Dialogues in English for beginners


Dialogues in English for beginners are easy. Imagine how great it would be to communicate using only monologues in English: no one interrupts you, no one asks questions, you do not need to strain your ears to make out the speech of the interlocutor. This, of course, is an exaggerated situation, because even during monologues, namely reports, conferences and reports, there is a possibility that you will be interrupted, asked to repeat or answer a question. But all the same: the monologue flows somehow calmer, more measured.

However, the harsh reality is that in practice we communicate in the form of a dialogue, which, by its characteristics, is spontaneous and emotional. Not only do we not feel very confident talking in a foreign language, but the very form of everyday communication - dialogue - adds to our nerves. We will try to relieve tension in this lesson with the help of simple communication formulas that are typical for everyday everyday dialogue.

Let's do an experiment. We have 2 options for everyday dialogue in Russian:

Table. 2 dialogue options



A: Great!

B: Hello!

A: How are you?

B: Nothing, slowly ... And you?

A: Yes also.

B: Any news?

A: No, not really.

B: I don't have any.

A: Hello!

B: Hello!

How are you doing?

B: I'm fine. What about yours?

And me too.

B: Do you have any news?

A: I don't have.

B: Me too.

Which option seems more natural to you? It seems that number 1 is more consistent with reality. So, in the process of learning English, unfortunately, the model for teaching dialogue is option No. 2. It contains correct and complete grammatical constructions and sentences, unlike the first one. Nevertheless, as we have said more than once, the correctness of speech in practice may suffer, it is more important to convey the meaning.

Therefore, if you still cannot overpower yourself or do not have sufficient conversational practice, we offer you groups of replicas for memorization, which make the dialogue alive and natural. As you probably already guessed, mainly these lines will concern the expression of emotions.

  • Positive emotions: yes; yes, of course; certainly; sure; all right; that's it; that's right; exactly; naturally.
  • Nwgative emotions: Impossible! Why should I..? Nothing of the kind! It’s unfair! Nonsense! Are you crazy? Are you kidding?
  • Expression of doubt: probably; perhaps; I doubt it; really? Are you sure?
  • Surprise expression: Impossible! Oh! Indeed! Dear me! Oh my God! Oh my Goodness! How surprising! You don’t mean it, do you?

In addition, the dialogue is characterized by the need to constantly maintain a conversation, establish contact. Therefore, for this case, we also saved a couple of suggestions:

  • Acquaintance: May I introduce myself? My name is… Meet my friend… Glad to meet you. How do you do?
  • Forms of politeness adopted in specific cases: Remember me to… Give my love to… I hope to see you soon. Congratulations! My best wishes to your parents! Say hi to… Good luck! Happy New Year!
  • Address: Miss, .. Mr… Doctor… Sir… Dear… Honey… Sweetie…
  • Inclusion in the dialogue and exit from it: Excuse me! look here! Check this out! That's all. Well,.. Talking of… Just a minute.
  • Dialogue management: I can’t hear you! Pardon? Will you repeat it? Can you speak slower? Speak up, please! I can’t follow you. Speak more distinctly!