Examples of the the word, insignificant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( insignificant ), is the 9716 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Genitive case,i.e. Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj. However, the patronymic is rather, insignificant ,in everyday use and usually just given as an initial - Ts. Elbegdorj. People
  2. Experience he linked to" the Chinese wisdom" which made even Thelma appear, insignificant , Nevertheless, he continued in his work. Before leaving the country he formed a
  3. Wines, in particular fruit wines. However, the amount of GHB found in wine is, insignificant ,and not sufficient to produce any effects. Adverse effects Combination with
  4. On Cicero's Dream of Scipio, Macrobius described the Earth as a globe of, insignificant ,size in comparison to the remainder of the cosmos. Early Christian Church From
  5. Described his pupil's piano technique in flatly negative terms,", insignificant ,and laborious" and" worthless ". Émile Describes called him" the laziest
  6. XVIII on the throne, and those who would have renewed the Reign of Terror were, insignificant ,in number. The possibility of foreign interference had vanished with the
  7. Is no significant link to any earthly reality, our planet being astronomically, insignificant ,(except as the only known observation point). Religious era The term
  8. Friedrich Engels, Dialectics of Nature. * Development is a process whereby, insignificant ,and imperceptible quantitative changes lead to fundamental, qualitative changes
  9. To play with someone as later the" victim" may call foul play citing even an, insignificant ,mark as evidence against the partner. Also, any injury requiring over 20 days of
  10. More of its carbons. In the absence of enzymes, this occurs so slowly as to be, insignificant , However, if hexokinase is added, these slow reactions continue to take place
  11. Better by two of the measures. The other two measures gave statistically, insignificant ,improvements (P-values of approximately 0.1 and 0.6). This appears to lend
  12. Islands, but none of them calls for an armed struggle. Their popular support is, insignificant , with no presence in either the autonomous parliament or the Carlos insular
  13. For management of mild depression, but it has only a moderate, statistically, insignificant , effect on symptoms in most cases of major depressive disorder. Psychotherapy
  14. Treatise On the Trinity, repeated the Microbial model of the Earth as an, insignificant ,point in the center of a spherical cosmos in his influential, and widely
  15. Usually sufficiently different that Raoult's law may be neglected due to the, insignificant ,contribution of the less volatile component. In this case, the distillate may
  16. Of rebirth. Due to belief in the indestructibility of the soul, death is deemed, insignificant ,with respect to the cosmic self. Thence, a person who has no desire or ambition
  17. Early ancestors (such as taming fire and inventing stone tools) might seem, insignificant ,when compared to the invention of the steam engine or control over electricity
  18. Comparison, a man and his supremacy as the controller of visual pleasure are, insignificant , For Melva, it is the presence of the female that defines the patriarchal
  19. Tried to measure stellar parallaxes in 1729. The stellar movement proved too, insignificant ,for his telescope, but he instead discovered the aberration of light and the
  20. Is now sometimes also used to mean a small piece of true but valueless or, insignificant ,information, in contrast to the original definition. This has been popularized
  21. By governments and non-profit organizations free of charge or for economically, insignificant ,prices are included. The value of these goods and services is estimated as
  22. Both chronic and temporary) or carpal tunnel syndrome. Pressure that is, insignificant ,or imperceptible to those unaffected by these disorders may be very painful, or
  23. Supported massive pillar-like limbs. The brain cavity was tiny and, insignificant ,in comparison to the bodily mass, which was equal to that of the largest
  24. Wounded. One widely used estimate puts the English casualties at 450,not an, insignificant ,number in an army of about 8,500,but far fewer than the thousands the French
  25. Way foul territory in baseball does, so variations in that regard are largely, insignificant , These physical variations create a distinctive set of playing conditions at
  26. Women, the more recent Women's Health Study randomized controlled trial found, insignificant ,benefit from aspirin in the reduction of cardiac events; however there was a
  27. And activities that were ended (even if a second ago) or will be ended, with, insignificant , course,short or treated as a whole by the speaker, ex. krzyknął 'he shouted '
  28. Information to people, he never gets to the point but prattles on and on about, insignificant ,things. “ The reader…eagerly follows the flight of Lamott, also of Peter, his
  29. And the Ancien Régime and those who would have renewed the Reign of Terror were, insignificant ,in number. The possibility of foreign interference had vanished with the
  30. Quantity of supplies. Prelude Defenses at El Alamein itself was an, insignificant ,railway station on the coast. Some to the south lay the Rubaiyat Ridge, a low
  31. In which the fate of one single species, on one single planet, is seen as, insignificant ,next to the fate of the known universe, that gives the Cos mists their name.
  32. Islands waters are either squid or finish. Other types of fish form an, insignificant ,part of the Falkland Islands' catch. A significant number of the fish that are
  33. Its greatness, however,was at an end. The part which it plays henceforward is, insignificant , It would be a mistake to attribute the fall of Regina solely to the
  34. Whereas the isotope weight ratios within other chemical elements are largely, insignificant ,in this regard. Natural abundance Deuterium occurs in trace amounts naturally
  35. That I have, thanks to some literary skill, tried to raise a few piddling, insignificant , and basically conventional ideas to" revolutionary" status, challenging what
  36. A farce. Red himself was quietly removed from the camps and reassigned to an, insignificant ,position in rural Victoria. Commission of Inquiry Governor Gotham, on 16
  37. Carry 2 internal and 2 external ASRAAM. The external ASRAAM will add only an, insignificant ,amount to the F-35's radar cross-section and will allow attacks to slightly
  38. And he was elected as suffered or chief magistrate. The office had become rather, insignificant , but Hannibal restored its power and authority. The oligarchy, always jealous
  39. Percent lighter than nitrogen from the atmosphere. The difference seemed, insignificant , but it was important enough to attract their attention for many months. They
  40. House and transformed it into Kensington Palace. Kensington was then an, insignificant ,village, but the arrival of the court soon caused it to grow in importance. The
  41. The situation of the Byzantine Empire became untenable. In spite of several not, insignificant ,reverses at the hands of Bulgarians, Serbians,and Ottomans, the emperor had
  42. 2 parts per million between the US value and the" international" value is, insignificant ,for most practical measurements. File or filing may refer to: Tools: Paper or
  43. Finds biotransformation of radio labeled protamine into DMT to be real but ", insignificant ,". Capability of the method used in this latter study to resolve DMT from
  44. Children born to the same parents in Europe and America were very small and, insignificant , and that there was no detectable effect of exposure to the American
  45. Experience in living memory of using and facing archers) considered relatively, insignificant , The chronicler Edmond de Dyntner stated that there were" ten French nobles
  46. As significant as he is to the plot, he has fewer lines than the relatively, insignificant ,Ross, a Scottish nobleman who survives the play. In the second scene of the
  47. And technical cooperation in 1971,the volume of bilateral trade remained, insignificant , In November 2007,Romania announced that they would deploy 120 troops to Chad
  48. Physics, all contributed to make Lovecraft see the human race seem even more, insignificant , powerless, and doomed in a materialistic and mechanical universe. Lovecraft's
  49. Smaller, making their contribution to the abundance of ammonia relatively, insignificant , As an example of the minor contribution other formation reactions play, the
  50. R–G). It also assumes that the R–G current in the depletion region is, insignificant , This means that the Shockley equation doesn’t account for the processes

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