Examples of the the word, click , in a Sentence Context

The word ( click ), is the 547 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. When the Deporting Cali manager tried to change the scheme in an effort to, click ,in with the unconventional Valderrama, that was the defining point of
  2. Nation incorporates some soft click consonants. The air stream The essence of a, click ,is a lingual aggressive air stream mechanism. However, in nasal click s the
  3. The African languages. He was also an early describer of Khoisan and Bantu, click ,consonants, devising phonetic symbols for a number of them. Done served the
  4. And Byzantine Arabic as well as southern Italian dialects such as Sicilian,a, click ,accompanied by tipping the head upwards signifies" no ". Clicks occasionally
  5. Sound-synthesis chip, the Apple II had a toggle circuit that could only emit a, click ,through a built-in speaker or a line out jack; all other sounds (including two
  6. My+name+is+Bill When placing this inside a URL link, an AIM user could, click ,on the URL link and the away message" Hello, my name is Bill" would instantly
  7. Of Larval in Australia. One of the click s in Damon is actually an regressive, click , using the tongue to compress the air in the mouth for an outward (regressive)
  8. Squeaky sounds made by sucking on the front teeth. A simple dental, click ,is used in English to express pity or to shame someone, and sometimes to call
  9. In IPA, a click is symbolized by placing the assigned symbol for the place of, click ,articulation adjacent to a symbol for a non click sound at the rear place of
  10. Click, and will often open the link in a new tab or window in response to a, click ,with the tertiary (middle) mouse button. Different ways of operating the
  11. Menu of alternative actions for that link in response to a secondary-button, click , and will often open the link in a new tab or window in response to a click
  12. Languages (Northern and Southern Khoisan). soon, a Tub language, has fifty, click ,phonemes Clicks appear more stop-like or more affricate-like depending on their
  13. The Mozilla web browser will follow a link in response to a primary button, click , will bring up a contextual menu of alternative actions for that link in
  14. SUB calls. * No sound support aside from a PEEK command that could be used to, click ,the speaker, though one could also PRINT an ASCII bell character to sound the
  15. On the molars on either side (or both sides) of the mouth. A simple lateral, click ,is made in English to get a horse moving, and is conventionally written thick!
  16. The Deporting Cali manager tried to change the tactical scheme in an effort to, click ,in with the blatantly unconventional Valderrama .... that was the defining
  17. Of articulation. However, recent investigations of languages with very complex, click ,systems such as Long have revealed that the supposed velar–uvular contrast is
  18. Stops. What click s sound like There are five places of articulation at which, click ,consonants occur. In IPA, a click is symbolized by placing the assigned symbol
  19. Messages that contain a URL accompanied by text suggesting the receiving user, click ,on it, an action which leads to infection. These messages can easily be
  20. Sub-apical retroflex release in Angolan King; and a" slapped" alveolar, click ,in Hamza and Sand awe, where the tongue slaps the bottom of the mouth after the
  21. Velar click followed by voiceless affricate elective, and a velar elective, click ,followed by uvular elective, The size of click inventories ranges from as few
  22. Sound-synthesis chip, the Apple II had a toggle circuit that could only emit a, click ,through a built-in speaker or a line out jack; all other sounds (including two
  23. Ejective, and a velar elective click followed by uvular elective, The size of, click ,inventories ranges from as few as three (in Sesotho) or four (in Halo)
  24. isn't audible. Nonetheless, in most of the literature the stated place of the, click ,is the anterior articulation (called the release or influx),while the manner
  25. System based on the pipe ‹ | ›. (The exclamation point for the" retroflex ", click ,was originally a pipe with a subscript dot, along the lines of ṭ, ḍ,ṇ used to
  26. Labeling is compelled speech. " He also stated," It's relatively simple to, click ,and delete. " The debate found the ACLU joining with the Direct Marketing
  27. Cluster with other obstructs. Examples of such clusters in too a voiced velar, click ,followed by voiceless affricate elective, and a velar elective click followed
  28. GUI) that appears upon user interaction, such as a right mouse click or middle, click ,mouse operation. A context menu offers a limited set of choices that are
  29. Clicks are uvular, whereas " acute" click s are pharyngeal. ) Thus the alveolar, click ,sounds something like a cork pulled from a bottle (a low-pitch pop),at least
  30. Pulled from a bottle (a low-pitch pop),at least in Xhosa; while the dental, click ,is like English TSK! Tsk!, a high-pitched sucking on the incisors. The lateral
  31. On the other hand, there is only a single release burst, that of the forward, click ,release, and the release of the rear articulation isn't audible. Nonetheless
  32. Interface (GUI) that appears upon user interaction, such as a right mouse, click ,or middle click mouse operation. A context menu offers a limited set of choices
  33. A pulmonic consonant, in which the clusters/contour has two release bursts,the, click ,itself and then a uvular consonant. In the case of" velar" click s in these
  34. Horizontal, but also has a slight" wavy" aspect to it. ) **A dental, click ,(similar to the English" TSK" ) also means" no" ( informal),as does ъ-ъ
  35. And Xhosa, use the letters c, q,x, by themselves and in digraphs, to write, click ,consonants. Most Khoisan languages, on the other hand (with the notable
  36. Anterior articulation which has traditionally been represented by the special, click ,symbol in the IPA, and a posterior articulation which has been traditionally
  37. Was unlocked ready for the next character to be entered, with an audible, click ,(known as the" cadence signal" ) to warn the operator. Operators had to
  38. OS X) or by pressing a keyboard/mouse button combination (e.g. Ctrl-mouse, click ,in macOS). A keyboard alternative for macOS is to enable Mouse keys in
  39. From a West Kalahari Shoe language, and which in turn passed on a reduced, click ,inventory to the neighboring Mukesh, Kwangali, Gciriku, Kuhane, and We
  40. A pedometerand a new multitouch interface that replaced the traditional iPod, click ,wheel. * iPod Classic (previously named iPod from 2001 to 2007),portable
  41. Without such a distinction, such as Xhosa, experiments have shown that when the, click ,release is removed from a recording, the resulting sound is judged to be uvular
  42. The lateral click s tend to be more sharp and abrupt. Transcription The five, click ,releases with dedicated symbols in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
  43. The click s explicitly described as uvular are in fact clusters/contours of a, click ,plus a pulmonic consonant, in which the clusters/contour has two release bursts
  44. Are five places of articulation at which click consonants occur. In IPA,a, click ,is symbolized by placing the assigned symbol for the place of click
  45. Around the same time, numerous primitive weevils (e.g. Curculionoidea) and, click ,beetles (e.g. Elateroidea) appeared. Also, first jewel beetles (e.g.
  46. In the film and television series Alien Nation incorporates some soft, click ,consonants. The air stream The essence of a click is a lingual aggressive
  47. Attested, and it is quite possible that, as they become better described, more, click , releases will be found. In the literature, the places not directly supported by
  48. Allow syllable-initial click s within roots, but in no known language does a, click ,close a syllable or end a word. English and many other languages may use click s
  49. Are pronounced by sucking on the molars of one or both sides. The bilabial, click ,is different from what many people associate with a kiss: the lips are pressed
  50. Articulation (called the accompaniment or efflux),as in a" nasal dental, click ,". There are numerous manners of click s. These include what has been described

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