Examples of the the word, bamboo , in a Sentence Context
The word ( bamboo ), is the 9779 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To today's concert C flute),F alto flute, and BB bass flute. The Indian, bamboo ,flute The bamboo flute is an important instrument in Indian classical music
- Concert C flute),F alto flute, and BB bass flute. The Indian bamboo flute The, bamboo ,flute is an important instrument in Indian classical music, and developed
- Various eucalyptus species that are endemic to the region. Sometimes a native, bamboo , such as Ambush anemia, or panda nus is used. Generally the main trunk of
- Up second-generation Irish in London, played keyboards, piano,Cochran, and, bamboo , flute. Despite the group's modest expectations for its first album, Sound
- Groups would be the BIA, koto, and the shame. Of the woodwinds used,the, bamboo ,flutes known as the shakuhachi and the shinbone are popular items. Famous
- To represent an example of convergent evolution for feeding primarily on, bamboo , There is also evidence that, unlike their neighbors elsewhere, the brown bears
- It is constructed of a wooden frame with gabled thatch roof and walls of woven, bamboo , Khmer houses typically are raised on stilts as much as three meters for
- Elaborate carvings. Bout should not be confused with Sinai, a sword made of, bamboo ,that is used for practice in Kendo. Usage The broken is used as an inexpensive
- The province: *Hangzhou style, characterized by rich variations and the use of, bamboo ,shoots *Shooting style, specializing in poultry and freshwater fish Staple
- Homogeneity, contains many types of vegetation, from high canopy forest to, bamboo ,groves. In the semiarid Northeast, caatinga, a dry, thick,thorny vegetation
- Voss-Andreae has made helix sculptures from diverse materials including, bamboo ,and whole trees. A monument Voss-Andreae created in 2004 to celebrate the
- Lieu illustrated his equal temperament theory by construction of a set of 36, bamboo , tuning pipes ranging in 3 octaves, with instructions of the type of bamboo
- Fires, flooding,tree-felling (natural or by logging) and fallowing. Mass, bamboo ,die-off provides ideal habitat in East Africa. Appearance Bongos are one of the
- 36 bamboo tuning pipes ranging in 3 octaves, with instructions of the type of, bamboo , color of paint, and detailed specification on their length and inner and outer
- Formed around the fishing grounds. Koan houses were made of colon grasses, bamboo ,grass, barks,etc. The length lay east to west or parallel to a river. A house
- A simple support and crossbeam arrangement. Some early Americans used trees or, bamboo ,poles to cross small caverns or wells to get from one place to another. A
- The other exception is the giant panda which has adopted a diet mainly of, bamboo , Stable isotope analysis of the extinct giant short-faced bear (Arcturus sinus
- Due to aesthetic appeal, yarn glide, or hand disorders such as arthritis, where, bamboo , or wood hooks are favored over metal for the perceived warmth and flexibility
- Though other research suggests that it may come from a Senegambian term for a, bamboo ,stick formerly used for the instrument's neck. Another theory believes the
- Project with modern trains replacing the current open-access system of ", bamboo ,trains ", homemade bamboo mats powered by go-kart or water pump engines. Two
- Lien when she lowers her broken weapon. Mu Bad arrives and pursues Jen into a, bamboo ,forest. A duel ensues where Mu Bad overcomes a challenge Jen sets before him (
- For tropical plants, such as fruiting banana trees, coffee,rubber and giant, bamboo , and is kept at a tropical temperature and moisture level. The Mediterranean
- For performing arithmetic processes. Today, abaci are often constructed as a, bamboo ,frame with beads sliding on wires, but originally they were beans or stones
- Frames are now also available, as well as advanced steel alloys and even, bamboo , Drivetrain and gearing The drivetrain begins with pedals which rotate the
- Trains replacing the current open-access system of" bamboo trains ", homemade, bamboo , mats powered by go-kart or water pump engines. Two rail lines exist, both
- The wings of pterosaurs. Art Julian Voss-Andreae has created sculptures out of, bamboo ,and stainless steel based on the collagen structure. His piece Unraveling
- In Vietnam as a military adviser, and was mildly injured when he stepped on a, bamboo ," punk stick ". The large infection made it difficult for him to walk, and
- Earliest suspension bridges were made of ropes or vines covered with pieces of, bamboo , In modern bridges, the cables hang from towers that are attached to caissons
- Of hardwoods, two palms, Elaeis Guinness (oil palm) and Mafia infer (, bamboo ,palm),not found, generally speaking, in the savanna regions. Bombay or
- Forest areas were quickly invaded by aggressive pioneer species, such as, bamboo ,and colon grass, which make it unlikely the forests will be able to regenerate.
- Along with over 120 bird species. Moist conifer forests can have thickets of, bamboo ,as an understory, replaced by rhododendrons in higher montane stands of
- And commentaries that date back two millennia; on the other, there are ancient, bamboo , silk, and paper manuscripts that archeologists discovered in the last century.
- Be found. Among the species found in the Indomalaya region are the Leopard Cat, bamboo ,rat, treeshrew, and various monkey and ape species. Some overlap exists between
- Then to defend DE'an from attack by the Urchin Jin. Eventually, the paper and, bamboo ,of which fire lance barrels were originally constructed came to be replaced by
- Dating from 168 BC. In 1993,the oldest known version of the text, written on, bamboo ,tablets, was found in a tomb near the town of Guardian () in Wingmen, Hubei
- To Hammond sport, the group then designed and built the Red Wing, framed in, bamboo ,and covered in red silk and powered by a small air-cooled engine. On March 12
- Of goldfish during the Tang Dynasty. Japanese cultivated seaweed by providing, bamboo ,poles and, later,nets and oyster shells to serve as anchoring surfaces for
- Rain. Typically, a house contains three rooms separated by partitions of woven, bamboo , The front room serves as a living room used to receive visitors, the next room
- Muskox (living). Plants used for fibers include cotton, flax (for linen), bamboo , ramie, hemp,jute, nettle,raffia, yucca,coconut husk, banana trees, soy and
- While native Chinese spring rolls have a thin crispy skin with mushrooms, bamboo , and other vegetables inside, the Westernized version (specifically the
- Include cotton, wool,hemp, silk and flax. Raw materials include lumber and, bamboo , Other useful materials are produced by plants, such as resins. Biofuels
- Among the larger trees the most common are: Banyan trees, Jackfruit, coconuts, bamboo , species,acacia trees and also endless rows of coconuts and banana species.
- Polar bear is mostly carnivorous, and the giant panda feeds almost entirely on, bamboo , the remaining six species are omnivorous, with largely varied diets including
- Time alone, not time and style. Innovation and rule changes In the early 1980s, bamboo , poles were replaced by hard plastic hinged poles known as" hinged gates" or
- These hooks are used for fine crochet work such as doilies and lace. Aluminum, bamboo , and plastic crochet hooks are available from 2.5 to 19 millimeters in size, or
- The received text is so corrupted (from originally being written on one-line, bamboo ,strips linked with silk threads) that it is impossible to understand some
- Hook The crochet hook comes in many sizes and materials, such as bone, bamboo , aluminum, plastic and steel. Sizing is categorized by the diameter of the hook
- Garner was surveyed by James Prince. The use of stronger bridges using plaited, bamboo ,and iron chain was visible in India by about the 4th century. A number of
- Hit the gate and their shinguard would hit the gate down. The rigid nature of, bamboo ,gates had forced skiers to maneuver their entire body around each gate, while
- In data and acclimate the student to the feel of a real sword: for sparring,a, bamboo ,Sinai should be used instead for obvious safety reasons. In 2003,the
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