Examples of the the word, scarcity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scarcity ), is the 9942 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the West (1.37). Since 1989,about 2,000 schools have closed because of a, scarcity ,of children. In some regions the number of women between the ages of 20 and 30
  2. There were few qualified instructors or textbooks available. One reason for the, scarcity ,of written material in Sami is that the three dialects spoken in Finland made
  3. Used in Antarctica. The first of these was named 'Antarctica 1 '. However,the, scarcity ,and poor quality of road infrastructure limits land transportation by
  4. Simultaneously to both parties and to society. In the case of increasing, scarcity ,of the land of higher absolute utility, the free market principle fails to
  5. Scarcity, on the other hand, is the outcome of such arrangements. Artificial, scarcity ,can hardly serve as a justification for the legal framework that causes that
  6. Price stability, creating conditions for sustained growth, and alleviating, scarcity , A major reform of the customs service in recent years has significantly
  7. Have been proposed for the isotope 242mAm,but they are as yet hindered by the, scarcity ,and high price of this nuclear isomer. Americium is a relatively soft
  8. For Apple II's to persuade them to return their computers, contributing to their, scarcity , As of 2008,an estimated 40 to 50 Apple I computers are still known to exist
  9. Their own money as well. The demand for currency in the colonies was due to the, scarcity ,of coins, which had been the primary means of trade. However, some of the
  10. As a thickener for sauces, or in a cured, salted form for times of food, scarcity , and others use blood in stews such as civet. Some cultures and people do not
  11. By industry, cities and the involving biofuels industry means that water, scarcity ,is increasing and agriculture is facing the challenge of producing more food
  12. Increases at a faster rate than the decline in production that comes from the, scarcity ,of the land, as land becomes more scarce. Proposals to solve this by various
  13. Of tsetse flies, the relative infertility of the soil, and,above all,the, scarcity ,of water in the area during the harmattan season affect habitation. The far
  14. To these problems, overpopulation,global warming, global epidemics, and water, scarcity , but most notably to" peak oil"--the prediction that we are likely to reach a
  15. To the slave trade which occurred along the east coast for centuries. This, scarcity ,of Afro-Salvadoran population is also due to laws imposed by the Spanish and
  16. In a similar method currently used for ion (proton) therapy. Fuel The, scarcity ,of antimatter means that it is not readily available for use as fuel, although
  17. To the argument by scale: given intelligent life's ability to overcome, scarcity , and its tendency to colonize new habitats, it seems likely that at least some
  18. Of D – is higher than that of most other fusion reactions; together with the, scarcity ,of, this makes it implausible as a practical power source until at least D–T
  19. Distribution of knowledge. Kinsella claims that IPR creates artificial, scarcity ,and reduce equality. Bucket wrote," Natural scarcity is that which follows
  20. And supporting fish stocks. In the book Out of Water: From abundance to, scarcity ,and how to solve the world's water problems, authors Colin Chartres and
  21. In his book Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Due to variation in, scarcity ,of land (or some other accumulate scarce necessities of varied utility)
  22. Cost of building new ones; or gold, which is an also partial monopoly due to its, scarcity , and which is not consumable. He then questions whether all trade has a
  23. IPR creates artificial scarcity and reduce equality. Bucket wrote," Natural, scarcity ,is that which follows from the relationship between man and nature. Scarcity is
  24. To more effectively utilize the strengths of the P-40. Due to aircraft fatigue, scarcity ,of spare parts and replacement problems, the US Fifth Air Force and Royal
  25. Of varied utility),some land pays a higher monopoly value due to its, scarcity ,than other land. This return on investment is higher than what one would
  26. A calf's sales price of US$120–200 (both 2008 figures). With the former, scarcity ,and high cost of land is compensated with public subsidies, the latter
  27. Brazil wood, is regarded as an excellent quality stick material, but due to its, scarcity ,and expense, other materials are increasingly being used. Less expensive
  28. Owing to the heating effects of the burning soil of the interior; while the, scarcity ,of mountain ranges in the more central parts likewise tends to prevent
  29. Satellite cities around it. Brasília today has traffic signals, and there is a, scarcity ,of parking places, and traffic jams are usual at peak hours, particularly in
  30. Of the TCA cycle in order to replenish them (especially during the, scarcity ,of the intermediates) are called anaerobic reactions. The citric acid cycle
  31. Egypt and Sudan. Another magnificent project designed to address the water, scarcity ,problem is the New Valley (the" second Nile" ), aimed at development of the
  32. In radioisotope thermoelectric generators. This application is hindered by the, scarcity , high cost and radioactivity of curium isotopes. Curium is used in production
  33. And similar issues with extremely low distribution also generally have, scarcity ,value. The rarest modern comic books include the original press run of The
  34. Weapons, but those based on 242m1Am are not known yet, probably because of its, scarcity ,and high price. The critical masses of two other readily available isotopes
  35. 14:3). In prose sometimes the term (," sea of death" ) is used, due to the, scarcity ,of aquatic life there. In Arabic the Dead Sea is called sea" ). The Bible also
  36. Can hardly serve as a justification for the legal framework that causes that, scarcity , Such an argument would be completely circular. On the contrary, artificial
  37. Ban are often coveted for a supposedly superior tone and ease of use, and their, scarcity ,has made them valuable. Picks come in many shapes and sizes. Picks vary from
  38. Pakistan. The population density is very low due to the mountainous terrain and, scarcity ,of water. The southern region is known as Madras. The central region is known
  39. Taoist priests are believed to have emerged. Sade points out however that the, scarcity ,of sources relating to the formation of the early Taoist church make the exact
  40. Compete, but due to high costs many dropped out quickly. In fact, such was the, scarcity ,of competitive cars for much of the first decade of Formula One that Formula
  41. The effects of the virus, but is in critically short supply. Because of its, scarcity , Ambrosia is available only to those deemed" vital to the social order ", and
  42. Benefits, the current applications of 242mAm are as yet hindered by the, scarcity ,and high price of this nuclear isomer. Furthermore, the element berkelium (
  43. The decrease in harvest was likely due to decreasing demand, and not increasing, scarcity ,(where pelt prices would go up. ) It suggested that fashion, and the changing
  44. To support the small early settler population, has always been limited by the, scarcity ,of available land. Fishing, shipbuilding,and cotton production boosted the
  45. Fossil fuels are not the only resources that are limited in Asia: water, scarcity ,is another pressing issue. India, China,Thailand and Korea all have water
  46. Amounts, by the neutron irradiation of 226 in a nuclear reactor. Owing to its, scarcity , high price and radioactivity, actinium has no significant industrial use. Its
  47. Such an argument would be completely circular. On the contrary, artificial, scarcity , itself needs a justification" Corporations fund much IP creation and can
  48. Is higher than what one would otherwise expect based simply on the value and, scarcity ,of the produce; this return on investment comes from the incident of ownership
  49. Ashore in Halifax, owing to extremely poor conditions aboard ship; due to food, scarcity , both crew and prisoners were on short rations, and scurvy was rampant. By the
  50. Of it before any human, institutional,contractual arrangement. Artificial, scarcity , on the other hand, is the outcome of such arrangements. Artificial scarcity

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