Examples of the the word, methodology , in a Sentence Context

The word ( methodology ), is the 3343 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The conclusions of the research or its underlying scientific theories or its, methodology , The rejection of scientific findings has sparked political and theological
  2. Airlines, based in Atlanta, Georgia,U. S. * Anglo-Saxon accounting, accounting, methodology , used in English-speaking countries - see Anglo-Saxon economy Sport * Agremiação
  3. Is divided into different rooms and three big areas related to archaeological, methodology ,: ground, urban and underwater archaeology, with scenes, audiovisual and
  4. As an Accelerated Processing Unit (APU). AMD will move to a modular design, methodology ,named" M-SPACE ", where two new processor cores, codenamed" Bulldozer" and "
  5. School economist Israel M. Kirchner highlights shortcomings in traditional, methodology , Kirchner does not provide viable alternatives for making positive contributions
  6. Classic interpretation of blitzkrieg is that of German tactical and operational, methodology ,in the first half of the Second World War that was often hailed as a new method
  7. Environment. * SH IAI (Semi Human Instinctive Artificial Intelligence),an AI, methodology ,based on the use of semi-human instincts, developed at Islamic Azad University
  8. Precision" in economics where there is none. Miles wrote of his economic, methodology ,that" its statements and propositions are not derived from experience ... They
  9. Of economics, who argued against the Austrians during the Methodenstreit (", methodology ,struggle" ), in which the Austrians defended the reliance that classical
  10. Effectively individual programs) that a CPU can execute simultaneously. Each, methodology ,differs both in the ways in which they are implemented,and the relative
  11. S methodology is to employ a scientific way of thinking, but to apply this, methodology , which normally excludes our inner experience from consideration, instead to
  12. Second approach from Choir and Sweet man is an analytical, methodology ,to combine statistical moments from individual segments of a time-history such
  13. Or plant debris, or through BT ingestion by their predatory food choices. The, methodology ,used by these researchers has been called into question. Due to significant
  14. Which are the foundations of mainstream Neoclassical economics. This, methodology ,is also driven by the belief that econometrics is inherently misleading in that
  15. Science: theory of computation, algorithms and data structures, programming, methodology , and languages, and computer elements and architecture. In addition to these
  16. A technique used in software engineering. It is an object modeling language and, methodology ,that was widely used in object-oriented analysis and design. It was developed
  17. Bluetooth's specifications, and developing, improving and maintaining the test, methodology ,and concepts as well as other strategic functions. Membership Any company
  18. Popular with minors, the FTC concluded that flaws in the survey's, methodology ,limited the ability to draw conclusions from the survey data. " The Federal
  19. For n ≥ 1) O (n^2). Growth rate analysis of other resources The, methodology ,of run-time analysis can also be utilized for predicting other growth rates
  20. Which are reserved for Botswana companies. " Based on the revised trade factor, methodology , Botswana's trade policy score is unchanged. The main export of Botswana is
  21. Warfare which dominated the Eastern Front. Return to Prussian and 19th Century, methodology ,German military history had previously been influenced by Carl von Clausewitz
  22. Ethnographic became more reflexive, explicitly addressing the author's, methodology , cultural, gender and racial positioning, and their influence on his or her
  23. Keynesian's macroeconomics),generally accepts a large part of the neoclassical, methodology ,; the other, exemplified by Ludwig on Miles, seeks a different formalism for
  24. That the resulting overall moments are those of the complete time-history. This, methodology ,could be used for parallel computation of statistical moments with subsequent
  25. Research on the electrical activity of acupuncture points lacks a standardized, methodology ,and reporting protocols, and is generally of poor quality. No force
  26. Miles, seeks a different formalism for economics, considering the neoclassical, methodology ,to be irredeemably flawed. Later reputation Austrian economics was ill-thought
  27. Style evolved from Ueshiba's retirement in Drama, Ibaraki,and the teaching, methodology ,of long term student Morphing Saith. It is unofficially referred to as the "
  28. Testable. Carlo Tillman points out that as, on its own terms, anthroposophical, methodology , offers no possibility of being falsified except through its own procedures of
  29. By design paradigm Another way of classifying algorithms is by their design, methodology ,or paradigm. There is a certain number of paradigms, each different from the
  30. Gate MOS ICS with self aligned gates along with his new random logic design, methodology ,) significantly affected the design and implementation of CPUs forever. Since
  31. Noticeably by Avicenna and his opponents. Al-Razi and Al-Farabi had provided, methodology ,and knowledge in medicine and philosophy. Avicenna had access to the great
  32. Understanding of the appropriate business process is a prerequisite. This, methodology ,- if carried out correctly - results in a quick turnaround against plan, a
  33. Been incorporated into several methodologies and processes, the primary such, methodology ,being the Rational Unified Process (RUP). The Battle of the Nile (also known
  34. Ratings team published a list of top innings since 1990 under their own, methodology , Lara's 213 against Australia in Kingston, Jamaica in 1999 came out to be the
  35. Critics of corporate-led globalization have expressed concern about the, methodology ,used in arriving at the World Bank's statistics and argue that more detailed
  36. Diverged from it on several points. Avicenna discussed the issue of a proper, methodology ,for scientific inquiry and the question of" How does one acquire the first
  37. And this overstates the crime rates in casino areas. Part of the reason this, methodology ,is used, despite it leading to an overstatement of crime rates is that reliable
  38. S own account, that he was the sole created of German tactical and operational, methodology ,is also misleading. Between 1922 and 1928 Sumerian wrote very few articles of
  39. Schopenhauer's philosophy may sound rather mystical in such a summary, his, methodology , was resolutely empirical, rather than speculative or transcendental: Philosophy
  40. Challenged both the secular view of Jesus as depicted by historical-critical, methodology ,current at his time in certain academic circles, as well as the traditional
  41. Studies have shown that although there isn't consistency on treatment, methodology ,in literature, there is a strong indication that treatment in general has
  42. To American youth of South Asian descent * Asset-based community development,a, methodology ,that seeks to uncover and highlight the strengths within communities * USS
  43. Weber" in Europe) introduced a new approach to alchemy, based on scientific, methodology ,and controlled experimentation in the laboratory, in contrast to the ancient
  44. Concept of the so-called Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE), methodology , to quantify how uncertain environmental predictions are. The Battle of Marathon
  45. A hypothesis is typically tested without being assigned a probability. Bayesian, methodology ,In general, Bayesian methods are characterized by the following concepts and
  46. S Geodesic Dome patent (U. S. 2,682,235; awarded in 1954),follows the same, methodology ,as Bauersfeld's design. Their construction is based on extending some basic
  47. Suitable place to view out. Even states that one of the strengths of the Brown, methodology ,is that it can explore astronomizes invisible to statistical analysis and offers
  48. Pattern, proprietary development methods became standard Software development, methodology , Overview Software includes all the various forms and roles that digitally
  49. I believe that our ranking is lower than it should be, primarily because the, methodology ,simply can’t account for the Barnard-Columbia relationship. Because the
  50. Europe as a general term that refers to any exact knowledge. Anthroposophy's, methodology ,is to employ a scientific way of thinking, but to apply this methodology , which

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