Examples of the the word, lizard , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lizard ), is the 9922 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That were part of the extinct megafauna of Australia. Today the Komodo monitor, lizard ,Var anus komodoensis is known in English as the Komodo dragon. The Bible uses
  2. Extinct before the dinosaurs appeared. Independent of Eudibamus, some modern, lizard ,species have developed the capacity to run on their hind legs for added speed.
  3. As the Independent Regulator for NHS Foundation Trusts * Monitor lizard , any, lizard , of the family Veranda * Hall monitor, a student who supervises the corridors
  4. Blood loss after an attack in 2007. The venom of the Gila monster and beaded, lizard ,is not usually deadly, but they can inflict extremely painful bites due to
  5. Of Komodo, Rinca, Flores,Gil Mo tang and Gil Deism. A member of the monitor, lizard ,family (Veranda),it is the largest living species of lizard , growing to a
  6. Birds),digging (in giant pangolin),combat (in bears and the large monitor, lizard ,) or camouflage (in certain species of octopus). Running speeds can be
  7. M (5 ft). Their name derives from the Spanish el legato, which means" the, lizard ,". Caimans In Central and South America, the alligator family is represented by
  8. Tropical Storm Bill (disambiguation),a list of storms named Bill * Bill,a, lizard ,in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland * Mr. Bill, claymation
  9. Plantain-eaters, are noted for the brilliance of their plumage. Of reptiles the, lizard ,and chameleon are common, and there are a number of venomous snakes, though
  10. Limbs. The three families of this suborder are: Relationship with humans Most, lizard ,species are harmless to humans. Only the largest lizard species, the Komodo
  11. It is derived from the Greek /allow (" different, other ") and /Sauron (", lizard ,"). The first remains that can definitely be ascribed to this genus were
  12. Creature. See Amphisbaenia for information on the suborder and Amphisbaena (, lizard ,) for the genus. Amphisbaena (, plural: amphisbaenae),amphibians, amphisbene
  13. Allos/αλλος, meaning " strange" or" different" and Sauron/σαυρος, meaning ", lizard ," or" reptile ". It was named 'different lizard ' because its vertebrae were
  14. Three meters (9 feet,6 inches) in the case of the largest living paranoid, lizard , the Komodo Dragon. Some extinct paranoids reached great size. The extinct
  15. Var anus komodoensis, also known as the Komodo monitor, is a large species of, lizard ,found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores,Gil Mo tang and Gil
  16. Were found. The generic name also incorporates the Greek term σαυρος/Sauron (", lizard ,"),the most common suffix in dinosaur names. The type species is A.
  17. Also known as the Independent Regulator for NHS Foundation Trusts * Monitor, lizard , any lizard of the family Veranda * Hall monitor, a student who supervises
  18. And species. He dubbed the new species Brontosaurus excels us, meaning " thunder, lizard ,", from the Greek Bronte/βροντη meaning 'thunder' and Sauron/σαυρος meaning
  19. Muster ermine) became extinct in Jersey between 1976 and 2000. The Green, lizard ,(Lacerda bilinear) is a protected species of reptile; Jersey is its only
  20. Species Crocodiles Johnston; in contrast, the population of the again, lizard ,Amphiboles Gilbert—known to be a prey item of V. canopies—has increased.
  21. Of the monitor lizard family (Veranda),it is the largest living species of, lizard , growing to a maximum of length in rare cases and weighing up to around.
  22. To define territory, resolve disputes, and entice mates. Some species of, lizard ,also utilize bright colors, such as the iridescent patches on the belly of
  23. And Sauron/σαυρος, meaning " lizard " or" reptile ". It was named 'different, lizard ,' because its vertebrae were different from those of other dinosaurs known at
  24. Do not necessarily show that an animal had vibrissae – for example the modern, lizard ,Tupinambá has foramina which are almost identical to those found in the
  25. As insects and spiders, and only extremely rarely a vertebrate such as a small, lizard , Preservation of inclusions can be exquisite, including small fragments of DNA.
  26. Ariasae — native to the Caribbean islands, and the world's smallest, lizard ,A game show is a type of radio or television program in which members of the
  27. Could run on their hind legs in a manner similar to that of the modern basilisk, lizard , A study of diploid snouts showed that the square snout, large proportion of
  28. The Canaries were inhabited by prehistoric animals; for example, the giant, lizard ,(Galatia Goliath),or giant rats (Canaries bravo and Canaries Tamara
  29. And frogs reveal themselves when it rains. Reptiles include the Aegean wall, lizard , Balkan green lizard , european chameleon, ocellated skin, snake-eyed skin
  30. Overview Dragons are usually shown in modern times with a body like a huge, lizard , or a snake with two pairs of lizard -type legs, and able to emit fire from
  31. Makes it tempting to assume any similar animal, alive or extinct, is also a, lizard , However, this is not the case, and lizard s as soulmates are part of a
  32. Constellation in the southern sky. It is named after the chameleon, a form of, lizard , It was first defined in the sixteenth century. In Australia, it is sometimes
  33. For a short time in exceptional circumstances. Several non-archosaurian, lizard ,species move bipedally when running, usually to escape from threats. Many
  34. Will also temporarily adopt bipedalism while fighting. One genus of basilisk, lizard ,can run bipedally across the surface of water for some distance. Birds are also
  35. Can inflict extremely painful bites due to powerful jaws. Numerous species of, lizard ,are kept as pets. Lizard symbolism plays important though rarely predominant
  36. But not humiliating fact that much of mankind can be seen in a tree or a, lizard , " In 1981,Ariel Roth, in defense of the creation science position in the
  37. S blood" ruby). Albertosaurus (; meaning" Alberta, lizard ,") is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived in western North
  38. Kimmeridgian to early Lithuanian). The name Allosaurus means" different, lizard ,". It is derived from the Greek /allow (" different, other ") and /Sauron ("
  39. With humans Most lizard species are harmless to humans. Only the largest, lizard ,species, the Komodo dragon, which reaches 3.3 meters (11 feet) in length and
  40. Themselves when it rains. Reptiles include the Aegean wall lizard , balkan green, lizard , European chameleon, ocellated skin, snake-eyed skin, moorish gecko, turkish
  41. Into LSD format Dinosaurs (from Greek: δεινός terrible or potent, and σαύρα, lizard ,) are a diverse group of animals that were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates
  42. Crocodile which grew to 5 to possibly 7 meters long, or the 4 tonne monitor, lizard ,Var anus prices (formerly Megalomania Prince) a giant carnivorous gonna that
  43. Helmeted astronaut or" spaceman ", but the eventual choice was a Godzilla-like, lizard ,thought to go well with the name. It was designed by Dave Titus in 1994.
  44. Bipedal during high-speed, sprint locomotion, including the world's fastest, lizard , the spiny-tailed iguana (genus Stegosauri). There are no known living or
  45. Includes few large birds or mammals, but the desert does sustain many types of, lizard ,including the vulnerable great deserts kink (Hernia Mingora) and a number
  46. Lower margin of the lower skull opening. The earliest known fossil remains of a, lizard ,belong to the Iranian species Tikiguania Estes from the Tiki Formation of
  47. Name Draco is used in real-world biology for a genus of small gliding again, lizard , An infectious disease called Dracunculiasis, caused by infection with the
  48. Atai which is an animal counterpart to a person. It can be an eel, a shark,a, lizard , or some other creature. This creature is corporeal, can understand human
  49. Three endemic species of recently rediscovered and critically endangered giant, lizard ,: the El Hairdo Giant Lizard (or Roque Chico de Salmor Giant Lizard),La
  50. And dinosaurs are of same evolutionary chain. The prevailing notion among, lizard ,experts is that, while remarkably similar to prehistoric reptilian creatures

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