Examples of the the word, cadre , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cadre ), is the 9697 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By the early 1980s there was no clear neoconservative in the Tory leadership, cadre , but Brian Mulroney, who became leader in 1983,eventually came to adopt many
  2. At the outbreak of World War I on 3 August 1914,Josef Piłsudski formed a small, cadre ,military unit, the First Cadre Company—the predecessor of the Polish
  3. Had been a managerial revolution; the creation by early space exploration of a, cadre ,of highly trained technologist-managers was one of the most important spin-offs
  4. Finnish Defense Forces (, ) are responsible for the defense of Finland. It is a, cadre ,army of 16,500,of which 8,700 are professional soldiers (officers),extended
  5. The Korean People's Army (PA) aligned with the Communists, formed from a, cadre ,of guerrillas and former soldiers who had gained combat experience in battles
  6. Were expelled, Malagasy was declared the language of instruction and a large, cadre ,of young Malagasy were rapidly trained to teach at remote rural schools under
  7. Show before a live audience on July 6,1974,featuring guest musicians and a, cadre ,cast doing musical numbers and comic skits replete with elaborate live sound
  8. Aircraft, replacing biplanes with modern cantilever monoplanes and creating a, cadre ,of exceptional pilots for use in the Pacific War. In the United Kingdom, at the
  9. At Sun's demand. The early years at Shampoo allowed Chiang to cultivate a, cadre ,of young officers loyal to both the KMT and himself. Throughout his rise to
  10. By thousands of people on the ground and crewed by an elite, cadre ,of astronauts. Overview The Space Shuttle was a partially reusable launch
  11. University's self-described mission is to" assemble, educate and inspire a, cadre ,of leaders who strive to understand and facilitate the development of
  12. And victimized men and women confronted by a largely stern and stubborn, cadre ,of rabbis. That picture is both incomplete and distorted. For starters, the
  13. In 1845. This detachment (which became today's Red Guard of Senegal) was the, cadre ,around which the" Colonial Gendarmerie" was formed. On independence this
  14. Executive served as the deputy. After the 2006 reorganization, the management, cadre ,ran the business, while the chairman oversaw the controls of the business
  15. 1 April 1942 an arbeitsbereich (lit. " Working sphere ", a name for the party, cadre ,organization outside the Reich proper) was established in the civil
  16. And peasant worker),a capitalist class (about 15 million),and a class of, cadre ,(about 40 million) and quasi- cadre (about 27 million). Iranian model Farad
  17. Alive hundreds of scholars, and liked the comparison. During a speech to party, cadre ,in 1958,Mao said he had far outdone Qin Shi Huang in his policy against
  18. Especially those linked with Saudi Arabia. He also recruited and built a, cadre ,of influential loyalists by placing sympathetic students in the university and
  19. Yaobang as party chief in 1981. Deng remained the most influential of the CPC, cadre , although after 1987 his only official posts were as chairman of the state and
  20. Less well-trained and organized. A compromise between the two has a small, cadre ,of professional non-commissioned officers (NCO's) and officers who act as a
  21. Committee was charged with the training of the military and administrative, cadre , A culture committee and a judiciary committee were also created. This
  22. Wherein he argued that Himmler's new powers must be used to reverse the party, cadre ,organisation's annexation. In December 1944,Kaltenbrunner was granted the
  23. The World's Finest" ( more commonly referred to as" Public Enemies" ),a, cadre ,of superheroes eventually break ranks from the Justice League to oppose Author.
  24. Path of social development. Military The Finnish Defense Forces consists of a, cadre ,of professional soldiers (mainly officers and technical personnel),currently
  25. Reserve militia units in villages, industrial sites, and schools. The permanent, cadre ,was to circulate among the villages, spending three months in each one, too
  26. Experiences of Lt Col Dean E. Hess, USAF (played by Rock Hudson) and his, cadre ,of U. S. Air Force instructors in the early days of the Korean War, training
  27. Popular support of the party. Second, Kim Jong-il started his career as a party, cadre ,and his succession to power took place within the structure of the party.
  28. Are real personal beings, not just symbolic devices. The Catholic Church has a, cadre ,of officially sanctioned exorcists which perform many exorcisms each year. The
  29. Was finally abolished, with all remaining formations converted to the other, cadre ,divisions, in 1937–38. Under Stalin's campaign for mechanization, the army
  30. Built around three companies of Panzer I tank that functioned as a training, cadre ,for Nationalists. The Luftwaffe deployed squadrons of fighters, dive bombers
  31. Or goods for someone else.; Mercenary: The players have to train a local, cadre , or guard an installation, or alternately assault an installation.;
  32. Basis, Pi-Ramesses, and Pith om were discovered by Napoleon Bonaparte and his, cadre ,of engineers and cartographers in 1799. According to the Histories of the Greek
  33. Already in common use among the elite who comprised Congress and the leadership, cadre ,of the emerging nation. They rarely cited Paine's arguments in their public
  34. His ideas about" irreducible complexity" in June 1993 when the" Johnson-Behe, cadre ,of scholars" met at Lazaro Dunes in California. He set out his ideas in the
  35. Some combat units, and the remainder of the permanent element serving as a, cadre ,for reserve militia units in villages, industrial sites, and schools. The
  36. The Party secretary. To avoid the solidification of local loyalties during a, cadre ,'s term in office, the central government freely and frequently transfers party
  37. Of the RAF in the seventies. Schlöndorff and Trot ta (who knew the leading RAF, cadre ,) filmed the book in 1975. * Cabaret Voltaire, the influential industrial band
  38. S play Henry V. From this grew the notion of the Nelson Band of Brothers,a, cadre ,of high-quality naval officers that served with Nelson for the remainder of his
  39. Though this time there was more emphasis on scholarship and the training of, cadre ,than propaganda. Throughout, attention paid to atheism in East Germany always
  40. The hands of Bormann's power struggle against the SS because very few party, cadre ,officers were implicated. Even more importantly, some senior SS officers began
  41. And the connection of managerial practices with the existence of a managerial, cadre ,or class. One habit of thought regards management as equivalent to" business
  42. For the young idealists in arts and letters ". Mother Earth was staffed by a, cadre ,of radical activists, including Hippolyte Havel, Max Babinski, and Leonard
  43. List, is pronounced" Kay'Oder" or" key'Oder ", as some pronounce the word ", cadre ,") which was based on essentially the same architecture. About 25 of what were
  44. In the An'an Rectification Movement, Mao gave explicit instructions that" no, cadre ,is to be killed," but in practice allowed security chief King Sheng to drive
  45. Party cadre s around different regions of the country, so a high ranking, cadre ,'s career might include service as governor or party secretary of several
  46. The Japanese became overextended. While the Japanese entered the war with a, cadre ,of superbly trained airmen, they were never able to adequately replace their
  47. In 767 to prevent supplies from reaching Arabian detractors. Culminated in a, cadre ,of archaeologists, scientists,cartographers and engineers scouring the area
  48. In some refugee camps such as Site 8,Phenom Chat or Ta Erik the Khmer Rouge, cadre ,controlled food distribution and restricted the activities of international aid
  49. Period was for three months, with one month a year thereafter. A regular, cadre ,provided a stable nucleus. By 1925 this system provided 46 of the 77 infantry
  50. Branches from time to time or not at all. This active base would develop the, cadre , a core of" professional revolutionaries ", consisting of loyal communists who

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