Examples of the the word, hotline , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hotline ), is the 9727 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Headphones. ). Where the Pressman had the recording button, the TPS-L2 had a ", hotline ," button which activated a small built-in microphone, partially overriding the
  2. Crisis spurred the Hotline Agreement, which created the Moscow–Washington, hotline , a direct communications link between Moscow and Washington’D. C. The purpose
  3. Was the creation of the Hotline Agreement and the Moscow–Washington, hotline , a direct communications link between Moscow and Washington’D. C. Earlier
  4. Each person is given a six-digit identification number. Couples can call a, hotline , if both are carriers, they will be deemed 'incompatible. ' Individuals are not
  5. Over the Internet, but after a telephone call to the Product Activation, hotline ,to confirm that the installations are indeed legitimate and consistent with the
  6. Of Defense (Mod) quietly closed down its UFO investigations unit. The unit's, hotline ,and email address were suspended by the Ministry of Defense on that date. The
  7. In a separate alien registration system. Foreigner-reporting website and, hotline ,The Japanese Ministry of Justice maintains a
  8. Of sovereignty from Portugal to China in 1999; it also introduced two emergency, hotline ,numbers: 110 (mainly for tourists from mainland China) and 112 (mainly for
  9. Building" mutual political trust ". * United States and China set up a crisis, hotline ,between their military establishments in 2008. In biology and specifically
  10. Implemented to reduce the number of suicides. The bridge is fitted with suicide, hotline ,telephones, and staff patrol the bridge in carts, looking for people who appear
  11. In Puerto Rican affairs (in a by-now famous episode, Sánchez had thrashed a, hotline ,telephone that linked the governor's office and the local Navy command) used
  12. And asks him to get together with her. Tender (as the man at the crisis, hotline ,) agrees, on the condition that she agrees to take the man from the mausoleum (
  13. Misprint which printed his phone number as the number for a suicide prevention, hotline , Tender, enjoying the thrill of passing divine judgment on these people tells
  14. In the 2007-08 school year, the hotline received a total of 44,151 calls. The, hotline ,also conducted over 3000 online tutoring sessions. The program started in 1991
  15. After his bar is closed by the health department, Moe calls the suicide, hotline ,only to discover that they’ve blocked his number and" Treehouse of Horror XIV
  16. Both India and Pakistan agreed to extend a nuclear testing ban and to set up a, hotline ,between their foreign secretaries aimed at preventing misunderstandings that
  17. Women from dating Arab men. The municipality of Petah Tikva has a telephone, hotline ,to inform on Jewish girls who date Arab men, as well as a psychological
  18. Then to preselected destinations. However, in common or colloquial usage, a ", hotline ," often refers to a call center reachable by dialing a standard telephone
  19. The scene of several others. There was also a recorded phone call to a police, hotline ,in which a man, his voice identified by a detective as Muhammad's, demanded
  20. Of delay should be a consideration for any jurisdiction planning on operating a, hotline , Local jurisdictions must convince the callers that their complaint of
  21. For experienced users, but inexperienced users will need to call the support, hotline ,several times until all internet services are accessible. Every unintended
  22. Austrian priests, nuns,and other religious officials. The report is based on, hotline ,calls from 325 victims - 91 women (28 %) and 234 men (72 %),who named 422
  23. Pads for use with its overseas agents were introduced late in the war. The, hotline ,between Moscow and Washington D. C., established in 1963 after the Cuban
  24. 1996 James Randi formally announced the creation of the REF through his email, hotline ,: It is now incorporated in the State of Virginia. According to the year 2009
  25. Left to the user, typically causing lots of rather long calls to the support, hotline , * Installation CD. Also called a" client-side self-service installation" CD
  26. After the call, Fertility also calls Tender, again trying to reach the crisis, hotline , and she tells him about dancing with the man at the mausoleum and asks him to
  27. Citizens can call in and report vandalism and have it removed. San Diego’s, hotline ,receives over 5000 calls per year, in addition to reporting the graffiti
  28. Misunderstandings that might lead to nuclear war. * India and China announced a, hotline ,for the foreign ministers of both countries while reiterating their commitment
  29. Keep coming, and when they dwindle, Tender prints up fliers for a fake crisis, hotline ,with his number on them, so the calls will continue. One of the calls comes from
  30. To the news from his son, Winfield called the Army inspector general's 24-hour, hotline , the office of Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla. ), and a sergeant at Joint Base
  31. Luck used to protect the wearer from the evil-eye curse In telecommunication,a, hotline ,(also called an automatic signaling service, ringdown, or off-hook service)
  32. Learned of this course correction and regarded it as an offensive move. In a, hotline ,message from Moscow, Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin said," If you want war you
  33. Derived from Federal Standard 1037C. Notable hotline s * The White House/Kremlin, hotline ,during the Cold War, known as the red telephone, which was established on June
  34. http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/keiziban/happyou/an%20informant_070921. HTML, hotline ,(English reference) for" receiving report on sic illegal stay foreigner. "
  35. Her nude photos from Playboy magazine, and endorsing a psychic telephone, hotline ,owned by her cousin Ariel Hemingway. Shortly before her death, she was set to
  36. Be Trevor's ex-homosexual lover. Eventually, she asks the man at the" crisis, hotline ," (i.e. Tender) to have phone sex with her, but he hangs up after turning
  37. The resources to respond to complaints in a timely manner, the value of the, hotline ,diminishes. Crews must be able to respond to individual service calls made to
  38. The Rights of the Child. The proposed law provides for the establishment of a, hotline ,to respond to children's problems and encourages the establishment of
  39. Cover of the device. When the follow-up model," Walkman II" came out, the ", hotline ," button was phased out. Some devices were also capable of recording. The
  40. Or telephone calls for up to 23 days. In October 2006,the foreigner reporting, hotline ,'s operating hours were extended to include Saturday, Sunday and national
  41. Used and let the consumers know this via the nutrition information and/or their, hotline , Likewise, Hindu customs may require gelatin from sources other than cow which
  42. Students answer math and science questions. In the 2007-08 school year,the, hotline ,received a total of 44,151 calls. The hotline also conducted over 3000 online
  43. Church. In November 2010,an independent group in Austria that operates a, hotline ,to help people exit the Catholic Church released a report documenting physical
  44. A further increase in the late 1960s. TAT-1 carried the Moscow-Washington, hotline ,between the American and Soviet heads of state. After the success of TAT-1,a
  45. Both conventional and unconventional religious groups. Operating an 800-number, hotline , they could refer concerned families to volunteer professionals. The character
  46. Applications that support customers in case of problems, avoiding costly, hotline ,calls. Such client-side applications also open completely new possibilities for
  47. An initiative to prevent interracial relationships, providing a telephone, hotline ,for friends and family to" inform" on Jewish girls who date Arab men as well
  48. In Israel and addresses people with a variety of sexual problems. It operates a, hotline ,and several support groups in Israel, and aims to change the sexual orientation
  49. Crews must be able to respond to individual service calls made to the graffiti, hotline ,as well as focus on cleanup near schools, parks and major intersections and
  50. After their meeting, Fertility calls Tender thinking she has called the crisis, hotline , Tender soon realizes it's Fertility, so he begins to talk to her in a fake

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