Examples of the the word, packing , in a Sentence Context
The word ( packing ), is the 9948 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Within the legislature among otherwise underrepresented minority groups by, packing ,them into a single district. This can be controversial, as it may lead to those
- Parameters of 341 pm and 1107 pm. The crystal has a double-hexagonal close, packing ,structure with the layer sequence ABACK and so is isotypic with lanthanum and
- S American classic writing about Monterey's roots as a sardine fishing and, packing ,town. Iowa (née Whitlock),Brubeck's wife since 1942,is his personal
- The bipartisan Conservative Coalition that formed in 1937 prevented his, packing ,the Supreme Court or passing any considerable legislation; it abolished many of
- The Dutch as packing material for fragile cargo. The Japanese called it" White, packing ,herb" ( シロツメクサ),in reference to its white flowers. *Coffee was introduced in
- Of packing arrangements, such as the problem of finding the most efficient, packing ,of spheres in n dimensions. This problem has applications in error detection
- First Prime Minister. Hurricane David In August 1979,Hurricane David, packing ,winds of, struck the island with devastating force. Forty-two people were
- Simple" integrity" structures (tetrahedron, octahedron,and the closest, packing ,of spheres),making them lightweight and stable. The geodesic dome was a
- And Nazi - The reviving Siri () neighborhood – a. k. a. Athens's" meat, packing ,district" – is dotted with renovated former mansions, artists ' spaces, and
- Its monomeric structure, several conflicting models alleged that either the, packing ,arrangement of collagen molecules is 'sheet-like' or microfibrillar. The
- Another type. Gerrymandering is effective because of the wasted vote effect. By, packing ,opposition voters into districts they will already win (increasing excess
- In theology, philology,and law. Hesse's tasks consisted of organizing, packing , and archiving the books. After the end of each twelve-hour workday, Hesse
- Since human intervention is still allowed, the gerrymandering issues of, packing ,and cracking would still occur, just to a lesser extent. Also, it would not
- The triangular orthobicupola. Both triangular bipolar are important in sphere, packing , The distance from the solid's center to its vertices is equal to its edge
- Food stocks held in case of national emergency in many countries. Vacuum, packing ,Vacuum- packing stores food in a vacuum environment, usually in an airtight bag
- The lattice constant of 500 pm; this FCC structure is equivalent to the closest, packing ,with the sequence ABC. Chemical Like all actinides, berkelium dissolves in
- Name and restore him to prominence. Roosevelt overreached on his Supreme Court, packing ,plan, and a further financial recession in 1937 and 1938 tarnished his image of
- Officer. JPG|A surveyor uses a Level Image: Amber sweet oranges. JPG|Sphere, packing ,applies to a stack of oranges. Image: Parabola with focus and arbitrary line.
- Equilibrium stages (practically, the number of trays or the height of, packing ,). Reflux is a flow from the condenser back to the column, which generates a
- FORTRAN. It includes structured record types (as in Pascal) and supports the, packing ,of data into limited storage (also as in Pascal). Like Edinburgh IMP it
- The whole ", he was anticipating topology by more than two centuries. As for ", packing ,", Leibniz told to his friend and correspondent DES Bosses to imagine a circle
- Honduran meat packing industry declined at the same time, and some meat, packing ,plants closed. As late as 1987,livestock composed 16 percent of the
- When profits fell because of high production costs. The small Honduran meat, packing ,industry declined at the same time, and some meat packing plants closed. As
- Formula units per unit cell. The crystal consists of a double-hexagonal close, packing ,with the layer sequence ABACK and so is isotypic with lanthanum. At pressures
- A plane. Present day liquid chromatography that generally utilizes very small, packing ,particles and a relatively high pressure is referred to as high performance
- Being slightly closer than the three atoms in the next. This relatively close, packing ,leads to a high density of 5.73 g/cm3. As of 2003,at least 33 radioisotopes
- Chromatin, are modified by various post-translational modification to alter DNA, packing , Acetylation results in the loosening of chromatin and lends itself to
- Molecules. However, molecules that are larger than the average pore size of the, packing ,are excluded and thus suffer essentially no retention; such species are the
- X. Charles X reacted by proroguing the Chamber of Deputies and sending them all, packing , and then unilaterally changed the election laws in an attempt to create a
- Consonants The longest word with only one vowel is strengths (9 letters), packing , six consonant sounds into a single syllable. The words s (11) are longer, but
- That has been irreversibly hydrolyzed. History and background The molecular and, packing ,structures of collagen have eluded scientists over decades of research. The
- Beer started in Japan in 1880. *Clover was introduced in Japan by the Dutch as, packing ,material for fragile cargo. The Japanese called it" White packing herb" (
- Access control. The process of making an archive file is called archiving or, packing , Reconstructing the original files from the archive is termed archiving
- Was addressed in several ways. One was providing standard library routines for, packing ,and un packing words into byte strings. Later, two language features were added:
- In March 2010. Interim analysis of data from this study suggests that" wound, packing ,may significantly increase the failure rates. " A small pilot study has found
- Votes and to minimize the effect of opponents' votes. One strategy, packing , is to concentrate as many voters of one type into a single electoral district
- Users of the Unix tools typically add compression by compressing the result of, packing ,(and compressing before un packing ),most often using the GZIP or bzip2
- Lattice constant a = 489 pm. This FCC structure is equivalent to the closest, packing ,with the sequence ABC. There is no consistency on the status of this phase in
- Soon to be replaced by solid state memory. Even here DG managed to innovate, packing ,this very small core and the corresponding support electronics onto a single
- Has commenced as a large pipework complex, a textile factory and a meat, packing ,facility disrupted their operations. Transport Corinth is a major road hub
- Table but the code width must never increase since that triggers a different, packing ,of bits to bytes. If the symbol width is n, the codes of width n+1 fall
- Theodolite. An application of Euclidean solid geometry is the determination of, packing ,arrangements, such as the problem of finding the most efficient packing of
- Alkanes, again depending on the ability of the alkane in question to, packing ,well in the solid phase: This is particularly true for isolates (2-methyl
- Increase the failure rates. " A small pilot study has found no benefit from, packing ,of simple cutaneous abscesses. Primary closure has been
- Black Democratic state legislators to create majority-black districts. By, packing ,black Democratic voters into a single district, they can essentially ensure the
- Symmetry is key in determining relative melting point as it allows for better, packing ,in the solid state, even if it does not alter the polarity of the molecule. One
- S quaternary structure although this model still required some refinement. The, packing ,structure of collagen has not been defined to the same degree outside the
- Then the" para time police" ). This concept provided a convenient framing for, packing ,a smorgasbord of historical alternatives (and even of timeline" branches" )
- To hydrogen bonding dominating the intermolecular forces, which results in a, packing ,of molecules less compact in the solid. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle A
- What he referred to as a" persistent infusion of new blood. " This" court, packing ," plan ran into intense political opposition from his own party, led by Vice
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