Examples of the the word, stockpile , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stockpile ), is the 9701 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Resistance including the destruction of Norse Hydro's heavy water plant and, stockpile ,of heavy water at Memory, which crippled the German nuclear program (see:
  2. Had had three months to prepare their defensive positions using dynamite and to, stockpile ,ammunition and stores. There was no natural shelter, and the weather was wet
  3. Of the Ottawa Treaty agree that they will not use, develop,manufacture, stockpile ,or trade in anti-personnel land mines. There were originally 122 signatories in
  4. Decreased to around 45 %. De Beers sold off the vast majority of its diamond, stockpile ,in the late 1990s – early 2000s and the remainder largely represents working
  5. Lithium in the period between the late 1950s and the mid 1980s. At the end the, stockpile ,of lithium was roughly 42,000 tonnes of lithium hydroxide. The stockpile d
  6. Machinery is needed in mining for exploration and development, to remove and, stockpile ,overburden, to break and remove rocks of various hardness and toughness, too
  7. Transport ships, including an American Liberty ship, the John Harvey, with a, stockpile ,of World War I-era mustard gas. *1946 – The British Government invites four
  8. Basis, a dense air defense system, the third-largest chemical weapons, stockpile ,in the world, and includes the world's the largest Special Forces contingent (
  9. Cold War, scores of Livermore-designed warheads entered the nation's nuclear, stockpile , These were used in missiles ranging in size from the Lance surface-to-surface
  10. Time in 15 years. This could indicate that there is a potential nuclear arm, stockpile ,replacement since the isotope naturally decays. In May 1995,NPT parties
  11. Weapons, without nuclear testing, is maintained through an ongoing process of, stockpile ,surveillance, assessment and certification, and refurbishment or weapon
  12. Replacement. With no new designs of nuclear weapons, the warheads in the U. S., stockpile ,must continue to function far past their original expected lifetimes. As
  13. Software maintainer) In Project Management In Mining * Run of Mine (ROM),a, stockpile ,of ore that has been created without any blending or processing i.e. ore that
  14. Late 1990s. Russia, with approximately 16,000 warheads, possesses the largest, stockpile ,of nuclear warheads. The number of intercontinental ballistic missiles and
  15. Raid on the harbor of Bar, Italy,sinks an American ship with a mustard gas, stockpile , causing numerous fatalities (though the exact death toll is unresolved, as
  16. Norm Waiver, and fan favorites Mike Plus and Bob Kowalski, in an effort to, stockpile ,prospects and draft picks. As the 1995–96 season began, star center Alexei
  17. Water of a harbor, oarsmen would join the offensive and throw stones (from a, stockpile ,aboard) to aid the marines in harassing/attacking other ships. Naval strategy
  18. Arms to Hezbollah in Lebanon ", and that Hezbollah has" amassed a huge, stockpile ,(of arms) since its 2006 war with Israel "; the arms were described as "
  19. In September 2003 that production has ceased there, since they have an ample, stockpile , * In March 2004,a Libyan official stated that the country has never produced
  20. In designing the nation's nuclear weapons from inception until the shift into, stockpile ,stewardship after the close of the Cold War. Historically the two national
  21. Largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world. Other sources claim that the, stockpile ,of the USA is larger. Russia's Strategic Rocket Forces controls its land-based
  22. Relate that" Billy Collins saw a title with funny-looking words in it on the, stockpile , and he decided to publish it. " Following its release in 1960,The Weird stone
  23. United Nations. It provides that the Parties undertake not to develop, produce, stockpile , acquire or retain biological agents or toxins, of types and in quantities that
  24. Some believe this may be due to deliberate price fixing by those who bought the, stockpile ,echoing the warnings from the Japan Wildlife Conservation Society on
  25. Nations largely did not enforce, so both sides continued to build up their, stockpile , UNITS purchased weapons in 1996 and 1997 from private sources in Albania and
  26. For ore, Groves also arranged for the purchase of US Vanadium Corporation's, stockpile ,in Urban, Colorado. Uranium mining in Colorado yielded about of ore.
  27. Scrapped or refurbished and exported to other nations. Bulgaria has a military, stockpile ,of about 5,000,000 small arms, models ranging from World War II-era MP 40
  28. Be kept within the designated transport aircraft capabilities. Nations often, stockpile ,enough tanks to respond to any threat without having to make more tanks as many
  29. Meant that by the end of the group's career he had amassed a considerable, stockpile ,of unreleased material. Relationships with the other Beatles For most of The
  30. Marines led by disenchanted Brigadier General Francis Hummel (Harris) seize a, stockpile ,of deadly EX gas–armed rockets from a heavily guarded military bunker
  31. Proved the rifles carried the company's trademark. Eyewitnesses said a huge, stockpile ,of the guns fell into rebel hands during the attack on Qaddafi's compound in
  32. For justifying its attack on Iraq by stating that Iraq should not be allowed to, stockpile ,weapons of mass destruction because it had used them in the past. He cited
  33. Lowered by U. S. Congress' decision to sell off the country's large helium, stockpile ,by 2015. According to Richardson, the current price needs to be multiplied by
  34. Track the occurrence and location of epidemic increases (or" seasons" ) and, stockpile ,vaccines and other drugs. For example, the " Meningitis Belt" ( sub-Saharan
  35. The island and a dirt track that leads to the Nauru Phosphate Corporation, stockpile ,and offices. There is one artificial harbor at Anibal Bay. The island's
  36. Authorized nuclear weapons states still have 22,000 warheads in their combined, stockpile ,and have shown a reluctance to disarm further. Several high-ranking officials
  37. The W87 and the B83 are the only LLNL designs still in the U. S. nuclear, stockpile , With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the United
  38. Ballistic missiles (Arms) in Turkey, whereas the Soviet Union had a large, stockpile ,of medium-range nuclear weapons which were primarily located in Europe. Cuba
  39. Nuclear weapons According to some sources, Russia possesses the largest, stockpile ,of nuclear weapons in the world. Other sources claim that the stockpile of the
  40. Out in the Palace after an overheated stove used to destroy the Exchequer's, stockpile ,of tally sticks set fire to the House of Lords Chamber. In the resulting
  41. Stewardship Program, by which the safety and reliability of the enduring, stockpile ,is ensured without underground nuclear testing. *Design, construction,and
  42. The leadership of Leonid Brezhnev, having the largest armed forces and largest, stockpile ,of nuclear weapons in the world, pursued an agenda to lessen tensions with its
  43. Like young mice. At the beginning of autumn, many species of chipmunk begin to, stockpile ,these goods in their burrows, for winter. Other species make multiple small
  44. Work is currently thought to relate primarily to computer simulations and, stockpile ,stewardship. The development of the Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test
  45. Was repeated during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The United States Navy has a, stockpile ,of around 3,500 Tomahawk cruise missiles of all variants, worth a combined
  46. Such as the Russian Federation or the People's Republic of China with a larger, stockpile ,of nuclear weapons would not retaliate with far greater force than had been
  47. Any blending or processing i.e. ore that has been mined and transported to the, stockpile ,location in its original condition. In biomechanics and medicine * Range of
  48. Was considered a Strategic Material by the U. S. government, and a large, stockpile ,of titanium sponge was maintained by the Defense National Stockpile Center
  49. Administration (DOE/NNSA) Office of Defense Programs, which supports its, stockpile ,stewardship and advanced scientific computing programs. Funding to support LLNL
  50. To better model and predict plutonium's long-term behavior in the aging, stockpile , The Lab’s plutonium research is conducted in a specially designed, ultra-safe

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