Examples of the the word, maze , in a Sentence Context

The word ( maze ), is the 9708 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Descriptions make it clear that the Minotaur was trapped in a complex branching, maze , Even as the designs became more elaborate, visual depictions of the Labyrinth
  2. The Russian conquest in 1806,survived. This section is picturesque, with its, maze ,of narrow alleys and ancient buildings: the cobbled streets past the Palace of
  3. The classical labyrinth. The term labyrinth came to be applied to any universal, maze , whether of a particular circular shape (illustration) or rendered as square.
  4. The eyes of many critics, the city is presented in noir as a" labyrinth" or ", maze ,". Bars, lounges,nightclubs, and gambling dens are frequently the scene of
  5. During declarative memory retrieval. For instance, studies on rats involving, maze ,learning found that hippocampal neuronal assemblies that are used in the
  6. Or" perfect" maze s, and are equivalent to a tree in graph theory. Thus, many, maze ,solving algorithms are closely related to graph theory. Intuitively, if one
  7. Are designed to be used by a person or computer program that can see the whole, maze ,at once. The mathematician Leonard Euler was one of the first to analyze plane
  8. Pass line opened on June 18, 1899,and followed a complicated route through the, maze ,of valleys and passes in southern British Columbia, rejoining the original
  9. The term derives its etymology from the Daedalus Labyrinth or" complicated, maze ,". An example of its use in a sentence would include:" The magnitude of his
  10. JPG|Small turf maze near Daley, North Yorkshire, UK. Image: Wing_Maze. JPG|Turf, maze ,at Wing in Jutland, UK. Image: Veneto 0006. JPG|Portrait of a man, by
  11. Generation is the act of designing the layout of passages and walls within a, maze , There are many approaches to generating maze s, where various maze
  12. She was moored mid-river in the River Roach which forms part of an extensive, maze ,of waterways and marshes known as The River Crouch and River Roach Tidal River
  13. Passages. Solving maze s Maze solving is the act of finding a route through the, maze ,from the start to finish. Some maze solving methods are designed to be used
  14. Imaginary routes seen through multiple reflections in mirrors. Another type of, maze ,consists of a set of rooms linked by doors (so a passageway is just another
  15. Maze, but many contemporary scholars observe a distinction between the two:, maze ,refers to a complex branching (multicausal) puzzle with choices of path and
  16. The original game, was released for iPhone and Palm Pre in 2009. *The complex, maze ,structure of Rumpus was a direct influence on the random sector link system of
  17. Kierkegaard is the largest (54 hectares) cemetery in Denmark and offers a, maze ,of dense groves, open lawns, winding paths, hedges,overgrown tombs, monuments
  18. Maze. SVG|A computer-generated maze File: MAZE. PNG|Another computer-generated, maze ,with two solutions, showing the level of complexity that is possible to achieve
  19. Scholar,” and yet“ it is surely much that he made the grammar, formerly a, maze ,of Indian subtitle, as simple and attractive as that of Greek or Latin
  20. Start to finish. Some maze solving methods are designed to be used inside the, maze ,by a traveler with no prior knowledge of the maze , whereas others are designed
  21. Passage through which the solver must find a route. In everyday speech, both, maze , and labyrinth denote a complex and confusing series of pathways, but
  22. Peerage entry on Maria Eleonora Succession A, maze ,is a tour puzzle in the form of a complex branching passage through which the
  23. Path is precisely the boundary of the connected components of the wall of the, maze , each represented by a different color File: Labyrinth 2 (from Nor disk
  24. File: Maze01-01. PNG|A small maze File: Maze. SVG|A computer-generated, maze ,File: MAZE. PNG|Another computer-generated maze with two solutions, showing the
  25. Vintage, Cornwall,UK. Image: Daley_City_of_Troy_turf_ maze . JPG|Small turf, maze ,near Daley, North Yorkshire, UK. Image: Wing_Maze. JPG|Turf maze at Wing in
  26. And is not designed to be as difficult to navigate. The pathways and walls in a, maze ,or labyrinth are fixed (pre-determined) – puzzles where the walls and paths
  27. Miniatures game Warhammer 40,000 * Chimera (video game),a 1985 isometric, maze ,arcade adventure * Chimera (lap convention),a live action role-playing
  28. Is the act of finding a route through the maze from the start to finish. Some, maze ,solving methods are designed to be used inside the maze by a traveler with no
  29. A maze . There are many approaches to generating maze s, where various, maze ,generation algorithms exist for building them, either by hand or automatically
  30. Sovereignty inland, and a succession of other fur company explorers charted the, maze ,of rivers and mountain ranges between the Canadian Prairies and the Pacific.
  31. JPG|Sketch by Willard de Honnecourt (c.1230) image: Labyrinth_Lucca. JPG|Wall, maze ,in Lucca Cathedral, Italy (probably medieval). Image: Map of Jericho in 14c
  32. To achieve with modern algorithms File: MAZE_solution. PNG|Solution to the, maze ,on the left. Notice that the solution path is precisely the boundary of the
  33. And many curios and antiquities; they had a deer park, a floral park, and a, maze , or labyrinth; they also had an orchestra, were fond of music, and gave much
  34. To be used inside the maze by a traveler with no prior knowledge of the, maze , whereas others are designed to be used by a person or computer program that
  35. As seasonal tourist attractions. Indoors, Mirror Mazes are another form of, maze , where many of the apparent pathways are imaginary routes seen through multiple
  36. The tomb of the great Etruscan general Lars Persona contained an underground, maze , Pliny's description of the exposed portion of the tomb is intractable; Pliny
  37. Game are categorized as tour puzzles. The Cretan labyrinth is the oldest known, maze , Maze construction Mazes have been built with walls and rooms, with hedges
  38. Modern imagery, the labyrinth of Daedalus is often represented by a multicausal, maze , in which one may become lost. The Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges was
  39. Ritual, depicted in Romantic illustrations as involving pilgrims following the, maze ,on their knees while praying, may have been practiced at Chartres during the
  40. Highways normally run in a straight line, but on occasion lose themselves in a, maze ,of narrow shopping streets. The town is skirted by the European route E19 (N-S
  41. Way out again. In colloquial English, labyrinth is generally synonymous with, maze , but many contemporary scholars observe a distinction between the two: maze
  42. Wherein Guy brush must use an unconventional map to find his way through a, maze , The first game features a set of dance instructions that point the way through
  43. Denote a complex and confusing series of pathways, but technically the, maze ,is distinguished from the labyrinth, as the labyrinth has a single
  44. Battle was continued for 11 days, between 29 July and 9 August over 20 km of a, maze ,of forests and mountains with no conclusion. The Greek King, seeing that the
  45. The accompanying ritual, supposedly involving pilgrims following the, maze ,on their knees while praying, may have been practiced at Chartres during the
  46. Possible. He worked with an expert from Suzhou to preserve and renovate a water, maze ,from the original hotel, one of only five in the country. Pei was also
  47. To graph theory. Intuitively, if one pulled and stretched out the paths in the, maze ,in the proper way, the result could be made to resemble a tree. Mazes in
  48. Spot, and exit at another, or the idea may be to reach a certain spot in the, maze , Mazes can also be printed or drawn on paper to be followed by a pencil or
  49. For meaning in a seemingly infinite universe as fruitless and instead uses the, maze ,as a riddle for time, not space. Culture and Argentine literature Martín Fairly
  50. On paper to be followed by a pencil or fingertip. File: Maze01-01. PNG|A small, maze ,File: Maze. SVG|A computer-generated maze File: MAZE. PNG|Another

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