Examples of the the word, baptize , in a Sentence Context
The word ( baptize ), is the 9957 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Significance of being" buried" and" raised" with Christ. Baptist Churches, baptize ,in the name of the Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. However
- Into Christ, and as a washing away of sin. Latin Rite Catholics generally, baptize ,by affusion (pouring); Eastern Catholics usually by submersion, or at least
- The order's goal was to convert the native population to Christianity and, baptize ,it by force if necessary. In the subsequent conquest which lasted over 50 years
- The marketplace, they do not eat unless they wash themselves (literally,", baptize ,themselves"—βαπτίσωνται, passive or middle voice of βαπτίζω) ". Scholars of
- Beings' are 'equal ', whatever be 'their size or age ', declared it lawful to, baptize ,children 'by the second or third day after their birth '. " In the 17th and
- By dipping a cup in the bowl; for New Testament usage it gives two meanings: ", baptize ,", with which it associates the Septuagint mention of Norman dipping himself in
- Jesus, saying," I need to be baptize d by you. " Jesus persuades John to, baptize ,him nonetheless (Matthew 3:13-15). The Gospel of John reports that Jesus '
- The Eastern Churches (Eastern Orthodox Church and Oriental Orthodoxy) also, baptize ,infants on the basis of texts, such as, which are interpreted as supporting
- The still recent past, it was common practice in the Roman Catholic Church to, baptize ,conditionally almost every convert from Protestantism because of a perceived
- Of the Hispaniola natives for economic reasons, he ultimately refused to, baptize ,them, as Catholic law forbade the enslavement of Christians. He had some of his
- By the mother or father, if another person is not available who knows how to, baptize , " The discipline of the Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy and the
- Mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to lose. He will, baptize ,you with the Holy Spirit and fire ". Many in this group also argue that John's
- Interested in computing. Anabaptists (Greek ανα (again, twice ) +βαπτιζω (, baptize ,), thus. Anabaptists rejected conventional Christian practices such as wearing
- Verb baptize in (1st Person βαπτίζω baptize ),from which the English verb ", baptize ," is derived, as " dip, plunge ", and indicates that the dipping or plunging
- A local preacher from the Churches of Christ, met with Danger and agreed to, baptize ,him. While doing janitorial work in the prison gym, Dahmer and another inmate
- With John not identifying Jesus as the Son of God, nor initially declining to, baptize ,him * Son of Man is the major title used of Jesus in Mark (, ;;, ;,;, ). Many
- See no specific prohibition in the biblical examples and permit any believer to, baptize ,another. In the Roman Catholic Church, canon law for the Latin Rite lays down
- Some" full gospel" charismatic churches such as Oneness Pentecostals, baptize ,only in the name of Jesus Christ, citing Peter's preaching baptism in the name
- People returning from market, would not be expected to immerse themselves (", baptize ,themselves" ) totally in water but only to practice the partial immersion of
- Consecrated the first Bishop of Sweden and is said to have sent emissaries to, baptize ,the king of Sweden, whose mother had come from Poland. Bruno found out that his
- By bishops and priests; however, in emergencies any Orthodox Christian can, baptize , In such cases, should the person survive the emergency, it is likely that the
- My beloved son, I know that it is solemn mockery before God, that ye should, baptize ,little children. Little children who die before reaching the age of
- Evangelical churches, particularly non-denominational, allow laypeople to, baptize , In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, only a man who has been
- Pharisees" except they wash (Greek" baptize " ), they do not eat ", and ", baptize ," where baptism, the new Christian rite, is intended. Derived nouns Two nouns
- Pre-baptism talk, candidates must affirm two questions: Only baptize d males may, baptize ,new members. Baptizers and candidates wear swimsuits or other informal clothing
- In secret. He gains a sizable following and in chapter 18,Alma begins to, baptize ,those who have accepted Christ. The Lord tells Alma that King Noah has
- Joint humanitarian efforts with other churches. *The church has agreed not to, baptize ,Holocaust victims by proxy The church and the Information Age: This would
- In the Gospel of Matthew's account, which portrays John's refusal to, baptize ,Jesus, saying," I need to be baptize d by you. " Jesus persuades John to
- And in the understanding of the significance of the rite. Most Christians, baptize ," in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" (
- The Great Commission),but some baptize in Jesus' name only. Most Christians, baptize ,infants; many others hold that only believer’s baptism is true baptism. Some
- He summoned the Rev. John B. McFerrin, who had converted him years before, to, baptize , him. #* Although raised an Episcopalian and married to a devout Episcopalian
- Polk's father and grandfather were Deists, and the minister refused to, baptize ,James unless his father affirmed Christianity, which he would not do. Polk had
- Be baptize d just because the head of the house had faith? Shouldn’t they, baptize ,each member of the family as they come to individual faith? Household baptism
- Men proceeded to be ordained priest after a short time as a deacon. Deacons may, baptize ,and in some dioceses are granted licenses to solemnize matrimony, usually under
- Are often kept as a memento after the ceremony. It is a naval tradition to, baptize ,children using the ship's bell as a baptismal font and to engrave their names
- For example Mark 7:4 states that the Pharisees" except they wash (Greek ", baptize ,"),they do not eat ", and " baptize " where baptism, the new Christian rite
- To the Gentiles, was sent to preach rather than to baptize but did occasionally, baptize , for instance in Corinth and in Philippe, in the same manner as they. Cf. He
- The Son, and of the Holy Spirit" ( following the Great Commission),but some, baptize ,in Jesus' name only. Most Christians baptize infants; many others hold that
- Instance of the use of the verb baptize in to mean" perform ablutions ", not ", baptize ,". References to the cleaning of vessels which use βαπτίζω also refer to
- Refused to declare his belief in Christianity, and the minister refused to, baptize ,the child. In 1803,most of Polk's relatives moved to the Duck River area in
- Form of words. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that the use of the verb ", baptize ," is essential. In the still recent past, it was common practice in the Roman
- Font may be designed to expressly allow for baptism by immersion. Anglicans, baptize ,by submersion, immersion,affusion or sprinkling. According to a tradition
- Have not been able to do for them what we would have wished to do, namely,to, baptize ,them into the faith and life of the Church. Pope Benedict XVI authorized
- That Jesus Christ commissions us to proclaim the Gospel, to make disciples, to, baptize , and to teach observance of all that He has commanded. We are called to be
- Apostles, Paul,his Apostle to the Gentiles, was sent to preach rather than to, baptize ,but did occasionally baptize , for instance in Corinth and in Philippe, in the
- Chamorros at the time believed baptisms killed babies - because priests would, baptize ,infants already near death (in the belief that this was the only way to save
- Individuals. Finally, it is argued that only Jesus possessed the power to, baptize ,with the Holy Spirit and with Fire which eliminates any mortal ever doing. John
- Eliminates any mortal ever doing. John answered, saying to all," I indeed, baptize ,you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not
- When the one being baptize d is in immediate danger of death. Then anyone may, baptize , provided, in the view of the Eastern Orthodox Church, the person who does the
- Christians from the city march in procession to the nearby town of Aleksander to, baptize ,newborns in the waters around the Monastery of St. George and sacrifice a sheep
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