10 words for bad people in a team, in the office


  1. Bully ['bulɪ] - bully

    Bully - this is how you can describe the qualities of a violent, grumpy and domineering person. Such people never grow out of it. They behaved this way in elementary school, and it continues to this day. They are often physically dominant as they compensate for insecurities and shortcomings in other areas. Every team has one. The trick is to know their buttons so you can sneakily and strategically prick them to the delight of your co-workers.

  2. Manipulative [mə'nɪpjələtɪvˌ mə'nɪpjulətɪv] - a person is an intriguer, inclined to use for his own purposes

    The word is defined as "influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of others for one's own ends: a manipulative boss." You can also use the word machiavellian. Such people were born cunning. If it's possible to have stealth in their DNA, they have it.

  3. Screwup [skruː ʌp] - loser, idiot

    This is the Americanism of the late 1950s. If the boss assigns you a job paired with such a person, it means that either the project is not so important, or he / she gave you an assignment knowing that you would fail.

  4. Weasel ['wiːz(ə)l] - fawn

    Slickies are nice guys, but it wasn't there. In an office context, the word is well suited to describe a cunning, mean person." It is known that the main suckers inhabit the sales department, although in fairness it must be said that not all salespeople are suckers.

  5. Backstabber ['bækˌstæbə] - traitor

    It is impossible to misinterpret the meaning of this word. If you stab in the back, it is "an attempt to discredit (a person) through underhand means." If you engage in this type of behavior, you will be shunned. This word is used infrequently in an office context, for example: "The new CFO has a rep for being a backstabber, so watch yourself."

  6. Psycho ['saɪkəu] - freak

    The dictionary gives the following definition: a mentally unstable person, and it should be noted that true mental illness is a serious problem and should not be a source of humor. However, in the office it may not be used literally. Do you know that guy sitting in the corner with a 30 watt bulb above him? Who spends all day counting the number of sachets of sauce in the top drawer? It is he. He is a distant relative of the board member, so he still has his seat.

  7. Snake in the grass - hidden enemy, scoundrel

    This expression is also devoid of ambiguity. If someone called you that, then you are "a treacherous person, one who pretends to be a friend." The Grinch is a prime example of such a person (until he returns all the presents).

  8. Gossip ['gɔsɪp] - gossip

    Every office has gossip. As a rule, office gossips are close to sources of power. They know what's going on, who's in, who's out. Be careful when forming an alliance with office gossips, as this is most likely a house of cards.

  9. Deceitful [dɪ'siːtf(ə)l] - deceitful, treacherous

    Such a person wakes up in the morning and sets himself the task, as in the condensed wording of Dictionary.com, "to deceive or mislead." When they say that “the report will be ready on Friday morning,” they are not entirely honest. After all, they didn't say which Friday it would be ready, did they?

  10. Arrogant ['ærəgənt] - arrogant

    Your friendly IT department has been known to flaunt this behavior, usually late Friday nights when your hard drive has crashed and your report isn't finished yet. Again, that person in the office who has 10 words for everything can be arrogant.