Examples of the the word, contra , in a Sentence Context

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  1. 1970s,Daniella introduced has and gypsies from English Country Dance to the, contra ,dances. New dances, such as Shadrack's Delight by Tony Parks, featured
  2. Tune for the duration of a contra dance (about 5 to 10 minutes). Since then, contra ,dance musicians have typically played tunes in sets of two or three related (
  3. See Contra Dance Form main article. ) Progression A fundamental aspect of, contra ,dancing is that the same dance, one time through which lasts roughly 30 seconds
  4. Parts; in simpler arrangements there will be only one bassoon part and no, contra , The bassoon's role in the wind band is similar to its role in the orchestra
  5. Ahistoric discussion of theology. Moreover, apostolic church criticism against, contra ,Protestants appears to presuppose an approved ecclesiology of the Church that
  6. Until the 1970s it was traditional to play a single tune for the duration of a, contra ,dance (about 5 to 10 minutes). Since then, contra dance musicians have
  7. Formation, the figures, and the sequence of those figures in a dance. Notably, contra ,dance figures (with a few exceptions) do not have defined footwork; within
  8. When squares were revived (around 1925 to 1940,depending on the region), contra , dances were generally not included. In the 1930s and 1940s, contra dances
  9. Dancers have begun establishing" crossover contra " or" techno contra " -, contra ,dancing to techno, hip-hop,and other modern forms of music. While challenging
  10. Before that dance ends, often 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the length of the, contra ,lines. Calls are normally given at least the first few times through, and often
  11. Modern forms of music. While challenging for DJs and callers, the fusion of, contra ,patterns with moves from hip-hop, tango,and other forms of dance has made this
  12. Instructions for up to half an hour before the dance. A typical evening of, contra ,dance is three hours long, including an intermission. The event consists of a
  13. Bands will occasionally mix jigs and reels in a set. In recent years, younger, contra , dancers have begun establishing" crossover contra " or" techno contra " -
  14. Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN,called" Les be Gay and Dance" was started, in which, contra ,dance was done without any reference to gender, avoiding calling moves with any
  15. Manichaeorum) * On Two Souls, Against the Manichean (De Dreyfus animals, contra ,Manichean) * Acts or Disputation Against Fortunate the Manichean (ACTA
  16. Continue to be popular and some offer other dancing and activities besides, contra ,dancing. In the 1970s,Daniella introduced has and gypsies from English
  17. Boni contra Manichean) * On Baptism, Against the Donatists (De baptism, contra ,Donatists) * The Correction of the Donatists (De correction Donatistarum)
  18. Younger contra dancers have begun establishing" crossover contra " or" techno, contra ," - contra dancing to techno, hip-hop,and other modern forms of music. While
  19. Parts A1 and A2,distinct choreography is followed in those parts. Thus,a, contra ,dance is typically 64 counts, and goes with a 32 measure tune. Tunes of this
  20. Individuals interact with not just their partners but everyone else in the set, contra ,dancing might be considered a group activity. As will necessarily be the case
  21. Tunes not 64 beats long are called" crooked" and are almost never used for, contra ,dancing, although a few crooked dances have been written as novelties. Until
  22. Dance does not have to align as closely with the phrasing of the music. Sample, contra ,dances: * Traditional - the actives do most of the movement: Chorus Jig (
  23. Dance in two facing lines. Sometimes described as New England folk dance, contra ,dances can be found around the world, though they are especially popular in
  24. 2008; it has become especially prevalent in Asheville, NC,but regular techno, contra ,dance series are spreading up the East Coast to locales such as Charlottesville
  25. Dances in Michigan, Washington,California, Texas,and elsewhere. Gender-free, contra ,dancing started in the 1970s,with the Boston Lesbian and Gay Folk Dance as
  26. Manichean) * Acts or Disputation Against Fortunate the Manichean (ACTA, contra ,Fortunate Manichean) * Against the Epistle of Manchus Called Fundamental
  27. Long, including an intermission. The event consists of a number of individual, contra ,dances, divided by a scattering of other partner dances, perhaps one or more
  28. Dance with the same partner the entire evening. One who attends an evening of, contra ,dances in North America does not need to bring his or her own partner. In the
  29. In recent years, younger contra dancers have begun establishing" crossover, contra ," or" techno contra " - contra dancing to techno, hip-hop,and other modern
  30. Hong Kong is. Etymology and usage The word country has developed from the Latin, contra ,meaning" against ", used in the sense of" that which lies against, or
  31. A step-up the hall, and then participate in the cast: :B1 (16) Actives turn, contra ,corners. The inactive participate in half the turns: :B2 (16) Actives meet
  32. Region), contra dances were generally not included. In the 1930s and 1940s, contra , dances appear to have been done only in small towns in widely scattered parts
  33. For the last. At the end of each dance, the dancers thank their partners. The, contra ,dance tradition in North America is to change partners for every dance, while
  34. Count of a dance typically matches a single physical step in a figure. Typical, contra ,dance choreography comprises four parts, each 16 counts (8 measures) long.
  35. Horns. A wind ensemble will usually also include two bassoons and sometimes, contra , each with independent parts; other types of concert wind ensembles will often
  36. Perhaps as many as seven. This gave rise to the expression" Athanasius, contra ,museum" or" Athanasius against the world ". He spent his final years
  37. Repertoire includes very few of the jigs common in the others. Tunes used for a, contra ,dance are nearly always" square" 64-beat tunes, in which one time through the
  38. With moves from hip-hop, tango,and other forms of dance has made this form of, contra ,dance a rising trend since 2008; it has become especially prevalent in
  39. 8) Half hey, ladies pass right shoulders to start. Music The most common, contra ,dance repertoire is rooted in the Anglo-Celtic tradition as it developed in
  40. Countries, anal sex is sometimes referred to euphemistically as the Decatur, contra ,natural (the sin against nature, after Thomas Aquinas) or Dominica luxury
  41. Dances. As musicians and callers moved to other locations, they founded, contra ,dances in Michigan, Washington,California, Texas,and elsewhere. Gender-free
  42. Concerning the Nature of Good, Against the Manichean (De natural bond, contra ,Manichean) * On Baptism, Against the Donatists (De baptism contra
  43. Improper formation, and Becket formation. There are many additional forms a, contra ,dance may take. Five of them are: triple minor, triplet,indecent
  44. Of their fellow dancers, individuals move according to their own taste. Most, contra ,dances consist of a sequence of about six to 12 individual figures, prompted by
  45. Barefoot is also common. As in any social dance, cooperation is vital to, contra ,dancing. Since over the course of any single dance, individuals interact with
  46. Time or three eighth notes in 6/8 time. A count may also be called a step, as, contra , dance is a walking form, and each count of a dance typically matches a single
  47. Are called A1,A2,B1 and B2. This nomenclature stems from the music: Most, contra ,dance tunes (as written) have two parts (A and B),each 8 measures long
  48. Proper orthodox interpretation, could be better maintained. Many Protestants, contra ,to traditionalist apostolic succession would not deny the importance of
  49. With the Boston Lesbian and Gay Folk Dance as perhaps the first group regularly, contra ,dancing without gender roles. In 1981,a group in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
  50. Was granted a vast stretch of land on the east shore of San Francisco Bay (the, contra ,Costa," opposite shore" ) for a ranch, including that portion that now

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