Examples of the the word, bliss , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bliss ), is the 9639 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Extracts from The Hero with a Thousand Faces as chapter epigrams. " Follow your, bliss ," One of Campbell's most identifiable, most quoted and arguably most
  2. That I wanted to do in all my life. ' That is a man who never followed his, bliss , " Psychology and anthropology Campbell's thinking on universal symbols and
  3. Often in his own translations from the original German. The" follow your, bliss ," philosophy attributed to Campbell following the original broadcast of The
  4. May then be said to be to use the physical body to achieve self-realization and, bliss , Jains believe that every human is responsible for his or her actions and all
  5. But giantesses (Jo tuns),and that their arrival ended the early days of, bliss ,for the gods, but that they come for the good of mankind. Völuspá relates that
  6. Bliss. " He derived this idea from the Upanishads:: Now, I came to this idea of, bliss ,because in Sanskrit, which is the great spiritual language of the world, there
  7. With his limited knowledge, limited power, limited capacity for enjoying, bliss , is an epic of alternating rest and struggle, joy and sorrow, love and hate
  8. Experience. His philosophy is often summarized by his phrase:" Follow your, bliss , " Life Early education Joseph Campbell was born and raised in White Plains
  9. Buddha. While in early Buddhist thought nirvana is characterized by permanence, bliss , and purity, it is viewed as being the stopping of the breeding-ground for the
  10. Jains receive inspiration from them to follow their path to achieve true, bliss ,and total freedom from the karma binding their souls. In this main prayer
  11. Amidst the folk music of India, which has somewhat, redefined the term ", bliss ,". Lava originated in the arid region of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.
  12. State: ‘ The Nirvana Supra claims for nirvana the ancient ideas of permanence, bliss , personality, purity in the transcendental realm. Mahayana declares that
  13. Fartfull" workbench. Also, the most recent new product, Lyckhem (meaning, bliss ,). The products are generally withdrawn, probably after someone pointed at
  14. Quality. Tactic practice is said to eventually transform all experience into, bliss , The practice aims to liberate from negative conditioning and leads to control
  15. Because the long and continued shape were thought to be associated with the, bliss ,for longevity and long-lasting marriage. According to historical documents
  16. Myth was aired in 1988,six months following Campbell's death," Follow your, bliss ," was a philosophy that resonated deeply with the American public—both
  17. Nirvana? ... this is as in the case in which one who has hunger has peace and, bliss ,as he has taken a little food. ' Yamamoto continues with the quotation, adding
  18. While merged with the entity, Luthor had the power to bring peace and, bliss ,to the entire universe, potentially becoming a hero greater even than Superman
  19. Of ragas but is simultaneously distinct being the most clear form of aesthetic, bliss , Abhinavagupta likens it to the string of a jeweled necklace; while it may not
  20. Grows, : And flowers aloft, shading the fount of life, : And where the river of, bliss ,through midst of heaven: Rolls o'er elysian flowers her amber stream:: With
  21. Is described as a prerequisite for acquiring supernatural faculties, highest, bliss , and ultimate salvation; moreover it is said to protect against all kinds of
  22. Replied:" I've got a cat. I love cats; at one stage I had twelve. It was just, bliss , They'd all lie around in the sun and then come up and climb around my neck. "
  23. Have speculated that the word comes from the Arabic-Persian word Dario (", bliss ,") or from Shaykh Hussain Al-Farabi, who was one of the early converts to the
  24. Inches that must be taken always. " The second ad promised" theories of, bliss , a history of Liverpool from 1963 to 1983,a guide to Amsterdam bars ". When
  25. Perhaps amusing to note the etymology of the words Sakha (pleasure, comfort, bliss , ) and Gurkha (misery, unhappiness,pain). The ancient Aryans who brought the
  26. Revival praised the production, writing " For three hours of gloriously barbed, bliss ,and bewitchment, Sean Mathias's production establishes the show as a minor
  27. Realise that the creature allows Author to create a feeling of peace and, bliss ,throughout the entire universe, at the cost of never allowing him to cause any
  28. Jains receive inspiration from them to follow their path to achieve true, bliss ,and total freedom from the karma binding their souls. In this main prayer
  29. On the 'Hum' in the heart chakra is important for realizing the Clear Light of, bliss ,and emptiness. Meditating on the throat chakra is important for lucid dreaming
  30. Offers for the first time a technical definition of NASA which is the universal, bliss ,of the Self or Atman colored by the emotional tone of a drama. Shānta-rasa
  31. The word" Sat" means being. " Chit" means consciousness. " Amanda" means, bliss ,or rapture. I thought," I don't know whether my consciousness is proper
  32. Author fought against that power simply because he would have had to share that, bliss ,with Superman as well. Fictional character biography Silver age In the
  33. The 1942 short story" Tallboys ", Peter and Harriet are enjoying rural domestic, bliss ,with their three sons when Breton, their firstborn, is accused of the theft of
  34. Divine consciousness, experiencing infinite knowledge, perception,power, and, bliss , * The triple gems of Jainism (" Right View, Right Knowledge, Right Conduct "
  35. Along the hero journey that each of us walks through life:: If you follow your, bliss , you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting
  36. Life is" unimportant," and that one should live only to be worthy of eternal, bliss , This view spilled over into asceticism and less respect for the body and
  37. Supreme God). Data holds that upon Multi, one enjoys the same quantity of, bliss ,as sat-cit-ānanda, but one can never be equal to Brahman. In philosophy of
  38. Of being stressed or anxious. Peace of mind is generally associated with, bliss ,and happiness. Peace of mind, serenity,and calmness are descriptions of a
  39. Shiva). Then the aspirant becomes engrossed in deep meditation and infinite, bliss , The arousing of Kundalini is said by some to be the one and only way of
  40. Indulgence of even momentary desires to those teaching a pursuit of spiritual, bliss , In their consideration of consequences, they range from those advocating
  41. Winds of the body into the central channel, to realize the clear light of, bliss ,and emptiness, and to attain the 'illusory body' of a divinity. The Tibetan
  42. Particularly shānta-rasa is hinted as being as-good-as but never-equal-to the, bliss ,of Self-realization experienced by yogis. Chinese aesthetics Chinese art has a
  43. And arguably most misunderstood sayings was his admonition to" follow your, bliss , " He derived this idea from the Upanishads:: Now, I came to this idea of bliss
  44. Clear separation of saints and sinners. The vision of a thousand-year period of, bliss ,for the faithful, to be enjoyed here on earth (" heaven on earth" ), exerted
  45. Souls, where we are told that there were once spirits who lived in a state of, bliss , but having committed a crime (the nature of which is unknown) they were
  46. The Unconditioned tests the infinitude of His absolute knowledge, power and, bliss ,in the midst of all conditions. But evolution from the standpoint of the
  47. Of nirvana the human body is dropped, one passes into a state of the infinite, bliss ,of God. In some cases nirvana is immediately and inevitably followed by
  48. Eating it, dervishes were said to draw ecstasy, soldiers courage, and others, bliss ,and voluptuousness. It is not only to the pleasures of coffee and tulips that
  49. With the pessimistic attitude of most of the book. Even in this case,the, bliss ,of El Dorado is fleeting: Candide soon leaves the village to seek Cunégonde
  50. Be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are—if you are following your, bliss , you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.

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