Examples of the the word, receipt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( receipt ), is the 3349 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. EFTPOS network and the bank, the transaction is accepted (or declined) and a, receipt ,is printed. The EFTPOS system is used for credit cards as well, with a customer
  2. Maxima shown are per week. No contributions are payable if the person is not in, receipt ,of earnings. Income earned by a student on holiday is exempt. Corporation tax
  3. Or for older credit cards without loaded PIN, pressing OK and signing their, receipt ,with identification through matching signatures. Larger businesses connect to
  4. Were his previous ones. The attitude of the Allies changed with, receipt ,of the very detailed Vrba-Wetzler report, compiled by two Jewish prisoners
  5. By printing and signing a receipt ; the merchant verifies the signature on the, receipt ,against the signature on the card. However, financial institutions are in the
  6. The responder kept a copy of the response buffers in memory until successful, receipt ,of a release packet from the requestor, or until a timeout elapsed. This way
  7. Board. Many libraries adopted Internet filters after Congress conditioned the, receipt ,of universal service discounts on the use of Internet filters through the
  8. Pin for added security on credit card purchases, negating the need to sign the, receipt , If the user fails to enter the correct pin 3 times, the consequences range
  9. Desired to create something apart from the divine totality, and without the, receipt ,of divine assent. In this abortive act of separate creation, she gave birth to
  10. Not the people of Rome en masse - but in Imperial times, poor citizens in, receipt ,of the corn dole were allocated free seating, possibly by lottery. Others had
  11. Involving a debit or credit card can be authenticated by printing and signing a, receipt ,; the merchant verifies the signature on the receipt against the signature on
  12. Communications break-down - instead of entering a PIN, the customer signs their, receipt ,and the transaction is accepted on a matching signature, and the transaction is
  13. Tasks as well. These POS terminals will often also identify the cashier on the, receipt , and carry additional information or offers. Currently, many cash registers are
  14. The type or amount of property to be used by the Government; # Certifying, receipt ,of property on a document without completely knowing that the information is
  15. Method for dealing with the multiple comparisons' problem * Depositary, receipt , or a Finnish Depositary Receipt * Gunshot residue, also known as firearm
  16. Acceptance through fulfillment * Revenue tracking, from invoice through cash, receipt ,* Matching purchase orders (what was ordered),inventory receipt s (what
  17. Card transactions are usually authorized by the printing and signing of a, receipt , however in recent years cardholders have encouraged to enter their pin for
  18. Too often stained by acts of unnecessary cruelty. He held open courts for the, receipt ,of petitioners and the dispensation of justice; and in the disposal of business
  19. By some denominations to come from repentance, water baptism, and subsequent, receipt ,of Holy Spirit. However, other denominations believe, following Romans 10:9: If
  20. Or more literally to return holding the body for purposes of“ deliberation and, receipt ,” of a decision. (" extradition" ) * Habeas corpus ad hacienda et
  21. Was placed in charge of the gunpowder they stockpiled there. Prompted by the, receipt ,of an anonymous letter, the authorities searched Westminster Palace during the
  22. Of resignation to Confederate President Jefferson Davis (which is refused upon, receipt ,). *1870 – The Republic of Closest, a failed Radical-Liberal rising against
  23. Equities, debt issues, funds (including hedge fund structures) and depository, receipt ,programs. The BSX is a full member of the World Federation of Exchanges and
  24. Might expect, I shall desire you to hold me for excused Sith ever sit hence the, receipt ,thereof by reason of my sickness I have not been able to write ", and asking
  25. Reform of social services and funded by a system of National Insurance, though, receipt , of health care was never contingent upon making contributions towards the
  26. Dot-matrix printers are now (as of 2005) rapidly being superseded even as, receipt ,printers. Line printers, as the name implies, print an entire
  27. A generous welcome, which included an introduction to King George IV and the, receipt ,of £7000 after a residence of five months. The next year he became musical
  28. Attached cash drawer for storing cash. The cash register also usually prints a, receipt ,for the customer. In most cases the drawer can be opened only after a sale
  29. The till. In some jurisdictions the law also requires customers to collect the, receipt ,and keep it at least for a short while after leaving the shop, again to check
  30. Creation and can be applied directly to the character's abilities upon, receipt , Character creation The HERO Systems the biggest innovation was its use of a
  31. Purchase. The navy's priority re-equipment plans for the 1990s included the, receipt ,of new Inhaúma-class corvettes, the construction of Tupi-class submarines, the
  32. Sales transactions, thereby creating the receipt . The original purpose of the, receipt ,was enhanced fraud protection. The business owner could read the receipt s to
  33. Known as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally results in the, receipt ,of certificates, diplomas,or academic degrees. Higher education includes
  34. By adding a paper roll to record sales transactions, thereby creating the, receipt , The original purpose of the receipt was enhanced fraud protection. The
  35. Reluctant, Madame Armed agrees. She sends out a personal invitation; its, receipt ,sends the women into a frenzy, imagining " A Weekend in the Country ". Anne
  36. Credit or debit mode (which is sometimes, but not always, indicated on the, receipt ,), and this has nothing to do with whether the transaction was conducted on
  37. With numerous notable comedians getting their 'break' here, often through, receipt ,of the Edinburgh Comedy Award. In 2008 the largest comedy venues on the
  38. His brother Henry as King of England and return peacefully to Normandy, upon, receipt , of an annual sum of 3,000 silver marks, which Henry proceeded to pay. In 1105
  39. Library Association found CIA constitutional as a condition placed on the, receipt ,of federal funding, stating that First Amendment concerns were dispelled by the
  40. Until then, had favored Western operators heavily. As a result domestic oil, receipt ,rose from 13 % to 20 % of oil export revenue. However, the government's share
  41. Both of which had occurred by 2000 BC. Originally money was a form of, receipt , representing grain stored in temple granaries in Summer in ancient Mesopotamia
  42. Present value of the future cash flow (FM),or FM adjusted for the delay in, receipt ,; * FM is the nominal value of a cash flow amount in a future period; * I is the
  43. That economies will come from improving the flow of a service, from first, receipt ,of a customer’s demand to the eventual satisfaction of that demand. In trying
  44. Widely used as currency; when paper money was introduced, it typically was a, receipt ,redeemable for gold coin or bullion. In a monetary system known as the gold
  45. Not recording a sale and pocketing the money, when a customer does not need a, receipt ,but has to be given change (cash is more easily checked against recorded sales
  46. Working Pensioners’ Relief – Anyone that is over the age of 60 that is not in, receipt ,of an occupational pension scheme and continues to work is entitled to a tax
  47. Desired to create something apart from the divine totality, and without the, receipt ,of divine assent. In this abortive act of separate creation, she gave birth to
  48. Was a" Vote Godzilla for President" ad that, if mailed in, resulted in the, receipt ,of a free ticket to the film. Godzilla vs. Megaton was given a high-profile
  49. To the statements given by Berliner and Sinofsky, Cooper informed them of his, receipt ,of the knife on December 19, 1993. After the documentary crew returned to New
  50. NS ", which is abbreviated for" No Sale ", and opens the drawer, printing a, receipt ,stating" No Sale" and recording it in the register log that the register was

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