Examples of the the word, nude , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Points are awarded for the murder of these mostly prostituted and partially, nude ,women. Duke blows up stained-glass windows in an empty church or goes to strip
  2. Of Venice who became famous for his marble sculptures that delicately rendered, nude ,flesh. The epitome of the neoclassical style, his work marked a return to
  3. The film was the target of mild controversy when it became known that the, nude ,body in the opening scene, taking place in a shower, was not that of Angie
  4. Or praise; e.g. George Bush He bugs Gore; Madonna Louise Cyclone Occasional, nude ,income or One cool dance musician; William Shakespeare I am a weakish speller
  5. Not find a model to wear his design. He ended up hiring Michelin Bernardino,a, nude ,dancer from the Casino de Paris. That bikini, a string bikini with a g-string
  6. Meaning, the painting was" the first totally profane life-size female, nude ,in Western art ". The identity of the Mayas are uncertain. The most popularly
  7. Le December SUR l'Here (1863),was considered scandalous not because of the, nude ,woman, but because she is seated next to men fully dressed in the clothing of
  8. A respected work by a Renaissance artist in the painting Olympia (1863),a, nude ,portrayed in a style reminiscent of early studio photographs, but whose pose
  9. Which he studied by candlelight. The result was a life-size, well-proportioned, nude , figure,posed unconventionally with his right hand atop his head, and his left
  10. As told in Nightmare of Ecstasy, Maila Norm declined Wood's offer to do a, nude ,scene sitting up in a coffin for Necromancy. Documentaries * Flying Saucers
  11. Could be considered erotic or even soft core pornography. She appeared partially, nude ,in Prime Suspect (1988) and Compelling Evidence (1995),but her most
  12. And pictures: The Seven Lady Godiva's (1937; reprinted 1985),which included, nude ,depictions; You're Only Old Once! (written in 1987 when Gases was 83) which
  13. Had begun, the new record label, Victory,deemed the depiction of four ancient, nude ,Douro statues, judged by Bowie to be" in exquisite taste "," a show of wrong
  14. Magazine with her then-fiancé, actor Jamie Walters, as well as appearing, nude ,in pictures inside the issue. She also underwent breast reduction surgery in
  15. Upon our feelings ". When Manet's famous Olympia (1865),a portrait of a, nude ,prostitute, provoked a scandal for its blatant realism mixed with an imitation
  16. That has been compared to modern pin-ups by historian Marilyn Yalow. Although, nude ,men were depicted standing upright, most depictions of female nudity in Greek
  17. Aphrodite Kallipygos," Aphrodite of the Beautiful Buttocks" ), is a type of, nude ,female statue of the Hellenistic era. It depicts a partially draped woman
  18. Unearthed from a peat bog at Break in Schleswig, Germany. The figures depict a, nude ,male and a nude female. Hilda Ellis Davidson comments that these figures may
  19. Says she had a one-night stand with future President Bill Clinton. She posed, nude ,for Playboy magazine's May 1992 issue. She built an acting career, and in 1989
  20. Rubens, Ingres and Gustave Moreau. From the Renaissance onwards the chained, nude ,figure of Andromeda was typically the center of interest, and often she was
  21. 2000) and its sequels,X2: X-Men United (2003) and, which featured her first, nude ,scene. At first, she refused to be filmed topless in a sunbathing scene, but
  22. A nude woman is seated on the grass, engaged in music making, while a second, nude ,woman stands beside them. Olympia As he had in Luncheon on the Grass, Manet
  23. By Jean Chagrin in 1806,and its iconographic program pitted heroically, nude ,French youths against bearded Germanic warriors in chain mail. It set the tone
  24. Torn" by offended viewers. The painting was controversial partly because the, nude ,is wearing some small items of clothing such as an orchid in her hair, a
  25. Born as an adult, nubile,and infinitely desirable. Aphrodite is often depicted, nude ,in many of the images she is in. Aphrodite, in many of the late anecdotal myths
  26. As most of the artists, since the ancient times, had made the studies of the, nude ,models); themes, subjects,facts, events which caused or might have caused
  27. A peat bog at Break in Schleswig, Germany. The figures depict a nude male and a, nude ,female. Hilda Ellis Davidson comments that these figures may represent a" Lord
  28. Means author, but some expressions like" cinema d'auteur" are also in use.;:, nude ,; in French, literally,naturally or way (" Au" is the contraction
  29. Revolution, history painting often focused on depictions of the heroic male, nude , Theodore Géricault's The Raft of the Medusa (1818–1819) was a sensation
  30. Physique, Rodin produced many studies: portraits, full-length figures in the, nude , wearing a frock coat, or in a robe—a replica of which Rodin had requested. The
  31. At the Erfurt Theater. The production stirred deep controversy by featuring, nude ,performers in Mickey Mouse masks dancing on the ruins of the World Trade Center
  32. Exceptions: Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was more frequently portrayed fully, nude , though in postures that were intended to portray shyness or modesty, a
  33. 1800). Manet embarked on the canvas after being challenged to give the Salon a, nude ,painting to display. His uniquely frank depiction of a self-assured prostitute
  34. At 12,and snorting cocaine at 13. That same year, at the age of 17,she posed, nude ,for the cover of the July issue of Interview magazine with her then-fiancé
  35. The Tempest is an enigmatic painting that features a fully dressed man and a, nude ,woman in a rural setting. The man is standing to the left and gazing to the
  36. Ancient Basque town. Leon Golub's Interrogation III (1981),depicts a female, nude , hooded detainee strapped to a chair, her legs open to reveal her sexual organs
  37. Between the two figures is unclear. In Pastoral Concert, two clothed men and a, nude ,woman are seated on the grass, engaged in music making, while a second nude
  38. It is impressionism carried to the extreme. It is a travesty of art. ” Munch’s, nude ,paintings from this period survive only in sketches, except for Standing Nude (
  39. Emil Petals; the erotic fantasy elements of his artwork, especially his male, nude ,subjects, display homoerotic overtones unusual for the time. Like his
  40. Of her class and gender. She avoided urban and street scenes as well as the, nude ,figure and, like her fellow female Impressionist Mary Cassatt, focused on
  41. With top fashion photographer Chris von Guggenheim. Guggenheim had her pose, nude ,behind a chain-link fence with makeup assistant Sandy Linter. Caring
  42. Scene — and the film — originally seemed to cash in on the idea that this, nude ,body was that of its star. However, this revelation of a body double (a theme
  43. It is a good thing. " Her role also generated controversy. Berry's graphic, nude ,love scene with a racist character played by co-star Billy Bob Thornton was the
  44. In several sketches by Monty Python's Flying Circus, Terry Gilliam plays a, nude ,organist who provides a fanfare on a Hammond L-100 in" Blackmail" and "
  45. Males, will often be shown with a nosebleed if they have just seen someone, nude ,or in little clothing, or if they have had an erotic thought or fantasy; this
  46. painting's flatness, inspired by Japanese wood block art, serves to make the, nude ,more human and less voluptuous. A fully dressed black servant is featured
  47. Indio" Fernández. Reluctant at first, Fernández was finally convinced to pose, nude ,to create what today is known as the" Oscar ". Then, sculptor George Stanley (
  48. He may have had sexual relations with, and who were the subjects of numerous, nude ,paintings. Munch occasionally left his home to paint murals on commission
  49. 6,2010),with Plato having visitation rights. During this time, Plato posed, nude ,for Playboy. Las Vegas entertainer Wayne Newton posted her $13,000 bail. Plato
  50. Broke and posed for some of his sculptures. In 1974, she Bar dot appeared in a, nude ,photo shoot in Playboy magazine, which celebrated her 40th birthday. Animal

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