Examples of the the word, ape , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ape ), is the 9807 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- He said, would be widely regarded as disreputable. Morris said that he sold an, ape ,suit to Patterson via mail-order in 1967,thinking it was going to be used in
- Most of the Savage Land races have their origin from a group of primitive, ape ,men who seems to have esc ape d the Celestial experiments whose influence is
- Bob Harmonious, an acquaintance of Patterson's, said that he had worn an, ape ,costume for the making of the film. Prompting a spokesperson for the
- Slamming down the receiver, is recorded as saying," Who the hell does that big, ape ,think he is? That blankety-blank! If he goes on that trip it will be one of the
- Its crew to work on Kong. Median C. Cooper wanted King Kong to be more of an, ape , but Willis O'Brien wanted King Kong to be more of a human being. A compromise
- Great flood, and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is, ape ,to man? A laughingstock or painful embarrassment. And man shall be that to
- Cult of vi, argued by the more hardliner Emacs users to be an attempt to ", ape ,their betters ". Regarding vi's modal nature, some Emacs users joke that vi
- Not sorted and left to right order is preserved: echo eye #, ape ,ace are Abe echo # ad eye AF BD be bf CD CE cf Brace expansions should not be
- The earliest Old World Monkey. Among the genera thought to be in the, ape ,lineage leading up to 13 million years ago are Proconsul, Rangwapithecus
- Mouth area. Adult males have large cheek flaps (which get larger as the, ape ,ages) that show their dominance to other males and their readiness to mate.
- Been proposed regarding the influence of water on human bipedalism. The aquatic, ape ,hypothesis, promoted for several decades by Elaine Morgan, proposed that
- Building is in the 1933 film King Kong, in which the title character, a giant, ape , climbs to the top to esc ape his captors but falls to his death after being
- Their tracks. While cryptologists generally explain Bigfoot as an unknown, ape , some believers in Bigfoot attribute the phenomenon to UFOs or other paranormal
- Walked upright. Teeth are intermediate between typical human and typical, ape ,forms. Kenyanthropus platy ops, which means" Flat-faced man of Kenya" ( a name
- Region is the Leopard Cat, bamboo rat, treeshrew, and various monkey and, ape ,species. Some overlap exists between the two regions due to natural dispersal
- Allegations that they had hoaxed the footage by filming a man wearing an, ape ,suit. Patterson died of cancer in 1972. Patterson's friend and business
- It is believed that a man's" inside" can take the form of a cat, wild pig, ape , deer or other animal, and afterwards resume human form; it is termed bamboo.
- S natural man is virtually identical to a solitary chimpanzee or other, ape , such as the orangutan as described by Buffoon; and the" natural" goodness of
- In the Patterson film. However, Long quotes Harmonious and Morris describing, ape ,suits that are in many respects quite different from one another; Long
- But Godzilla shoots his atomic breath at Kong's chest, forcing the giant, ape ,to retreat. The JSDF desperately tries everything to stop Godzilla from
- Much in you is still wormed. Once you were ape s, and even now, too,man is more, ape ,than any ape .... The overran is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say:
- In Przewalski's horses. A similar situation exists between the human and great, ape ,genomes; in this case, because more species are extant, it is apparent that the
- In a Chinese apothecary shop in 1934 that he believed belonged to a giant tall, ape ,that lived around half a million years ago. In 1937 Ballard wrote Le Phenomena
- Authenticate it. Most scientists have judged the film a hoax with a man in an, ape ,suit, but other theorists contend the film depicts a cryptid, a creature
- S relatives (mother Opal and nephew John Miller) claim to have seen an, ape ,suit in Harmonious' car. The relatives say they saw the suit two days after
- Priest chose Galen over other physicians after Galen claims he eviscerated an, ape ,and challenged other physicians to repair the damage. When they refused, Galen
- Is still worm. Once you were ape s, and even now, too,man is more ape than any, ape ,.... The overran is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the overran
- From another group of ape s, who have no tool-wielding ability. A victorious, ape ,tosses his bone into the air, at which point the film makes a celebrated
- Even formally named this missing link Pithecanthropus Claus, translated as ", ape ,man without speech. " (The missing link was what the Dutchman Eugène Dubois
- Of an aquatic descent of man was re-conceived centuries later as the aquatic, ape ,hypothesis. These pre-Darwinian concepts may seem strange, considering modern
- a million years between cutting up their kills and losing their hair. The aquatic, ape ,hypothesis posits that sparsity of hair is an adaptation to a semiaquatic
- Contributed to the modern hominid clade, but molecular evidence indicates this, ape ,lived from between 15 and 12 million years ago. In the oceans, Brown algae
- Oracle). Orangutans are the only exclusively Asian genus of extant great, ape , The largest living arboreal animals, they have proportionally longer arms than
- Life diversified. Several million years ago, a species of small African, ape ,gained the ability to stand upright. The subsequent advent of human life, and
- Come from fighting single opponents of inhuman strength: one such as That,the, ape ,man from" Rogues in the House ", or the strangler Baal-Pteor in" Shadows in
- Swimming career, he became the sixth actor to portray Edgar Rice Burroughs's, ape ,man Tarzan in films, a role he played in twelve motion pictures. Dozens of
- Researchers hope that these data may help conservationists save the endangered, ape , and also prove useful in further understanding of human genetic diseases.
- Animals. The film's popularity spawned similar pics including a few about ", ape ,men" and gorillas. In 1918,Elmo Lincoln starred in Tarzan of the Apes
- He did not" regard modern primitives as almost filling the gap between man and, ape ,". He saw the evolution of man in two stages: achieving a bipedal posture
- Became widely accepted in the 1870s,caricatures of Charles Darwin with an, ape ,or monkey body symbolized evolution. In the 19th century, particularly after
- And cultural responses File: Editorial cartoon depicting Charles Darwin as an, ape ,(1871). JPG|right|150px|thumb | As evolution became widely accepted in the
- Reaction of others to a new fossil writes of" claims that Origin ... was an, ape ,rather than a human ". Evolutionary history Order Primates is part of the clade
- To include humans, he also repeatedly uses" ape -like" to mean" like an, ape ,rather than a human ", and when discussing the reaction of others to a new
- Running back Robert Smith appeared as" Howard ", a " gift" to Pearl from her, ape ,worshipers, in a Season 8 episode; and film critic Leonard Martin, who had been
- These ancient Carthaginians encountered were truly gorillas, another species of, ape ,or monkeys, or humans. Where Troglodytes gorilla is described, now known as the
- Two other hominid ancestors have been discovered there: a 10 million year-old, ape ,called Chororapithecus Abyssinia, found in the Afar rift, in eastern Ethiopia
- In size, diet,and anatomy. Due to scanty fossil evidence it is unclear which, ape ,or ape s contributed to the modern hominid clade, but molecular evidence
- Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes),also known as the robust chimpanzee, is a great, ape , Colloquially, the common chimpanzee is often called the chimpanzee (or simply
- Satire—in one storyline Li'l Abner is revealed to be the missing link between, ape ,and man. In another, the search is on in Dog patch for a pair of missing socks
- Few in his ambassadorial residence) and became sufficiently interested in this, ape ,species to start the study of its role in ancient Chinese culture, the results
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