosawa died of a, stroke ,in Metadata, Tokyo,at the age of 88. Following Kurosawa's death, several
  36. Award from the University of Manitoba in 1987. Death Morita suffered a, stroke ,in 1993,during a game of tennis. On October 3,1999,Morita died of pneumonia
  37. Her to Brisbane, Australia,and lived there with her family. She suffered a, stroke ,in February, and he remained there until her death on 10 April 1946. Kerensky
  38. Entitled to take the title of Lady Cockburn. In February 2006,he suffered a, stroke ,in Scarborough, and stated:" I hope to be back on my feet, or should I say my
  39. Men of the same age. African Americans are 1.7 times more likely to have a, stroke ,and 60 % more likely to die from it. Two reasons for poorer health are lack of
  40. In symbolic form by a finite number of boxes i.e., INPUT being marked with a, stroke , Likewise, the answer i.e., OUTPUT is to be given in symbolic form by such a
  41. Recovery tends to be better in individuals with a single focal injury (such as, stroke ,or a benign tumor),compared to those who have a neurological degenerative
  42. Which, in conjunction with anticoagulant medication prescribed after his first, stroke , greatly increased his risk of cerebral hemorrhage. Although some insinuated
  43. Hemisphere. In either case, damage to these language areas can be caused by a, stroke , traumatic brain injury, or other brain injury. Aphasia may also develop slowly
  44. Support such use, especially as there was strong evidence of increased risks of, stroke , tremors, significant weight gain, sedation,and gastrointestinal problems. A
  45. And increase venous capacity; increase cardiac output, cardiac index, stroke ,work, and volume; lower endovascular resistance; and lead to increased
  46. To accelerate the aircraft to a safe flying speed by the end of the catapult, stroke , after which the aircraft is airborne and further propulsion is provided by its
  47. To be more accurate and precise due to its reliance on a fixed, predefined, stroke , alphabet. The stroke alphabet used letter shapes which resembled standard
  48. Need to be intense and focused -- as indicated by one study performed with, stroke ,patients experiencing limb ataxia who underwent intensive upper limb retraining
  49. Rheumatoid arthritis, shoulder pain, schizophrenia,smoking cessation, acute, stroke , stroke rehabilitation, tennis elbow, and vascular dementia. Positive results
  50. 2006 was made into a film Curs, directed by Alain Reseals. After suffering a, stroke , there was uncertainly whether he could continue to write (the Cockburn

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