Examples of the the word, employees , in a Sentence Context
The word ( employees ), is the 9934 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The known physical or mental limitations of disabled employees , not advancing, employees ,with disabilities in the business, and/or not providing needed accommodations
- Support the liberty of individuals to be self-employed or to contract to be, employees ,of others, whichever they prefer and the freedom to pay and receive wages. Some
- Or by individual application. On December 3,2008,Adobe laid off 600 of its, employees ,(8 % of the worldwide staff) citing the weak economic environment. Adobe
- Board attempted to impose what many critics labeled a" gag rule" on its, employees , The proposal included the rule that" a board member may publicly disagree
- Kingdom, Canada and other countries, as well as a pension fund for former, employees , He is often regarded as the second-richest man in history after John D.
- In Iraq kills the agency's top envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello and 21 other, employees , * 2003 – A Hamas planned suicide attack on a bus in Jerusalem kills 23
- Aircraft and funding, contracted hangar and maintenance services, trained new, employees , and recruited laid off staff from other airlines. As the business cycle
- The Pentagon's functioning. It will be in business tomorrow. " Pentagon, employees ,returned the next day to offices in areas of the Pentagon mostly unaffected. By
- Carnegie also established large pension funds in 1901 for his former, employees ,at Homestead and, in 1905,for American college professors. The latter fund
- New building and its environs. The new campus is planned to house up to 13,000, employees , in one central four-storied circular building (with a café for 3,000 sitting
- In Alabama with several large offices in Birmingham. The company has over 6,000, employees , and more than 1,200 contract employees . Many commercial technology companies
- Room ", where various aspects of the layoff process were conducted for outgoing, employees ,; remaining employees at Dulles were quick to dub the mass layoff" Bloody
- Of the epidemic, from which he has profited by shady dealings. Two government, employees ,approach him, and he flees. Despite the ending of the epidemic, Tarrou
- In the business and corporate computing market. Jobs and several Apple, employees ,including JEF Rankin visited Xerox PARC in December 1979 to see the Xerox Alto.
- In a specific order) to carry out a specified task, such as calculating, employees ,' paychecks or printing students' report cards. Thus, an algorithm can be
- In accordance with the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act. Other, employees ,whose groups were due for phase-out as part of the restructuring were informed
- Cost of living has dropped somewhat in the past five years. Federal government, employees , particularly United States Postal Service (USPS) workers and active-duty
- Instance, had over 200,000 workers that lived and worked in the factory, with, employees , regularly working more than 60 hours per week. The article also reported that
- Court and lower courts. The state of Alaska employs approximately 15,000, employees , statewide. The Alaska Legislature consists of a 40-member House of
- Bonuses, and the minimum" save" rates accompanying them, had the effect of, employees ,not honoring cancellations, or otherwise making cancellation unduly difficult
- By the end of his term, Jackson dismissed nearly 20 percent of the Federal, employees ,at the start of it, replacing them with political appointees from his party.
- The museum is to honor the ingenuity of the inventor and the hard work of the, employees ,and to" separate the weapon as a weapon of murder from the people who are
- Computers., Apple had 46,600 full time employees and 2,800 temporary full time, employees ,worldwide Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United
- Maintenance of avionics ** Passenger service agents (such as airline lounge, employees ,) ** Reservation agents, usually (but not always) at facilities outside the
- Of the impact. Initially, rescue efforts were led by the military and civilian, employees ,within the building. Within minutes, the first fire companies arrived and found
- Companies usually have Nyushashiki (entry ceremony for companies) for new, employees ,those who newly hired after their graduation from schools, on this day.
- And returned the money would still owe reparations for endangering the, employees ,' and customers' lives and safety, in addition to the costs of the defense
- Having believed Jim Taggart's descriptions of his sister, until she questions, employees ,of the railroad. Upon learning that her scorn had been misdirected, Cherryl
- States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and has between 15,000 to 30,000, employees , The nation also has about 126,000 national police officers, with plans to
- City; it would continue to operate its Virginia offices. That evening, over 750, employees , at Dulles alone received notices to attend early morning meetings the next day;
- Aspects of the layoff process were conducted for outgoing employees ; remaining, employees ,at Dulles were quick to dub the mass layoff" Bloody Tuesday" in online blogs
- Alone received notices to attend early morning meetings the next day; those, employees ,were laid off on October 16, 2007,though the employees would remain on the
- Of the USSR in February 1942,the commitment of more than 500 workers and, employees ,of the oil industry of Azerbaijan was awarded orders and medals. Operation
- Investigation revealed that the company had an elaborate scheme for rewarding, employees ,who purported to retain or" save" subscribers who had called to cancel their
- US airlines lost $30 billion with wage cuts of over $15 billion and 100,000, employees , laid off. In recognition of the essential national economic role of a healthy
- Who could, and sometimes did, influence policy by not allowing their citizen, employees ,time off to attend the assembly, as well as having the simple expedient of
- Are without medicines or basic equipment, schools are without books, and public, employees ,often lack the basic supplies for their day-to-day work. The 2010 constitution
- Although most content maintenance was performed by partner and internal, employees , Two former community leaders, Brian Williams of Dallas and Kelly Ballista of
- September 15,Adobe bought Omnivore. On November 10,the company laid off 680, employees , In 2010,Adobe announced it was investigating a" coordinated attack" against
- Applies to job application procedures, hiring,advancement and discharge of, employees , workers' compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions,and
- ACLU withdrew from the Combined Federal Campaign. The requirement was that ACLU, employees ,must be checked against a federal anti-terrorism watch list. The ACLU has
- To its traditional focus on personal computers., Apple had 46,600 full time, employees ,and 2,800 temporary full time employees worldwide Fortune magazine named Apple
- The company successfully resumed operations with non-union immigrant, employees ,in place of the Homestead plant workers, and Carnegie returned to the United
- Birmingham. The company has over 6,000 employees and more than 1,200 contract, employees , Many commercial technology companies are headquartered in Huntsville, such as
- Accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of disabled, employees , not advancing employees with disabilities in the business, and/or not
- Into a family reunion holiday. Many Japanese manufacturers and firms give their, employees ,three to five days off around August 15. Daily events in August * The
- In the illegal drug business in Afghanistan, many of the attacks on government, employees ,and institutions are carried out not only by the Taliban militants but also by
- The next day; those employees were laid off on October 16, 2007,though the, employees ,would remain on the payroll until December 14, 2007 in accordance with the
- H. Walter Riemann, an who had many professional and social contacts with NASA, employees ,and the astronaut corps, arranged for Scott to carry unauthorized commemorative
- Into its employ, especially after Jobs' return. To recognize the best of its, employees , Apple created the Apple Fellows program, awarding individuals who made
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