Examples of the the word, correctness , in a Sentence Context
The word ( correctness ), is the 9935 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of criminal and/or undesirable activity; free love, drug use, and political, correctness ,are frequent targets (the antagonist of Dragon Tears, for instance, evidently
- And some professional video cameras, designed for high exposure efficiency and, correctness , The normal functioning of a CCD, astronomical or otherwise, can be divided
- Of provisions: investigation of the quality of the articles supplied and the, correctness ,of weights and measures; the purchase of corn for disposal at a low price in
- Possible under the constraints. Often, when possible without harming, correctness , the realizability property is compromised for better performance. However
- The fact that all three are equivalent is a very strong argument for the, correctness ,of anyone. " (Roster 1939:225–6) Rosser's footnote #5 references the work
- Postconditions, and class invariants are employed to help ensure program, correctness ,without sacrificing efficiency. Eiffel's design is based on object-oriented
- Failure due to exceptions is the Ariane V rocket failure. Proof of program, correctness ,by use of mathematical induction: Knuth demonstrates the application of
- Method in DBMS's, used to provide both realizability and recoverability for, correctness ,(also other methods exist). In order to access a database object a
- Of a set of small programs often requires less effort than proving the, correctness ,of a larger, single,equivalent program. While the typical multi-pass compiler
- Fiction is invariably a synonym for Abdul Shared. However, due to political, correctness ,later writers sometimes preface Shared with words such as" monk" ( such as
- Number of times and take a majority vote to achieve any desired probability of, correctness ,less than 1,using the Checkoff bound. Detailed analysis shows that the
- Languages with the underlying hardware. A compiler requires 1) determining the, correctness ,of the syntax of programs,2) generating correct and efficient object code,3
- Not only on the soundness of the design strategy, but also on the assurance of, correctness ,of the implementation, and therefore there are degrees of security strength
- Compiler which optimizations should be enabled. Compiler correctness Compiler, correctness ,is the branch of software engineering that deals with trying to show that a
- The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness ,of social relationships, justice and sincerity. These values gained prominence
- Other key BNP policies on crime include: *The BNP will abolish political, correctness ,from the police service in favor of real crime fighting. *The BNP will
- Shortcuts, but this has been changed for reasons of performance and POSIX, correctness , Corwin also recognizes NTFS junctions points and symbolic links and treats
- In shopping centers. The BNP claims that such cases exemplify how political, correctness ,is being used to silence it and suppress its right to freedom of speech. In May
- Was just one religion among many, with no better claim than any other to, correctness , Religious conflict Europe had been plagued by vicious sectarian conflicts and
- Places of intellectual and academic debate, but rather places of ‘ political, correctness ,’ and liberalism. ” Protests against racism and apartheid Further student
- Of secularization, anti-supernaturalism,religious pluralism, and political, correctness , History Origins The year numbering system used with Common Era notation was
- Development, but when applied to complex, safety critical projects, benefits in, correctness , reliability, and maintainability take precedence over (arguable) costs in
- Work around; therefore, compiler implementors invest a lot of time ensuring the, correctness ,of their software. The term compiler-compiler is sometimes used to refer to a
- A renunciation of the past and a misreading of history, laden with political, correctness ,and historical ignorance ". As the anniversary of Confederation, Dominion Day
- Is also assessable to math. Not surprisingly, it is impractical for generalized, correctness , which probably cannot even be defined, much less proven. Where formal
- Possibility of using techniques such as automated theorem proving to prove the, correctness ,of crucial software subsystems. This enables a closed form solution to security
- Which probably cannot even be defined, much less proven. Where formal, correctness ,proofs are not possible, rigorous use of code review and unit testing represent
- Correct execution of concurrent transactions, and (different mechanisms) the, correctness ,of other DBMS processes. The transaction-related mechanisms typically constrain
- From Dionysus of Halicarnassus for the kings after the foundation of Rome. The, correctness ,of Varro's calculation has not been proved scientifically but is still used
- In which the decision was arrived at, whereas in an administrative appeal the, correctness ,of the decision itself will be examined, usually by a higher body in the agency
- By researchers interested in producing provably correct compilers. Proving the, correctness ,of a set of small programs often requires less effort than proving the
- Fields of ethics and politics, emphasizing personal and governmental morality, correctness ,of social relationships, justice,traditionalism, and sincerity. The Analects
- Underlying mechanisms in a DBMS which handle isolation and guarantee related, correctness , It is heavily utilized by the Database and Storage engines (see above) both
- experience of. For Hume, this refusal to grant credence does not guarantee, correctness ,– he offers the example of an Indian Prince, who having grown up in a hot
- Benefit of a structured program will be one that lends itself to proofs of, correctness ,using mathematical induction. Canonical flowchart symbols: The graphical aide
- Types. Buffer overflows must thus be avoided by maintaining a high degree of, correctness ,in code which performs buffer management. It has also long been recommended to
- Upon the database concurrently. The issue is not just perception but rather the, correctness ,and consistency of both the database itself and the information it provides to
- Measurements of the Stark effect under high field strengths helped confirm the, correctness ,of quantum mechanics over the Bohr model. The prevailing theory behind this
- Additional verification should be performed on the object code to establish the, correctness ,of such generated code sequences" ( DO-178B) para-
- Expected result from the system. Customers are responsible for verifying the, correctness ,of the acceptance tests and reviewing test scores to decide which failed tests
- To explicitly tell the compiler which optimizations should be enabled. Compiler, correctness ,Compiler correctness is the branch of software engineering that deals with
- Engine is viewed as part of the Database engine. *Transaction engine - for, correctness ,and reliability purposes most DBMS internal operations are performed
- See the Cairo Gang). IRA officer Tom Barry said that he" behaved with great, correctness ,". Montgomery came to the conclusion that the conflict could not be won without
- Authority for this supposition, and the truth of it depends entirely upon the, correctness ,of Niebuhr's views respecting the election of the consuls ". Both censors had
- Center of the exit pupil after the last refraction. From this it follows that, correctness ,of drawing depends solely upon the principal rays; and is independent of the
- How often the results of a program are correct. This depends on conceptual, correctness ,of algorithms, and minimization of programming mistakes, such as mistakes in
- Led to the expression of nostalgia for the books and their lack of political, correctness , In the Secret Seven books, the girls are deliberately excluded from tasks such
- That one should first write a program and then provide a mathematical proof of, correctness , Dijkstra objected noting that the resulting proofs are long and cumbersome
- Proposes that a measure of the complexity of a program be the length of its, correctness ,proof. Measuring and improving the Euclid algorithms Elegance (compactness)
- From the type system may be necessary. The compiler attempts to ensure type, correctness ,of most expressions, but the programmer can override the checks in various ways
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