Examples of the the word, sew , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sew ), is the 10252 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Remedy was administered. One of the female attendants of the palace, charged to, sew ,up the cloth that contained the patient, having come to the neck, the fixed
  2. Pronunciations as well: flood, rub,build, go,toe, drove,comb, out,rough, sew , English has never had any formal regulating authority for spelling, such as
  3. Children, each from a different era, who let the Bedlam (the Other Mother), sew , buttons in their eyes. They tell her how she eventually grew bored with them, ate
  4. I can recall having a white cast and bandage; it was gigantic! They tried to, sew ,it on, but it didn't take, so I grew up with nine fingers. As a young kid, I
  5. Needles by running them through sand. This polishing helped the needles, sew ,through soft leather. Deere found that cast-iron plows were not working very
  6. Quilting is the process of using a home sew ing machine or a long arm machine to, sew ,the layers together. With the home sew ing machine, the layers are tacked
  7. Home sew ing machines are similar—designed for one person to manually, sew ,individual items while using a single stitch type. Modern sew ing machines are
  8. Spared as long as they did not relapse. Having recanted, they were obliged to, sew ,yellow crosses onto their outdoor clothing and to live apart from other
  9. His scalp and ear nearly ripped off, but he convinced a friend, Jim Cayman, to, sew , it loosely back on, giving him directions. The trappers fetched water, bound up
  10. Saw a new and interesting example of a stitching pattern, she would quickly, sew ,a small sample of it onto a piece of cloth - her 'sampler '. The patterns were
  11. In Ulrich, one for boys from the village, the other for girls to read and, sew , out of which James Allen's Girls' School (JAGS) arose. Dr John Allen (
  12. Uniform - generally at the left chest. Some schools also require students to, sew ,their name tags in addition to the school badge. For upper forms, students
  13. Pity on her, saying " If you will keep house for us, and cook, make beds, wash, sew , and knit, and keep everything clean and orderly, then you can stay with us
  14. In 2004, they made news by signing a pledge to allow all the workers that, sew ,their line of clothing in Bangladesh full maternity leave. The National Labor
  15. Some areas they were connected by a tunnel. Women taught the young girls how to, sew , cook, and weave. Boys would live with their mothers until they were about five
  16. Of Joe Wader, the trio manufactured and distributed their own line of cut and, sew ,sportswear. Center died on June 10, 2001 in Rolling Hills, California. He was
  17. Camp at this location for six days in order to kill big game, dry the meat, and, sew , leather sacks in which to store the meat. Natives descending the river told
  18. For ILS joint and is most likely due to an old analogy with ILS consent (they, sew ,). This is not commonly heard, because it was heavily criticized. Most people
  19. Season episode" Gowns by Yvette," it is suggested that LeBeau cannot even, sew ,a stitch, though he claims creative responsibility for the dress Newark
  20. Or open, connected or not connected. Supra ({ {largest | *six-/SMUH- 'to, sew ,'),as does the medical term" suture. " In Hinduism supra denotes a distinct
  21. Wood, and when about twelve years old learned to cook meals, make tips, sew ,clothing, prepare hides, and perform other tasks essential to becoming a wife
  22. Size from 1 inch to 6 inches. Satisfying claims that the first needle that can, sew ,on the patch is the one that should be used. Spending time searching for that
  23. To fold the scroll as an accordion. The next step was then to cut the folios, sew ,and glue them at their centers, making it easier to use the papyrus or vellum
  24. Min invited eight-year-olds to nominate their ideas of beauty and then to, sew ,the keywords in felt letters on bright fabric squares. The resulting bold
  25. They often have group sew ing and quilting classes, where one can learn how to, sew ,or quilt and work with others to exchange skills. Quilt stores often have
  26. Media in the 1990s when it exposed the use of sweatshop and child labor to, sew ,Kathie Lee Gifford's Walmart label. United Students Against Sweatshops is
  27. Address most needs rather than the“ optimal” solution.: Example: A task is to, sew ,a patch onto a pair of jeans. The best needle to do the threading is a 4 inch
  28. For the dress Newark eventually sew s; but later, he once again began to, sew ,and mend the clothing alongside Newark. LeBeau suffers from hemophobia
  29. And hunting skills and tool making and the women teaching the boys how to, sew ,and cook. In Yup'in group dances individuals often remain stationary while
  30. And the ghost children may go free. If not, Coraline will let the Other Mother, sew ,the buttons into her eyes. Coraline goes through the Other World, and overcomes
  31. Necessary for their costume; for example they may commission a prop weapon, sew ,their own clothing, buy character jewelry from a cosplay accessory manufacturer
  32. The Little Mexican ", who spoke one word at a time. The famous" SI ... SY ..., sew ,... Sue" routine was so effective that no matter how many times it was
  33. Then spend time mending. The thrifty still replace zippers and buttons and, sew ,up ripped hems. Recycling Used, unwearable clothing can be used for quilts’s.
  34. In 2004,they made news by signing a pledge to allow all the workers that, sew ,their line of clothing in Bangladesh full maternity leave. The National Labor
  35. B-r-q-ʿ with the Arabic root RRQ, which means" to patch up" or" to, sew ,up ". The objection to this etymology is that it assumes a pattern b-f-ʿ-l that
  36. And when somebody is crabby and needs a nap),a hard shell, the ability to, sew , the ability to instill guilt in others, the ability to flutter through the air
  37. The quadrangle. " (lighting a fire) *" Someone is occupying my pie. Please, sew ,me to another sheet. " (occupying my pew ... show me to another seat) *" You
  38. Ur chair, ( Ardnurcher). Conchobor's physicians are unable to remove it, but, sew , up the wound and tell the king he will survive so long as he doesn't get
  39. In their survival. First Nations women were able to translate the language, sew ,new clothing for their husbands, and generally were involved in resolving any
  40. When they ate from this tree their nakedness appeared to them, and they began to, sew ,together, for their covering, leaves from the Garden. As a result of their sin
  41. Clothes, she,already as a teenager made her own wedding dress. She learned to, sew ,when she was 4 years old. Sarah who was 28 when Henry Ford introduced the Model
  42. Given way. " To begin, the patient could not even leave her bed, read,write, sew , talk, or feed herself. After nine weeks, Gilman was sent home with Mitchell’s
  43. Thousands of years to the ancient Egyptians, who used small slanted stitches to, sew ,up their canvas tents. Howard Carter, of Tutankhamen fame, found some
  44. By conventional standards, and dreadlocks are popular. Crust punks sometimes, sew ,articles of clothing with found or cheaply-bought materials, such as dental
  45. And industrial textiles. Children can learn to use textiles to make collages, sew , quilt, and toys. Textiles used for industrial purposes, and chosen for
  46. For example," born" and" cot" could both be used in an univocalism, unlike ", sew ," and" beau ". Members Founding members The founding members of Julio
  47. Rip up the clothes Fontaine had to wear as hand-me-downs, forcing Fontaine to, sew ,them back together. A large part of the resentment between the sisters
  48. Machine quilting. Hand quilting is the process of using a needle and thread to, sew ,a running stitch by hand across the entire area to be quilted. This binds the
  49. Was first discovered when clothes ripped and needed fixing, so they used to, sew ,over the top of the rip patches of different material otherwise known as patch
  50. Continue to learn their fathers' trade and girls will begin learning to, sew ,and cook and are generally married by 18 to 20 years of age with parental

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