Examples of the the word, shave , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Novices (Samantha),performing a ceremony such as Shiny in Burma. Novices, shave ,their heads, wear the yellow robes, and observe ten basic precepts. Although no
  2. To go on pilgrimage and observe the vigil at all the appointed places, but not, shave ,their heads. At the end of the pilgrimage, however,when they were about to
  3. With other Hasidic groups. Hair Following a Biblical commandment not to, shave ,the sides of one's face, male members of most Hasidic groups wear long, uncut
  4. Dijkstra and AAP Connived, who collaborated on the compiler, agreed not to, shave ,until the project was completed. It was one of the first compilers supporting
  5. To reduce ear wax buildup. Olive oil can be used as an effective shaving oil to, shave ,facial and other body hair. Studies on mice showed that application of olive
  6. An absolute manner by requiring courtiers, state officials, and the military to, shave ,their beards and adopt modern clothing styles. To improve his nation's
  7. Roxy Rufous song" My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors ". The line" Who needs a, shave , He's Robertson Davies" makes reference to his long white beard. *In The
  8. Wholesome in an era of turmoil. All players coming to the Reds were required to, shave ,and cut their hair for the next three decades. Over the years, the rule was
  9. Or shower for pleasure, they do not wear leather shoes or jewelry, men do not, shave , and in many communities mourners keep any household mirrors covered. The
  10. Runways, thus allowing the airport to operate during construction and to, shave ,miles off the travel distance from downtown and the southern suburbs. Charles
  11. For example, the Barber paradox supposes a barber who shave s all men who do not, shave ,themselves and only men who do not shave themselves. When one thinks about
  12. Sideburns called payout (Ashkenazi Hebrew pass, Yiddish pass). Many Hasidim, shave ,off the rest of their hair. Not every Hasidic group requires long pass, and
  13. And are often considered attractive in these cultures. Men generally do not, shave ,their legs in any culture. However, leg-shaving is a generally accepted
  14. Starts by forcing everyone, himself included, to live in a big barrack, then to, shave ,heads to be equal to the bald, and then to become mentally disabled to equate
  15. The services of star reliever and Ohio native Ollie Fingers, who would not, shave ,his trademark handlebar mustache in order to join the team. The rule was not
  16. Of THX 1138,Lucas insisted that most of the actors and actresses in the film, shave ,their heads, with some characters going completely bald, while others were
  17. Over Christmas, I always take a month off and let my hair go and don’t even, shave , ‘ Normally it comes out like salt and pepper which I hated. But this year it
  18. Per submarine in FY-05 dollars, the Navy instituted a cost-reduction program to, shave ,off approximately $400 million in costs off each submarine's price tag. The
  19. Where Tacitus describes that members of the Chatty, a Germanic tribe, may not, shave ,or groom before having first slain an enemy. Georges Duel theorized that
  20. Pardon from all past sins. While wearing the Iraq in Mecca, a pilgrim may not, shave , clip their nails, wear perfume, swear or quarrel, hunt,kill any creature
  21. Such as those with beards),detained them, and sometimes compelled men to, shave ,their beards off. In 2006,the former Tunisian president declared that he would
  22. In a scene set several years previously; for this scene he did cut his hair and, shave , heightening the resemblance to Waylon. On March 22, 2006,Jennings's mother
  23. Arms, legs,chest, and cheeks while chanting rhymes. Somewhat resembling ", shave ,and a haircut, two bits" beat, Diddley came across it while trying to play
  24. Be recognized by his ochre-colored clothing. Generally, Vaisnava monks, shave ,their heads except for a small patch of hair on the back of the head, while
  25. Edict (the" hair cutting order" ) that forced all adult Han Chinese men to, shave ,the front of their heads and comb the remaining hair into a queue, on pain of
  26. The city to them. The Manchus soon ordered all male residents of the city to, shave ,their heads in the Manchu way, requisitioned a large section of the city for
  27. Saw the chaos and ran back into his car in fear. Local extras were paid $75 to, shave ,heads bald, have latex scar tissue and burn-marks pasted on their faces, be
  28. Been attacked by neo-Nazis who painted a swastika on his face and attempted to, shave ,his head. Some inconsistencies in Downey's account (e.g., the swastika was
  29. A barber who shave s all men who do not shave themselves and only men who do not, shave ,themselves. When one thinks about whether the barber should shave himself or
  30. News items, such as his system of fines for officers and men who failed to, shave ,daily and wear helmets and leggings at all times. The fighting elements of
  31. Of ocean coincide with the metrical ictus and produce the characteristic ", shave ,and a haircut" ending:: certain urban Roman Membrane ocean.: (Annals
  32. Paradox seems to be that such a barber does not exist, or at least does not, shave ,(a variant of which is that the barber is a woman). The whole point of
  33. Master. In order not to leave Mindoro alone with Rosin, the doctor has Figaro, shave ,him. (Quintet: Don Basilica! — Cost Eggo! /Don Basilica! — What do I see? ).
  34. Washington High School, he began attending school at night and worked in a, shave ,brush factory during the day. Army experience Kissinger underwent basic
  35. The war seem like some great triumphant epic. It was, in fact, a very narrow, shave , and the reader may like to ponder ... whether ... we might have won without
  36. Of Mecca did: to circumambulate the temple, to venerate and honor it, to, shave , his head and to behave with all humility until he had left its precincts. " On
  37. Who do not shave themselves. When one thinks about whether the barber should, shave ,himself or not, the paradox begins to emerge. As another example, consider five
  38. Were about to return home, they would set out to the place where Manet stood, shave ,their heads, and stay there a while. They did not consider their pilgrimage
  39. Ute, Shaved Beaver Hide Painting. The Northern Ute would trap beavers, shave ,images into the animals' stretched and cured hides, and use them to decorate
  40. Could not have been me without them. " The young Hepburn was a tomboy who would, shave ,her head and call herself Jimmy, and got a thrill out of breaking into people
  41. Would comment that the only thing different between Hughes and Wilson was a, shave , However, Hughes had to try to hold together a coalition of conservative Taft
  42. Jim Kern was a big disappointment. Kern was also publicly upset over having to, shave ,off his prominent beard to join the Reds, and helped force the issue of getting
  43. 21:5 (" They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they, shave ,off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in the flesh. ") and the
  44. The monosyllable Mons at the end of the line, Virgil interrupts the usual ", shave ,and a haircut" pattern to produce a jarring rhythm, an effect that echoes the
  45. And coincide—an effect that gives each line a natural" dum-ditty-dum-dum" ( ", shave ,and a haircut" ) rhythm to close. Such an arrangement is a balance between an
  46. 110 million per aircraft, including development costs. But the Navy hopes to, shave ,about $10 million off that cost after a five-year production contract in 2013.
  47. Gould drew a strip in which Sam, Lizz, and Groovy held Tracy down to, shave ,off his mustache. At this time, the standard publication size and space of
  48. Said that I wasn't a sex symbol and that if anybody tried to make me one I'd, shave ,my head tomorrow ". She later actually did at Johnny Rotten's flat prior to a
  49. Medical procedures exist for the treatment of baldness, many balding men simply, shave ,their heads. Hair whorls have been discovered to be associated with brain
  50. Revealed that he was required to undergo" sword training for 3 months" and, shave ,his head. Personal life Lambert was married to Diane Lane from 1988 to 1994.

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