Examples of the the word, unhealthy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unhealthy ), is the 9724 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which was established in 1509 and abandoned around 1524 because it was deemed, unhealthy , The capital was moved to Spanish Town, then called" St. Jag ode la Vega "
  2. Unhealthy" and 125 MOL/MOL to 404 MOL/MOL as" very unhealthy ". The" very, unhealthy ," range for some other pollutants are: 355 kg m−3 - 424 kg m−3 for PM10; 15.5
  3. Publication China dialogue Singer called Western-style meat production cruel, unhealthy ,and damaging to the ecosystem. He rejected the idea that the method was
  4. Pale and bloodless upon seeing him, and thus her son Panda is born pale and, unhealthy ,(the term Panda may also mean 'jaundiced' ). Due to the physical challenges
  5. Water can be contaminated in some areas. The son arsenic filter eliminates, unhealthy ,arsenic in well water. However, drilling a well is an uncertain activity, with
  6. Over the course of the strip. Some strips appear to indicate that he has an, unhealthy ,sexual obsession with long-necked animals such as giraffes and ostriches. In
  7. As" unhealthy for sensitive groups," 105 MOL/MOL to 124 MOL/MOL as ", unhealthy ," and 125 MOL/MOL to 404 MOL/MOL as" very unhealthy . " Ozone can also be
  8. For the legalization of polygamy, that it is unnatural and that it encourages, unhealthy ,behavior. Some social conservatives believe that all sexual relationships with
  9. The Holy Communion virtually on a daily basis. This extreme fasting appeared, unhealthy ,in the eyes of the clergy and her own sisterhood, and her confessor, Blessed
  10. And European, a glucoside which makes the fruit too bitter, although not, unhealthy , There are many ways of processing olives for eating. Traditional methods use
  11. Seen not wearing the order. Ennoblement Linnaeus felt Uppsala was too noisy and, unhealthy , so he bought two farms in 1758: Mammary and Save. The next year, he bought a
  12. Grandmothers, AIM activists, Pipe carriers and others who have carried a heavy, unhealthy ,burden within them that has taken its toll. " Remain said he was told the
  13. Moderate and not to concentrate too much on one aspect as not only can this be, unhealthy ,for an individual as well as upon society, it may also take one away from God.
  14. To 124 MOL/MOL as" unhealthy ," and 125 MOL/MOL to 404 MOL/MOL as" very, unhealthy , " Ozone can also be present in indoor air pollution, partly as a result of
  15. Was educated in Mass ilia (Marseille),and showed what was considered an, unhealthy ,interest in philosophy. Political career He began his career in Roman public
  16. Drinking a carbonated beverage. Amounts above 5,000 ppm are considered very, unhealthy , and those above about 50,000 ppm (equal to 5 % by volume) are considered
  17. Provided Rome an alternative to the river water that had made the city famously, unhealthy , he restored or rebuilt over 30 of Rome's dilapidated churches, among them San
  18. In the March 2007 edition of the journal Atherosclerosis,81 Japanese men with, unhealthy ,blood sugar levels were randomly assigned to receive 1800 mg daily of
  19. Grew. The major reason of decline of textile export of Pakistan is the Govt, unhealthy ,policies. Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd. » (SNGPL) notified the textile
  20. Chips, candy,sugary drinks, pastries and white rice are generally considered, unhealthy ,in excess. The USDA's Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 dispensed with the
  21. The thickness of carotid arteries and improved blood flow in patients with, unhealthy ,blood sugar levels. In a study published in the American Journal of
  22. Of EPA published in The Lancet in March 2007 involved over 18,000 patients with, unhealthy ,cholesterol levels. The patients were randomly assigned to receive either 1,800
  23. Unprofessional, and *Attrition as good employees leave the company due to the, unhealthy ,work atmosphere. Turner and Weed theorize that among the three main types of
  24. Sons of O'Dubhe, in the night, in like manner. * 1536. This year was a sickly, unhealthy ,year, in which numerous diseases, viz., a general plague, and small-pox, and a
  25. Are methods of identifying heart conditions associated with healthy vs., unhealthy , pathologic, heart function. Bedside History Obtaining a medical history is
  26. Of workers in Canada, excessive concessions to the United States, and an, unhealthy ,centralization of politics around the person of the president. Madero called
  27. Flattery and functions similarly to cookery, which masks the undesirability of, unhealthy ,food by making it taste good. Thus, Plato considered any speech of lengthy
  28. Is nearly impossible to remove fat completely from the diet, it would also be, unhealthy ,to do so. Some fatty acids are essential nutrients, meaning that they can't be
  29. In Chechnya, whose civilian population was largely forced from their homes into, unhealthy ,conditions and subjected to the violence of the Second Chechen War. MSF has
  30. Standards. So to change the orbit of a satellite, the satellite must be marked, unhealthy , so receivers will not use it in their calculation. Then the maneuver can be
  31. By their influence and by the aid of America's yellow press, have created an, unhealthy ,atmosphere in which liberal-minded individuals can be singled out and
  32. Described as" Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups ",105 MOL/MOL 124 MOL/MOL as ", unhealthy ," and 125 MOL/MOL to 404 MOL/MOL as" very unhealthy ". The" very unhealthy
  33. Have repeatedly confirmed that changing lipoprotein transport patterns from, unhealthy ,to healthier patterns significantly lowers cardiovascular disease event rates
  34. To the woman in later life, frequently leading to feelings of low self-esteem, unhealthy ,sexual activity, contempt for other women, and other emotional problems. Adults
  35. It, it would die. Babies would often be rejected if they were illegitimate, unhealthy ,or deformed, the wrong sex (female for example),or too great a burden on the
  36. Were incidents in 2006 when beaches had to be closed because of unexplained, unhealthy ,water conditions with E. Cold bacteria. It was described as a" spit of sand
  37. To be constructed so that people would not form an impression that Stanford was, unhealthy , Between 1899 and 1905,she spent $3 million on a grand construction scheme
  38. Of King Andriana after his father Alamo was partially due to the, unhealthy ,obsession that Andrianjaka's older brother may have had with playing phenomena
  39. Englishness incompatible ". As a child he sometimes spent time away from the, unhealthy ,air of Dublin with his mother's family in the Blackwater Valley. He received
  40. And DHA along with some monounsaturated fatty acids. Those patients with very, unhealthy ,triglyceride levels (above 500 mg/DL) reduced their triglycerides on average
  41. On October 15, 2001. The radiation environment near Io in particular was very, unhealthy ,for Galileo's systems, and so these flybys were saved for the extended mission
  42. 124 MOL/MOL as" unhealthy " and 125 MOL/MOL to 404 MOL/MOL as" very, unhealthy ,". The" very unhealthy " range for some other pollutants are: 355 kg m−3 - 424
  43. Average ozone mole fractions of 85 to 104 MOL/MOL are described as ", unhealthy ,for sensitive groups," 105 MOL/MOL to 124 MOL/MOL as" unhealthy ," and 125
  44. The actors, who had, just like real U-boat men, spent many months in a cramped, unhealthy ,atmosphere. Production for this film originally began in 1976. Several Americans
  45. Stout monarch. Towards the end of his reign his health rapidly declined due to, unhealthy ,eating. Henry was an intellectual. The first English king with a modern
  46. Creating ample fuel for large fires. The perspective that older chaparral is, unhealthy ,or unproductive may have originated during the 1940s when studies were
  47. Of Russian society: for example, he witnessed at first hand the peasants ', unhealthy ,and cramped living conditions, which he recalled in his short story Peasants.
  48. Who until recently used horses with a distinctive style of saddle. Once, unhealthy ,because of its many marshes, the Mamma was drained during the fascist regime
  49. With special nutritionally-enhanced diets, the insects can survive, but are, unhealthy , and at best survive only a few generations. In some insect groups, these
  50. Of the 1921 constitution sparked tensions among ethnic groups, the already, unhealthy ,political situation became even worse after Stefan Radio, the president of HSS

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