Examples of the the word, flank , in a Sentence Context
The word ( flank ), is the 9937 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The now heavily outnumbered French and Bavarian horsemen. De Discard’s right, flank , without proper infantry support, could no longer resist the onslaught and
- Or" battle" in the parlance of the time) of spacemen stood on the right, flank , protecting the cannon and about 1,200 archers. Richard's group, comprising
- Slight eminence which gave distant views to the north and east. The French left, flank ,was protected by broken country, and by a stream, the Petite Greece, which runs
- In the woods, which was able to circle around and attack the French in the, flank ,and rear. The French were fearful of encirclement and attempted to flee. King
- Allied position and charged downhill. The cuirassiers guarding d'Erlon's left, flank ,were still dispersed, and so were swept over the deeply sunken main road and
- Usefulness from light cruisers and battleships on the starboard (southern), flank , of his force. Bellicose was in a worrying position. He needed to know the
- Moving more reserves of infantry in the opposite direction towards his left, flank ,; crucially, it would be some time before the French commander noticed the
- The Allied squadrons in successful local counterattacks. On Overwork’s right, flank , close to Families, ten of his squadrons suddenly broke ranks and were
- Offering a hand of blessing, while at his feet, two allegorical female figures, flank ,his sarcophagus. However, in Bernini's tomb, the vigorous upraised arm and
- From either village – were also sent into the attack and fell upon the exposed, flank ,of the Franco-Swiss infantry and dragoons. De la Colonies, with his Grenadiers
- Sent against them and Allied artillery fired into the victorious Grenadiers ', flank , This still could not stop the Guard's advance, so Chassé ordered his first
- Expulsion of British armies from West Florida, securing the American southern, flank , French involvement proved decisive yet expensive as it ruined France's
- The evening, the Prussians arrived in force and broke through Napoleon's right, flank , At that moment,Wellington's Anglo-allied army counter-attacked and drove the
- To the Franco-Bavarian position: it protected the otherwise unsupported, flank ,of General de Guiscard’s cavalry on the open plain, while at the same time, it
- Of an enemy thrust through the pass, which could attack his brigade from the, flank ,or the rear. Sharon asked for permission to attack the pass several times, but
- Was endangered when the Japanese cut a hole in their line, leaving his right, flank ,cut off. However, a rifle platoon began knocking out the Japanese gun positions
- Outnumbered and poorly equipped, the Romanian 3rd Army, which held the northern, flank ,of the German 6th Army, was shattered. On 20 November, a second Soviet
- Of that time. Cave 27: Nāga Carpal: There is a Nāga Carpal on the outer, flank ,of the shrine. This cave follows many elements from cave 20. For instance, the
- Saint almost to the crest of the ridge, where they covered d'Erlon's left, flank ,as his attack developed. At about 13:30’d'Orlon started to advance his three
- Which, together with Autre-Eglise farther north, anchored Villeroy’s left, flank , To the west of the Petite Greece rises the plateau of Mont St. André; a second
- Horses would have become dangerously out of control when struck in the back or, flank ,from the high-elevation shots used as the charge started. The effect of the
- Likely that the English adopted their usual battle line of longbowmen on either, flank , men-at-arms and knights in the center. They may also have deployed some
- Differs from the same-age steppe buzzard by its white front and tear-shaped, flank ,streaks. The Forest Buzzard, as its name implies, inhabits evergreen woodlands
- Scattered, riding headlong to the rear to recover their order, leaving the left, flank ,of the Allied assault on Families dangerously exposed. Notwithstanding the
- Nearby, numerous British light cruisers and destroyers on the southwestern, flank ,of the deploying battleships were also crossing each others' courses in
- Exacerbated by Villeroy stripping their ranks of infantry to reinforce his left, flank ,– enabled Overkirk's cavalry to throw the first line of French horse back in
- After by falling off his horse. To ensure security of the Empire's eastern, flank , Augustus stationed a Roman army in Syria, while his skilled stepson Tiberius
- Were to be neutralized, and an airfield built to protect MacArthur's right, flank , Preparations Japanese By the summer of 1944,the Paley Islands were occupied
- La Have Saint and its adjoining sandpit, and any attempt at turning the left, flank ,would entail fighting through the streets and hedgerows of Palette, and some
- And 7th Regiments to push inland, guarding the 5th Regiment's left and right, flank , and allowing them to capture the airfield located directly to the center of
- Ottoman, facing north across the plateau of Mont St André towards the exposed, flank ,of Villeroy’s army. The final Allied reinforcements for the cavalry contest to
- Point where he was least expected, catching the Byzantine forces on their right, flank , More recent historians have suggested that this surprises attack unhinged the
- Whilst Prince Eugene was requested to assault Futzing on the Allied right, flank , Blenheim Cuts ordered Brigadier-General Archibald Rowe's brigade to attack.
- Back into Oberglauheim so that they could not again threaten Churchill's, flank ,as he moved against Ballard. The French commander in the village, the Marquis
- The cattle of the monster Ger yon. Traditionally, the Pillars of Hercules, flank ,the Strait of Gibraltar. Clearly, the European pillar is the Rock of Gibraltar;
- Cavalry to change from facing Eugene, and turn towards their right and the open, flank ,of Churchill's infantry drawn up in front of Interplay. Marlborough (who had
- Earlier failing to hold or retake Franquenée and Davies, Guiscard’s right, flank ,had become dangerously exposed, and a fatal gap had opened on the right of their
- At 17:33,the armored cruiser of Arbuthnot's squadron, on the far southwest, flank ,of Jellicoe's force, came within view of, which was about ahead of Beatty with
- German Army Group B in the Ruhr. Initially Montgomery's role was to guard the, flank ,of the American advance. This was altered, however,to forestall any chance of
- Had been pushed out of the village into the marshes beyond. Villeroy’s right, flank ,fell into chaos and was now open and vulnerable. Alerted to the situation de
- 3,000 infantry, formed the center. Northumberland's men guarded the left, flank ,; he had approximately 4,000 men, many of them mounted. Standing on the hilltop
- The villages of Franquenée and Davies, with the river Maine protecting his, flank , A large open plain, just over 1 mile (~2 km) wide, lay between Davies and
- The latter were halted as the 52nd Light Infantry wheeled in line onto their, flank ,and poured a devastating fire into them and then charged. Under this onslaught
- Von Zurlauben, fell upon the English troops, cutting at the exposed, flank ,of Rowe's own regiment. However, Wilkes ’ Hessian brigade, lying nearby in the
- Area, and in effect drove Lobar past the rear of the Armed Du Nord's right, flank ,and directly threatened its only line of retreat. Hiller's 16th Brigade also
- Key categories of conventional military equipment. Azerbaijan approved the CFE, flank ,agreement in May 1997. The transfer of the property of the 4th Army (except
- And fired artillery. The positions on the coral promontories guarding each, flank ,attacked the Marines with 47 mm guns and 20 mm autocannon. By 09:30,the
- In the middle portion of the Ebbs valley, being situated on the south-eastern, flank ,of the once great mining region of Glamorgan and Monmouth shire. On 11 September
- 7th Marines to the south faced similar problems with gun emplacements on their, flank , Many of their LVT's were knocked out in their approach, leaving their
- Württemberg’s Danish cavalry now swept forward, wheeling to penetrate the, flank ,of the Madison du ROI whose attention was almost entirely fixed on holding back
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