Examples of the the word, attest , in a Sentence Context

The word ( attest ), is the 9951 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Period of Egyptian history. Numerous papyri and the Roman census declarations, attest ,to many husbands and wives being brother and sister. Some of these incestuous
  2. Of the plays have survived - about 340 in all, totaling about 1,000 lines. They, attest ,to the wit and refinement of the author, which Athens praises. The surviving
  3. Are among the writers who used them. Examples in the poems of Robert Burns, attest ,its presence also in 18th century Scots:: Who dared to nobly stem tyrannic
  4. Illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal immigrants, required employers to, attest ,to their employees' immigration status, and granted amnesty to approximately 3
  5. Chairs. Bas-reliefs in the royal birth rooms at Luxor and other temples also, attest ,to the heavy presence of midwifery in this culture. Midwifery in Greco-Roman
  6. Between 1135 and 1155,seals representing the generalized figure of the owner, attest ,to the general adoption of heraldic devices in England, France,Germany, Spain
  7. On, although the writings of Various and the Sayings of the Desert Fathers do, attest ,to it. In Egypt, the terms more often used are anchorites (Gr.," withdrawal
  8. Fears about global nuclear warfare were at a peak. Although Johnson would, attest ,in a 1984 radio interview that the" two tribes" of the song potentially
  9. Many votes over the years. Records of books purchased for Oxford in 1569, attest , to his continued interest in history, as well as literature and philosophy.
  10. The chances of leaving Anne without having to return to Catherine. Most sources, attest ,only to the birth of Elizabeth in September 1533,a possible miscarriage in the
  11. The many anecdotes about Democritus, especially in Diogenes Laertes, attest ,to his disinterest, modesty,and simplicity, and show that he lived exclusively
  12. Of Jesus as the eternal Word, the unique savior of humanity. All four, attest ,to his Son ship, miraculous power, crucifixion,and resurrection. Portions of
  13. Military affairs, as Arthashastra of Kautiliya as well as the Mahabharata amply, attest ,for us. They are attest ed to be living as Ayuddha-jivi or Shastr-opajivis (
  14. Admissions policies. This sense dates back to at least 1935. Novels and memoirs, attest ,this sense, as a social elite; to some degree independent of the actual schools
  15. Binding a username to a key) may be digitally signed by a third party user to, attest ,to the association between someone (actually a username) and the key. There
  16. Historical records compiled by Muslim historian Maulana Hakim Said Abdul HAI, attest ,to the iconoclasm of Qutb-ud-din Abbey. The first mosque built in Delhi, the "
  17. Regarding the nature of God and man's relationship to Him. Other passages, attest ,to the opposite circumstance: that of seeing God and talking with Him.
  18. Bogus. To increase sales, an accomplice in the crowd (a shill) would often ", attest ," the value of the product in an effort to provoke buying enthusiasm. The "
  19. As an officer of the law ... whose public office and duty it is to draw, attest ,or certify under his official seal deeds and other documents, including wills
  20. New Waltz, Palatine Bridge and German Flats, New York and Palatine, Illinois, attest , to settlements of Palatine Germans. The Hunsrückischen dialect in Brazil also
  21. The Registrar must be signed by each subscriber in front of a witness who must, attest ,the signature. It is often referred to as the 'charter of a company' or
  22. And plural. Such languages demonstrate a preference for singular pronouns but, attest ,plurals in a substantial minority of cases. Both forms being comprehensible to
  23. During his playing career, as Smith's Baseball Hall of Fame plaque would later, attest , In 1981,Smith made his first All-Star Game appearance as a reserve player.
  24. Cohesion was created, though it never became complete, as subsequent civil wars, attest , Iguana was killed, the coup was relatively bloodless and accepted by the
  25. Whether the city was located at modern-day Sarajevo, the documents, attest ,to It's and the region's importance. VrhBosna was a Slavic citadel from 1263
  26. With Cambodia, and ancient Khmer ruins at Was Pho and other southern locations, attest ,to the long history of contact between the Lao and the Khmer. In the north, the
  27. 1897,but is also claimed by Madagascar. Ruins and graves on Europa island, attest ,to several attempts at settlement from the 1860s to the 1920s. Its Exclusive
  28. Christ 1997). The popularity of organizations such as the Fellowship of Isis, attest ,to the continuing growth of the religion of the Goddess throughout the world.
  29. Notes, and solemnize marriages. In most states, a notary can also certify or, attest ,a copy or facsimile. The most common notarial acts in the United States are the
  30. And destruction of its habitat: Dutch, French,and British colonial sources all, attest ,to its presence in the mid 17th century from Maine south to areas within a
  31. The Registrar must be signed by each subscriber in front of a witness who must, attest ,the signature. The Articles define the inter-management, inter-member and
  32. The Mahabharata, Ramayana,numerous Purana's and some foreign sources numerously, attest ,that Bamboo cavalry was frequently requisitioned in ancient wars. V. R.
  33. Also requires publicly traded companies to engage independent auditors who must, attest ,to, and report on, the validity of their assessments. *Payment Card Industry
  34. And the society is different some things are different. Inscriptions, attest ,the beginnings of a caste system during the Lichchhavi period. Jayasthiti Malley
  35. Flooding villages. River islands, meander scars, and oxbow (U-shaped) lakes, attest ,to frequent changes in course. The major tributaries entering the Paraguay
  36. Discipline could be extreme, even lethal. Remains of a Pompeian lupus site, attest ,to developments in supply, demand and discipline; in its earliest phase, the
  37. Announced that he would not unveil the Ark after all, but that instead he could, attest ,to its current status. Southern Africa The Lemma people of South Africa and
  38. The Caliphate and other Islamic states. Documents from medieval Constantinople, attest ,to a Khazar community mingled with the Jews of the suburb of Era. Christian
  39. Of the world's first movable-metal-type printing press in 13th century, attest ,to Goryeo's cultural achievements. Their dynasty was threatened by Mongol
  40. Work, contains sayings that are not likely to have originated with Alfred but, attest ,to his posthumous medieval reputation for wisdom. The Alfred jewel, discovered
  41. And Neolithic sites. Evidence of stone tools, pottery and stone weapons, attest ,to at least 10,000 years of human presence. The power of the well known tale of
  42. Where they became known as the Uictuarii). There are a number of toponyms that, attest ,to the presence of the Jute's in the area, such as Scene, which Florence of
  43. Rocks, and bricks were hurled at the building, breaking the windows. Witnesses, attest ,that" flame queens ", hustlers,and gay" street kids"—the most outcast people
  44. Used to support heretical beliefs. When Jesus is baptized, some early witnesses, attest ,that Luke's gospel had God the Father say to Jesus," This day I have begotten
  45. The queen. Frankish influence was not merely political; archaeological remains, attest ,to a cultural influence as well. In 595,Gregory chose Augustine, who was the
  46. Irish twins of Mach, born after she had completed a horse race. All of these, attest ,the existence of Indo-European divine twins associated with or represented by
  47. And many other Mississippian cities had dispersed, and archaeological finds, attest ,to increased social stress. Modern American Indian nations inhabiting the
  48. Note that the ship is the finest of ships, and the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda, attest ,that it is owned by the god Fear, while the epimerized account in Hamstring
  49. Europe by the Slavs only began in the 6th century CE. However, certain elements, attest ,to the fact that by the beginning of the 6th century, a Slav population had
  50. Abraham offered a pact by providing sheep and oxen to Abimelech. Further, to, attest , that Abraham was the one who dug the well, he also gave Abimelech seven ewes

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