Examples of the the word, rhetorical , in a Sentence Context
The word ( rhetorical ), is the 9525 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Between the abscissas and the corresponding ordinates that are equivalent to, rhetorical ,equations of curves. However, although Apollonian came close to developing
- Era Medieval thinking accepted allegory as having a reality underlying any, rhetorical ,or fictional uses. The allegory was as true as the facts of surface appearances
- As preacher, concentrating especially on exegesis of the Old Testament, and his, rhetorical ,abilities impressed Augustine of Hippo, who hitherto had thought poorly of
- Has but slightly treated of matters regarding Arius, being more intent on the, rhetorical ,finish of his composition and the praises of the emperor, than on an accurate
- And Black Is ... Black Ain't (1995),which mix expressive, poetic,and, rhetorical ,elements and stresses subjectivities rather than historical materials.
- In the text, which frequently would be precisely structures that play off the, rhetorical ,against grammatical elements. " * Richard Forty was a prominent interpreter of
- A model of condensed meaning, comprising an exhortation (" Let's drink! ),a, rhetorical ,question (" Why are we waiting for the lamps? ") and a justifying statement (
- And the assembly, which was vainly awaiting deeds to substantiate Velasco's, rhetorical ,advocacy of social justice, the mercurial chief executive condemned and then
- S tales shows the breadth of his skill and his familiarity with countless, rhetorical ,forms and linguistic styles. Medieval schools of rhetoric at the time
- Affairs. They also exhibit the characteristics of Wulfstan's highly, rhetorical ,style. Sultan went on to draft codes for King Cut, and recycled there many
- But the other pilgrims within the story as well, creating a multi-layered, rhetorical ,puzzle of ambiguities. Chaucer's work thus far surpasses the ability of any
- In a wide variety of subjects in keeping with the Hellenistic philosophical and, rhetorical ,traditions in which he was trained. The quality and ready accessibility of
- Of the superfluous population ". Rhetoric Charles K. Smith argues that Swift’s, rhetorical ,style persuades the reader to detest the speaker and pity the Irish. Swift’s
- Careful language, and chronological or emphatic order. A writer using this, rhetorical ,method must consider the subject, determine the purpose, consider the audience
- Government actions that it deems highly inappropriate, they are purely, rhetorical ,; party discipline ensures that, throughout a parliamentary term, the government
- On the much older ad hominem, but refers to the gendered nature of the, rhetorical ,and dismissive gesture. *" Ahmad's characteristic method here of reductive ad
- Planned procedure of investigating all things natural marked a new turn in the, rhetorical ,and theoretical framework for science, much of which still surrounds
- Impression, using descriptive language, and organizing the description are the, rhetorical ,choices to be considered when using a description. A description is usually
- Apologetic response, Christine belittles her own style. She is employing a, rhetorical ,strategy by writing against the grain of her meaning, also known as antithesis
- 5,Alma the Younger speaks to the people of Arabella in which he asks 50, rhetorical , questions which are widely cited in the LDS church. Faith as a seed Alma's
- Are also not following the law. Stanley Towers, however,has argued on, rhetorical ,grounds that Paul is in these verses not addressing a Jew at all but rather an
- The most talented of her day. Influence Christine de Pizan contributed to the, rhetorical ,tradition by counteracting the contemporary discourse. Rhetorical scholars have
- However, even the lowest characters, such as the Miller, show surprising, rhetorical ,ability, although their subject is more lowbrow. Vocabulary also plays
- The monarchic or post-monarchic period, as a ‘ speaking voice ’, possibly for, rhetorical ,purposes. Although it is possible that a post-monarchic author assumed the
- The Gospel of John ... He also 'uses the conditional sentence in a variety of, rhetorical ,figures which are unknown to the gospel. '" Purpose" The Fourth Gospel
- The medical profession. Members distinguish these competing professions with, rhetorical ,strategies that include claims that, compared to other professions
- Forefront of the public’s perception. Burke was already known for his eloquent, rhetorical ,skills and his involvement in the trial only enhanced its popularity and
- Love which Marathon recites in the Symposium is full of beautiful but artificial, rhetorical ,expressions, and has led some scholars to believe he may have been a student of
- Of the narrator who, in the span of one sentence," details vividly and with, rhetorical ,emphasis the grinding poverty" but feels emotion solely for members of his own
- Plutarch criticizes Ximenes, together with Theodosius and Ephors, for the ", rhetorical ,effects and grand periods" these historians implausibly gave to men in the
- Government actions that it deems highly inappropriate, they are purely, rhetorical ,; party discipline ensures that, throughout a parliamentary term, the government
- English poetry. Her success stems from a wide range of innovative writing and, rhetorical ,techniques that critically challenged renowned male writers, such as Jean de
- Of the emperor and the election of his sons as August (337). It is more a, rhetorical ,eulogy on the emperor than a history but is of great value on account of
- Christian historian Socrates Scholastic us described Eugenics as writing for “, rhetorical ,finish” and for the“ praises of the Emperor” rather than the“ accurate
- Suggests) into high, middle,and low styles as measured by the density of, rhetorical ,forms and vocabulary. Another popular method of division came from St.
- Because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his, rhetorical ,abilities," in addition to his" style and substance. " He additionally
- The Catiline Orations),which to this day remain outstanding examples of his, rhetorical ,style. The Orations listed Catiline and his followers' debaucheries, and
- Of another people as cannibals is a consistent and demonstrable ideological and, rhetorical ,device to establish perceived cultural superiority. Areas bases his thesis on a
- Goodness of man as typically espoused by the romantics and expressed by them in, rhetorical , effusive and public voice in favor of a new urban sensibility, an awareness of
- Limiting implications while (which in the case of S–R psychology were the, rhetorical ,elimination of the subject and intentional action, and in the case of cognitive
- As polysyllabic endings in his later work. *The hexameter follows the usual, rhetorical ,trends of the dactylic hexameter in this age. If anything, the elegies are
- Language written with special symbols," for pure thought ", that is, free from, rhetorical ,embellishments ... constructed from specific symbols that are manipulated
- Strategies. It has been concluded that Christine successfully forged a, rhetorical ,identity for herself, and encouraged women to embrace this identity by
- 2001) for some commentary on Christine de Pizan’s life, literary works, rhetorical ,contributions and other relevant sources that one may find useful. Catharism (
- Actor as an insecure, supremely ethical network TV reporter, who offers the, rhetorical ,question," Wouldn't this be a great world if insecurity and desperation made
- The Romantic Review,1995) *For a more detailed account of Christine de Pizan’s, rhetorical ,strategies refer to Jenny R. Red fern’s excerpt Christine de Pisan and The
- On a life of its own as a snow clone, and has been stretched and parodied as a, rhetorical ,device and a cliché. Symbolic dualism with white * Black magic is a destructive
- Of her meaning, also known as antithesis (Red fern 80). Her ability to employ, rhetorical ,strategies continued when Christine began to compose literary texts following
- Virgil closely adhered to the rules of the meter and approached it in a highly, rhetorical ,way, looking for effects that can be exploited in skilled recitation. For
- Psychology) based on linguistic analysis, showing in minute detail the, rhetorical ,patterns by which this approach to psychology creates the illusion of "
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