Examples of the the word, imprint , in a Sentence Context
The word ( imprint ), is the 9703 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Proceeds to awaken Idaho's original memories, but does, so before Lucille can, imprint ,Duncan and thus tie him to the Sisterhood. In the meantime, Taraza has been
- Region; in Argentina especially, given that there is a strong European cultural, imprint , the consumption of coffee is very common (141 cups per capita, annually ).
- Immigration doubled the Jewish population of Israel and left an indelible, imprint ,on Israeli society. Most immigrants were either Holocaust survivors or Jews
- Short story collection published for the US market by New American Library, imprint ,Signet Books. (Includes the following stories: T, Not for an Age, Poor Little
- Marvel launched Ultimate Fantastic Four. Part of the company's Ultimate Marvel, imprint , the series reimagined the team as teenagers. The series ran 60 issues (Feb.
- Centuries of uninterrupted Roman rule and settlement left a deep and enduring, imprint ,upon the culture of Spain. Germanic Occupation of Hispanic (5th–8th centuries
- The Merry Prankster, as Mesa was known, has arguably left the most indelible, imprint ,of any cultural icon in his hometown. He is best known as the author of One
- H. G. Wells. * In Frank Frazetta's Creatures published by the Marietta Comics, imprint ,at Image Burroughs appears as a member of a group of supernatural investigators
- By those talents, but also to establishing in 1993 the Vertigo mature-readers, imprint , Key titles in the subtle shift towards the Modern Age include the two
- Of a gloomy castle. Many were published under the Paperback Library Gothic, imprint ,and were marketed to a female audience. Though the authors were mostly women
- Redbrick is publishing the book through Mongoose Publishing's Flaming Cobra, imprint , the first two books of which were released in July 2009. In 1999 Pyramid
- Worlds rather than destroy them. Ultimate Galactic Under the Ultimate Marvel, imprint ,three limited series, Ultimate Nightmare; Ultimate Secret and Ultimate
- Because of imprint ed genes. Experimental manipulation of a paternal methylation, imprint ,controlling the Igf2 gene has, however,recently allowed the creation of rare
- Published in six hardcover volumes by August Delete under his Arkham House, imprint , For a full bibliography to 1978,see Sidney-Fryer, Emperor of Dreams (cited
- Erase and re-establish the imprint through each generation. The nature of the, imprint ,must therefore be epigenetic (modifications to the structure of the chromatin
- A hip hop label but also issued house records, and Jive Records' Club Records, imprint , House was boosted in the UK by the tour in March 1987 of Knuckles, Jefferson
- Of publishing his own superhero books when Marvel Comics launched the Razor line, imprint ,in 1993. Based on detailed premises, titles and lead characters he created
- The mature readers line Vertigo, and Helix, a short-lived science fiction, imprint ,) were introduced to facilitate compartmentalized diversification and allow for
- Its younger-audience titles with the mascot Johnny DC, and established the CMX, imprint ,to reprint translated manga. In 2006,CMX took over from Dark Horse Comics
- Extended to a full novel of 70,000 words. The book appeared under the Doubleday, imprint ,in January 1950 with the title of Pebble in the Sky. The Doubleday company went
- The Image Comics banner, continuing it for many years as a wholly separate, imprint ,- and fictional universe - with its own style and audience. As part of this
- A string-theory world sheet. Since the deformations on the surface are the only, imprint ,of the incoming particle, and since these deformations would have to completely
- Novel Road to Perdition. In 1998,DC purchased Windstorm Comics, Jim Lee's, imprint ,under the Image Comics banner, continuing it for many years as a wholly
- Near Boor. On this monument, King Purnavarman inscribed his name and made an, imprint ,of his footprints, as well as his elephant's footprints. The accompanying
- On 22 April 2008,Momofuku was released on Lost Highway Records, the same, imprint ,that released The Delivery Man, his previous studio album. The album was, at
- Great-being Guanine (i.e., the Mahasattva Avalokiteśvara) transmitting the, imprint ,of the Buddha's Heart-Mind. " The Emperor regretted his having let Bodhidharma
- Of Dionysus the Propagate, a mystical theologian whose words left an indelible, imprint ,in the medieval period. Magnus' writings made a significant contribution to
- Zombies gain a portion of the power cosmic as they devour Galactic. MC2 The MC2, imprint , title Last Planet Standing features a future version of Galactic with a new
- Of it was unique. It was in the name of this love that Dante gave his, imprint ,to the Dolce Still Nova (Sweet New Style, a term which Dante himself coined)
- Evolutions originating from a centrally positioned Francis made a defining, imprint ,on the whole of Western Europe. Personal traits Date and place of birth
- Of Sherlock Holmes. " Some stories were self-published, through a new, imprint ,called" Mycroft & Moran ", an appellation of humorous significance to
- Into classroom practice through textbooks and curricula published under his own, imprint , Reform efforts in the 1990s and 2000s Most states and districts in the 1990s
- Of the artist's drawings, prints and illustrations. Later, under the SIS, imprint ,(and on behalf of the Bokanalia Foundation),Petals published an illustrated
- i.e. in the developing sperm (during spermatogenesis),a paternal, imprint ,is established, whereas in developing oocytes (oogenesis),a maternal imprint
- An agreement with the Penguin Group to publish the book under its Sentinel HC, imprint , In May 2007,Time magazine reported that Rumsfeld was in the early stages of
- Generation of government operatives. Ultimate Kenosha In the Ultimate Marvel, imprint , Kenosha has made an appearance. It is an island south of Madagascar. Its main
- Structure of the chromatin rather than DNA sequence). In germ line cells the, imprint ,is erased and then re-established according to the sex of the individual; i.e.
- For Pen dragon, an Arthurian RPG now published by White Wolf, Inc. is Arthur, imprint ,after a spell with Green Knight Publishing. Other games of note include Mythos
- Of Marvel alongside Spider-Man and Hulk reprints when Marvel Comics began the, imprint ,Marvel UK in the 1970s. The feature next appeared in Marvel UK's The Titans
- Mammals there are two major mechanisms that are involved in establishing the, imprint ,; these are DNA methylation and histone modifications. Regulation The grouping
- Imprint is established, whereas in developing oocytes (oogenesis),a maternal, imprint ,is established. This process of erasure and reprogramming is necessary such
- At the level of 10−4 or 10−5. Rashid Sundae later calculated the observable, imprint ,that these inhomogeneities would have on the cosmic microwave background.
- May express great affection towards their human companions, especially if they, imprint ,on them at a very young age and are treated with consistent affection. It has
- 1996. 26-39. Barbed wire was a superhero published by Comics The Greatest World,an, imprint ,of Dark Horse Comics. A regular series was published for 9 issues between
- As President, Kawamata stated that he" regretted that his company did not, imprint ,its corporate name on cars, the way Toyota does. ‘ Looking back, we wish we had
- The game's third edition in 2009 through Mongoose Publishing's Flaming Cobra, imprint , The game is similar to fantasy games like Dungeons & Dragons, but draws more
- Weakening the Austrian Empire and reorganizing Germany under a Napoleonic, imprint ,that would be called the Confederation of the Rhine. At this point, he felt his
- Gene is inserted close to another imprint ed gene, it may just acquire this, imprint , Problems associated with imprint ing may cause problems in cloning
- Character in a comic book Lucifer (DC Comics) published by Vertigo,an, imprint ,of DC Comics * Ferris Wolf (Marvel Comics),a version of the Norse wolf that
- Is a dynamic process. It must be possible to erase and re-establish the, imprint ,through each generation. The nature of the imprint must therefore be epigenetic
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