Examples of the the word, devil , in a Sentence Context

The word ( devil ), is the 4729 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Last Judgment Following the defeat of Gog, the last judgment begins:" The, devil , who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the
  2. Confess that baptism" works forgiveness of sins, delivers from death and the, devil , and gives eternal salvation to all who believe this, as the words and promises
  3. Further with the Hisashi festival of the Sikhs. Dances of Sri Lanka The, devil ,dances of Sri Lanka or" Yakut Fatima" are a carefully crafted ritual with a
  4. Before Marriage (published posthumously in 1749) Fielding:" 'What the, devil ,would you have me do? ' Cries the Squire, turning to Blight,'I can no more
  5. Anthony continued walking along and saw a pile of gold in his way which the, devil ,had laid there to deceive him. Saint Anthony cast the pile of gold into a fire
  6. Was more or less considered as a sin to play this low-down music: blues was the, devil ,'s music. Musicians were therefore segregated into two categories: gospel and
  7. Must die to one life before we can enter another. " *" We have never heard the, devil ,'s side of the story, God wrote all the book. " *" One must learn to think
  8. Bahá'í Faith In the Bahá'í Faith, a malevolent, superhuman entity such as a, devil ,or Satan is not believed to exist. These terms do, however,appear in the
  9. Other things, rejected the doctrines of the trinity, immortal souls, a personal, devil ,and literal demons. Even with most source writings of those later considered "
  10. To be members of the Law Library and lasts for one legal year. It is common to, devil ,for a second year in a less formal arrangement, but this is not compulsory. In
  11. In South America; their earliest reports described it as the work of the, devil , In the 20th century, the active chemical constituent of B. carpi was named
  12. From some Christian groups, for alleged promotion of such practices as, devil ,worship, witchcraft,suicide, and murder, and for naked breasts in drawings of
  13. The Old Testament—proclaiming that the God of the Old Testament was really the, devil , or creative demiurge. They proclaimed that there was a higher God—the True
  14. Of the characters is a summoner who is shown to be working on the side of the, devil , not God. Churchmen of various kinds are represented by the Monk, the Prioress
  15. Into hell. " The Danish National Church still uses the phrase" We renounce the, devil ,and all his works and all his ways" as the beginning of this creed, before the
  16. Characters involved differentiate themselves from the Western tradition of a, devil ,in that all the gods are closely related. In this case, numerous historic texts
  17. S own being that has to be defeated. In daily life of the Buddha the role of, devil ,has been given to Metadata. Ancient Egypt In the Austrian drama we find that
  18. Of Gun and Karma also explain evil to a degree, rather than the influence of a, devil , To be more specific, Hindu philosophy defines that the only existing thing (
  19. Would be out in the desert where no one else travels. Then he realized the, devil ,must have laid it out there to tempt him. To that he said," Ha! Devil, thou
  20. Whales and porpoises * The carnivorous marsupials, such as the Tasmanian, devil ,; Reptiles and birds *All crocodiles, such as alligators, crocodiles,facials
  21. Demand that students avoid and not befriend Jews; claim that Jews worship the, devil ,; and encourage Muslims to engage in Jihad to vanquish Jews. The Center for
  22. Mountain wolves. Vernacular names include all rashes (red, devil ,) and rasher augur ( devil dog) in India, and jungle rashes or hounds of
  23. Reggae, country music, and pop music, blues has been accused of being the ", devil ,'s music" and of inciting violence and other poor behavior. In the early 20th
  24. The above example) or to borrowing (for example, Latin diabolic and English, devil , both ultimately of Greek origin). English and Latin do exhibit a regular
  25. It" ( John 8:44). The demand for Christians, therefore,is to" unmask" the, devil ,'s lies through Christ, revealing the true and eternal perfection of God's
  26. Many modern-day Protestant sects of Christianity. In the Book of Wisdom,the, devil ,is represented as the one who brought death into the world. The 2nd Book of
  27. Jewish parochialism or particularism * criticisms of Jews being children of the, devil ,and the like * the assertion that the Jewish covenant with God has been
  28. The adversary ", appears in the prose prologue of Job: he is not the, devil , as he becomes in later Judeo-Christian works, but one of the celestial beings
  29. To the Biblical God variously as" a demiurges "," an evil angel "," the, devil ,god "," the Prince of Darkness "," the source of all evil "," a demon "," a
  30. Identifies Satan as being the serpent (Rev. 20:2). In the Bible,the, devil ,is identified with" The dragon" and" the old serpent" in the Book of
  31. Luther reportedly thought the boy was a soulless mass of flesh possessed by the, devil , and suggested that he be suffocated, although a later critic has cast doubt on
  32. Derived from" Heller" plus the diminutive suffix" -in ", meaning little, devil , In the same way," Ruffling" is" Little Truffles ", Trivellino is (
  33. Has a rich folklore. Its regional folk music is distinctive and varied. The ", devil ,dances" at the annual carnival of Our are one of the great folkloric events
  34. And a sticky fungus which is used to trap their insect prey. Lemon ants make, devil ,'s gardens by killing surrounding plants with their stings and leaving a pure
  35. Lies and wreaking havoc on the souls of mankind. Other Christians consider the, devil ,in the Bible to refer figuratively to human sin and temptation and to any human
  36. On himself, depending on some local villagers who brought him food. When the, devil ,perceived his ascetic life and his intense worship, he was envious and beat him
  37. Among English Unitarians after 1800. * The Christadelphian concept of the, devil ,and/or demons is found in a range of early Jewish and later Christian sources
  38. His creation. This, it contends, is what Jesus meant when he said that" the, devil ,is a liar and the father of it" ( John 8:44). The demand for Christians
  39. More than 30 times in passages alongside diablos (Ancient Greek for" the, devil ,"),referring to the same person or thing as Satan. Religious accounts Judaism
  40. Evil "," a demon "," a cruel, wrathful,warlike tyrant "," Satan "," the, devil ,", and " the first beast of the book of Revelation ". Many of the authors
  41. Religious accounts Judaism In mainstream Judaism there is no concept of a, devil ,like in mainstream Christianity or Islam. In Hebrew, the biblical word Satan
  42. First dramatized version of the Faust legend of a scholar's dealing with the, devil , While versions of" The Devil's Pact" can be traced back to the 4th century
  43. Desert. Here he remained for some 13 years. According to Athanasius,the, devil ,fought St. Anthony by afflicting him with boredom, laziness,and the phantoms
  44. The word bun yip is usually translated by Aboriginal Australians today as ", devil ," or" evil spirit ". However, this translation may not accurately represent
  45. In interactive exclamations like" What the Dickens! " As a substitute for ", devil ,". It was recorded in the OED as originating from Shakespeare's The Merry
  46. His unofficial opinion that the Catholic Church was part of" the church of the, devil ," and" the great and abominable church" because it was among organizations
  47. Before he fell *Old Scratch, The Stranger, Old Nick: a colloquialism for the, devil , as indicated by the name of the character in the story The Devil and Tom
  48. Dracul can mean either" the dragon" or, especially in the present day," the, devil ,". Dennis McIntyre, director of The Stoker Dracula Organization believes the
  49. Demand that students avoid and not befriend Jews; claim that Jews worship the, devil ,; and encourage Muslims to engage in Jihad to vanquish Jews. Syria On March 2
  50. The funeral service. *"From all the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the, devil ," from the litany. *"Read, mark,learn, and inwardly digest" from the collect

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