Examples of the the word, adhesive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( adhesive ), is the 9637 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Right) is one method of applying hot adhesive s. The glue gun melts the solid, adhesive ,then allows the liquid to pass through its barrel onto the material, where it
  2. To be distinct. Ancient times The use of bitumen for waterproofing and as an, adhesive ,dates at least to the third millennium BCE in the early Indus community of
  3. Rate can be used to predict failure. In such models, the behavior of the, adhesive ,layer itself is neglected and only the adherents are considered. Failure will
  4. Such as white on black, black on white, and black on ivory). * Large print, adhesive ,keyboard stickers in high contrast colors (such as white on black, black on
  5. The surfaces of both adherents after deboning will be covered by fractured, adhesive , The crack may propagate in the center of the layer or near an interface. For
  6. Adhesives (PSA) form a bond by the application of light pressure to marry the, adhesive ,with the adhered. They are designed with a balance between flow and resistance
  7. Sunlight and heat may weaken the adhesive . Solvents can deteriorate or dissolve, adhesive , Physical stresses may also cause the separation of surfaces. When subjected to
  8. The fracture is adhesive or interfacial when deboning occurs between the, adhesive ,and the adherent. In most cases, the occurrence of interfacial fracture for a
  9. Are: The individual components of a multi-component adhesive are not, adhesive ,by nature. The individual components react with each other after being mixed
  10. Cohesive near the interface ”. Most quality control standards consider a good, adhesive ,bond to be cohesive. Interfacial fracture The fracture is adhesive or
  11. Mth Already 11 On This Day in Canada ---- An, adhesive , or glue, is a mixture in a liquid or semi-liquid state that adheres or bonds
  12. Evaporates, the adhesive hardens. Depending on the chemical composition of the, adhesive , they will adhere to different materials to greater or lesser degrees. Polymer
  13. A good adhesive bond to be cohesive. Interfacial fracture The fracture is, adhesive ,or interfacial when deboning occurs between the adhesive and the adherent. In
  14. To aid in adhesion and rid the bond of air bubbles. Common ways of applying an, adhesive ,include brushes, rollers,using films or pellets, spray guns and applicator
  15. And then reacted with radiation to increase molecular weight and form the, adhesive ,; or they may be high viscosity materials that are heated to reduce viscosity
  16. Application Applicators of different adhesive s are designed according to the, adhesive ,being used and the size of the area to which the adhesive will be applied. The
  17. Are members of the drying adhesive family. As the solvent evaporates,the, adhesive ,hardens. Depending on the chemical composition of the adhesive , they will
  18. The adherent. In most cases, the occurrence of interfacial fracture for a given, adhesive ,goes along with a smaller fracture toughness. The interfacial character of a
  19. According to the adhesive being used and the size of the area to which the, adhesive ,will be applied. The adhesive is applied to either one or both of the materials
  20. When heat is applied the components react and cross-link. This type of, adhesive ,includes epoxies, urethanes, and polyamides. Moisture curing adhesive s cure
  21. Failure. If, however,a layer of paper remains stuck to the surface,the, adhesive ,has not failed. Another example is when someone tries to pull apart Oreo
  22. Is hard enough to resist flow when stress is applied to the bond. Once the, adhesive ,and the adhered are in proximity, molecular interactions, such as van
  23. Manner. Mixed fracture surfaces can be characterized by a certain percentage of, adhesive ,and cohesive areas. * The alternating crack path type which occurs if the
  24. Into a machine. Mechanisms of adhesion, the attachment between, adhesive ,and substrate may occur either by mechanical means, in which the adhesive works
  25. To the failure of two adhered surfaces. Sunlight and heat may weaken the, adhesive , Solvents can deteriorate or dissolve adhesive . Physical stresses may also
  26. Some of these combinations are: The individual components of a multi-component, adhesive ,are not adhesive by nature. The individual components react with each other
  27. Diffusion of the glue into the substrate, followed by hardening. Failure of the, adhesive ,joint There are several factors that could contribute to the failure of two
  28. Work will consist of having a good model to evaluate the function. For most, adhesive ,joints, this can be achieved using fracture mechanics. Concepts such as the
  29. Strain crystallization. In the construction industry a specialized proprietary, adhesive ,known as Liquid Nails (or liquid nails as the generic),is used. This also
  30. Glue is 200,000 BC and for a compound glue 70,000 BC. History The oldest known, adhesive , dated to approximately 200,000 BC, is from spear stone flakes glued to a wood
  31. Side; this is an adhesive failure, rather than a cohesive failure. Design of, adhesive ,joints As a general design rule, the material properties of the object need to
  32. In the adherent if the adhesive is tougher than the adherent. In this case the, adhesive ,remains intact and is still bonded to one substrate and remnants of the other.
  33. When subjected to loading, debonding may occur at different locations in the, adhesive ,joint. The major fracture types are the following: Cohesive fracture Cohesive
  34. With moisture present on the substrate surface or in the air. This type of, adhesive ,includes cyanoacrylates and urethane. Natural adhesive s are
  35. Adhesive and substrate may occur either by mechanical means, in which the, adhesive ,works its way into small pores of the substrate, or by one of several chemicals
  36. With a balance between flow and resistance to flow. The bond forms because the, adhesive ,is soft enough to flow (i.e." wet" ) the adhered. The bond has strength
  37. Means by which it occurs. In some cases, an actual chemical bond occurs between, adhesive ,and substrate. In others, electrostatic forces, as in static electricity, hold
  38. Then organized into reactive and non-reactive adhesive s, which refers to if the, adhesive ,chemically reacts to harden. Alternatively they can be organized by whether the
  39. In the adhesive layer. * Fracture can also occur in the adherent if the, adhesive ,is tougher than the adherent. In this case the adhesive remains intact and is
  40. White glue, contact adhesive s and rubber cements are members of the drying, adhesive ,family. As the solvent evaporates, the adhesive hardens. Depending on the
  41. And remnants of the other. For example, when one removes a price label, adhesive ,usually remains on the label and the surface. This is cohesive failure. If
  42. Particle boards use synthetic thermosetting resins). Another form of natural, adhesive ,is blood albumen (made from protein component of blood),which is used in the
  43. This type of fracture appears in the presence of tensile pre-stresses in the, adhesive ,layer. * Fracture can also occur in the adherent if the adhesive is tougher
  44. Form an instantaneous joint, unlike most other joining processes, because the, adhesive ,needs time to cure. The earliest known date for a simple glue is 200,000 BC and
  45. Is obtained if a crack propagates in the bulk polymer which constitutes the, adhesive , In this case the surfaces of both adherents after deboning will be covered by
  46. To the leading edge of the crack. This is typically the mode for which the, adhesive ,exhibits the highest resistance to fracture. As the loads are usually fixed, an
  47. To flow (i.e." wet" ) the adhered. The bond has strength because the, adhesive ,is hard enough to resist flow when stress is applied to the bond. Once the
  48. Being used and the size of the area to which the adhesive will be applied. The, adhesive ,is applied to either one or both of the materials being bonded. The pieces are
  49. To pull apart Oreo cookies and all the filling remains on one side; this is an, adhesive ,failure, rather than a cohesive failure. Design of adhesive joints As a general
  50. Or in 100 % solid form. Articles are made from liquid SAS by coating the, adhesive ,and drying off the solvent or water carrier. They may be further heated to

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