Examples of the the word, lens , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lens ), is the 3395 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An optical system **Spherical aberration, which occurs when light rays strike a, lens ,or mirror near its edge **Chromatic aberration, caused by differences in
  2. Vide supra) as the other a negative; the first must be a positive, lens ,and the second a negative lens ; the powers, however: may differ, so that the
  3. He was the first to construct a special type of lens , now called a Fresnel, lens , as a substitute for mirrors in lighthouses. In 1819, he was nominated to be a
  4. Some people with Albinism do well using bifocals (with a strong reading, lens ,), prescription reading glasses, and/or hand-held devices such as magnifiers or
  5. Is refraction at a collective spherical surface, or through a thin positive, lens , O'2 will lie in front of O'1 so long as the angle u2 is greater than u1 (
  6. Refractive index for one color, then its effect for that one color is that of a, lens ,of one piece; by such decomposition of a lens it can be made chromatic or
  7. Signs, or the system must be composed of a collective and a dispersive, lens , Consequently, the powers of the two must be different (in order that f be not
  8. The name. Chromatic aberrations are caused by dispersion, the variation of a, lens ,'s refractive index with wavelength. They do not appear when monochromatic
  9. Classical period to today have tended to interpret the relationship through the, lens ,of their own cultures. Thus, in 5th-century BC Athens, the relationship was
  10. At Paris in the ensuing year. He was the first to construct a special type of, lens , now called a Fresnel lens , as a substitute for mirrors in lighthouses. In 1819
  11. Can be mostly neglected. For microscopes, it cannot be neglected. For a single, lens ,of very small thickness and given power, the aberration depends upon the ratio
  12. Although Aldous did not wear glasses, he would quite often use a magnifying, lens , " Laura Huxley proceeds to elaborate a few nuances of inconsistency peculiar
  13. Other a negative; the first must be a positive lens and the second a negative, lens ,; the powers, however: may differ, so that the desired effect of the lens is
  14. Effect. If its chromatic effect (DF/f) be greater than that of the same, lens , this being made of the more dispersive of the two glasses employed, it is
  15. e. This constant is achromatized. For example, it is possible, with one thick, lens ,in air, to achromatize the position of a focal plane of the magnitude of the
  16. Within the first 24 hours of embryonic development, but quickly aborts,the, lens ,cells dying; most of the rest of the eye structures never develop. Researchers
  17. Elimination of spherical aberration on the axis, if,as above, the collective, lens ,has a smaller refractive index; on the other hand, they permit the elimination
  18. Of this ratio; it varies inversely with the refractive index (the power of the, lens ,remaining constant). The total aberration of two or more very thin lens es in
  19. Refraction does not remain constant, and investigated the magnifying power of a, lens , His work on cathartics also contains the problem known as" Alhazen's problem
  20. The process of image formation, he incorrectly agreed with Avicenna that the, lens ,was the receptive organ of sight, but correctly hinted at the retina being
  21. In vogue before the discovery of achromatic. ) Examples:: (a) In a very thin, lens , in air, only one constant of reproduction is to be observed, since the focal
  22. To help the actors—allowing them to be photographed at some distance from the, lens , and without any knowledge of which particular camera's image would be
  23. And experimentally. He is perhaps best known as the inventor of the Fresnel, lens , first adopted in lighthouses while he was a French commissioner of lighthouses
  24. And chromatic. Monochromatic aberrations are caused by the geometry of the, lens ,and occur both when light is reflected and when it is refracted. They appear
  25. Dispersive power, flint glass. For the construction of an achromatic collective, lens ,(f positive) it follows, by means of equation (4),that a collective lens
  26. Using a Vision tube. The camera had two lens es, a very wide-angle (160°), lens , and a telephoto (9°) lens . At 68 hours and 58 minutes, the spacecraft went
  27. Lens; the powers, however: may differ, so that the desired effect of the, lens ,is maintained. It is generally an advantage to secure a great refractive effect
  28. Embryos into blind cave-form embryos, and vice versa. In the cave form, lens ,development begins within the first 24 hours of embryonic development, but
  29. There is ongoing discussion among academics over the nature of the Nimrod, lens , a piece of quartz unearthed by Austen Henry Lanyard in 1850,in the Nimrod
  30. When it shows the same kind of chromatic error as a thin positive, lens , otherwise it is said to be over-corrected. If, in the first place
  31. Lens (f positive) it follows, by means of equation (4),that a collective, lens ,I. Of crown glass and a dispersive lens II. of flint glass must be chosen; the
  32. On the Catholic Church's Index of Forbidden Books. Spinoza lived quietly as a, lens ,grinder, turning down rewards and honors throughout his life, including
  33. Used the term aperture stop for both the hole and the limiting margin of the, lens , The component S1 of the system, situated between the aperture stop and the
  34. Angle objectives and oculars.: Between these extreme examples stands the normal, lens ,: this is corrected more with regard to aperture; objectives for groups more
  35. Logsdon. They are characterized by seeing the world through an agricultural, lens , Although much of Inge's principles, above,still apply to the New Agrarianism
  36. The elimination of astigmatism and curvature of the field, if the collective, lens ,has a greater refractive index (this follows from the Petal equation; see L.
  37. Of equation (4),that a collective lens I. of crown glass and a dispersive, lens ,II. Of flint glass must be chosen; the latter, although the weaker, corrects
  38. Technique changed drastically, through his extensive use in that film of long, lens ,and multiple cameras. The director claimed that he used these lens es and
  39. Of the rest of the eye structures never develop. Researchers found that the, lens ,seemed to control the development of the rest of the eye, as the surface-form
  40. 1856,p. 289). Should the cemented system be positive, then the more powerful, lens ,must be positive; and, according to (4),to the greater power belongs the
  41. Camera had two lens es, a very wide-angle (160°) lens , and a telephoto (9°), lens , At 68 hours and 58 minutes, the spacecraft went behind the Moon and out of
  42. Chromatically by its greater dispersive power. For an achromatic dispersive, lens ,the converse must be adopted. This is, at the present day, the ordinary type
  43. Permits the determination of the image of any object for any system (see, lens ,). The Gaussian theory, however,is only true so long as the angles made by all
  44. Is known as" pincushion distortion" ( figure 7b). This effect is called, lens ,distortion or image distortion, and there are
  45. Behind their regular lens es, so that they can look through either the regular, lens ,or the telescope. Newer designs of biopics use smaller light-weight lens es.
  46. For that one color is that of a lens of one piece; by such decomposition of a, lens ,it can be made chromatic or achromatic at will, without altering its spherical
  47. Perfectly. Examples of such a theoretically perfect system include the Lundberg, lens ,and the Maxwell fish-eye. Practical methods solve this problem with an accuracy
  48. To secure a great refractive effect by several weaker than by one high-power, lens , By one, and likewise by several, and even by an infinite number of thin lens es
  49. At the nations surrounding Israel and then Israel itself through an ethical, lens , Chapters three to six are a collection of verses that look more specifically
  50. Disregarded; example — high-power microscope objectives.: (2) Wide angle, lens ,; necessary corrections are — for astigmatism, curvature of field and distortion

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