Examples of the the word, extended , in a Sentence Context

The word ( extended ), is the 3400 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Drowning, or impaling the criminal on a stake. Punishment could also be, extended ,to the criminal's family. Agriculture A combination of favorable geographical
  2. Council to impose and carry out sanctions on UNITS. More recently, it has, extended ,those efforts to controls on conflict diamonds, the primary source of revenue
  3. A Test, but as a standalone. 1884 to 1896 After Bligh's victory, there was an, extended ,period of English dominance. The tours generally had fewer Tests in the 1880s
  4. There was one Armenian wounded and no deaths. The Armenian government, extended ,the small troop presence in Iraq by one year at the end of 2005 and 2006. On
  5. Park and Railway Station, while on the southern side of the hill, it may have, extended ,downwards as far as the site presently occupied by Facetted University. It was
  6. Induction: Knuth demonstrates the application of mathematical induction to an ", extended ," version of Euclid's algorithm, and he proposes" a general method applicable
  7. An 8-bit byte to store each character in memory, providing an opportunity for, extended , 8-bit,relatives of ASCII, with the 128 additional characters providing room
  8. Office, cardinals of the Roman church. In process of time the title abbot was, extended ,to clerics who had no connection with the monastic system, as to the principal
  9. After it was conquered by the Safari Muslims of Zara. Later, the Stands, extended ,their Islamic influence into the Hindu Kush area from Bukhara in the north. It
  10. Orbán Bu sway, metropolitan railways, and the Adelaide-Glenelg Tram, which was, extended ,as a metropolitan tram in 2010 through the city center to the inner north-west
  11. The Philippines holds a plebiscite for Filipino women on whether they should be, extended ,the right to suffrage; over 90 % would vote in the affirmative. *1938 – The
  12. Largest empire Egypt had ever seen. When Tutsis III died in 1425 BC, Egypt, extended , from Nina in north Syria to the fourth waterfall of the Nile in Nubia
  13. Prices, socialism lacks a method to efficiently allocate resources over an, extended ,period of time in any market where the price mechanism is effective (an
  14. In antiquity and the Middle Ages which was religious in nature and has, extended ,into modern times #Traditional Muslim antisemitism which was - at least in its
  15. Sets up all the shots and then does the editing. ” His active participation, extended ,from the initial concept to the editing and scoring of the final product.
  16. Emerged and agricultural employment was substantially reduced. Education was, extended ,nationwide, raising the literacy rate from less than ten percent to over sixty
  17. Made with skim milk is known as an Anna Kournikova. Anna's popularity has, extended ,into Texas Hold 'em lingo, where the hole cards Ace–King (unsuited) are
  18. And mathematical deductions, building on experimental work by Thomas Young, extended ,the wave theory of light to a large class of optical phenomena. In 1817,Young
  19. Physical sciences profoundly shaped medieval scholarship, and their influence, extended ,well into the Renaissance, although they were ultimately replaced by Newtonian
  20. Has a completion. That is, every consistent set of first-order sentences can be, extended ,to a maximal consistent set. Stronger forms of the negation of AC Now, consider
  21. Used to represent characters in digital computers. The ANSI code standard, extended ,the previously created ASCII seven bit code standard (ASA X3.4-1963),with
  22. On was subjected to extreme weather conditions and was unable to land for an, extended ,period. They appeared at the Boston Music Hall for the performance ninety
  23. The prospect of a nuclear attack that he becomes determined to move his entire, extended ,family (both legal and extra-marital) to what he imagines is the safety of a
  24. 1861. There were attempts at compromise. The Christensen Compromise would have, extended ,the Missouri Compromise line of 1820,dividing the territories into slave and
  25. The auspices of the American Breeders Association. The committee unequivocally, extended ,the principle to man. From 1912 until 1918 he was the chairman of the board of
  26. He realized, however,that the principle of relativity could also be, extended ,to gravitational fields, and with his subsequent theory of gravitation in 1916
  27. To be read rather than acted. The circulation of his plays in manuscript, extended ,their influence beyond the original audience, over whom in fact they seem to
  28. Geometries. If one also removes the second postulate (" a line can be, extended ,indefinitely" ) then elliptic geometry arises, where there is no parallel
  29. However, in Angola the mastery of the official language is probably more, extended ,than elsewhere in Africa, and this certainly applies to its use in everyday
  30. And their synagogues torched. Antisemitic laws, agitation and propaganda were, extended ,to Nazi occupied Europe, in the wake of conquest, often building on local
  31. At a time, were reluctant to travel far from home and thus were unavailable for, extended ,operations, and lacked the training and discipline of soldiers with more
  32. However, given that ununpentium is only the first period 8 elements on the, extended ,periodic table, it may well be discovered in the near future. Currently, none
  33. Military campaigns waged under Tutsis I and his grandson Tutsis III, extended ,the influence of the pharaohs to the largest empire Egypt had ever seen. When
  34. Outside Petersburg, Virginia,where Grant began a siege. Lincoln then made an, extended ,visit to Grant's headquarters at City Point, Virginia. This allowed the
  35. 1944 edition of Reader's Digest magazine. While working in Hollywood, Rand, extended , her involvement with free-market and anti-communist activism. She became
  36. And" survival of the fittest ". In genetic programming, this approach is, extended ,to algorithms, by regarding the algorithm itself as a" solution" to a problem
  37. And foreign countries are extending considerable grants and loans. Total loans, extended ,to Armenia since 1993 exceed $800 million. These loans are targeted at reducing
  38. In the early 1990s due to the UK synth-pop duo Erasure who released a cover, extended ,play featuring versions of ABBA's songs which topped the charts in early 1992.
  39. Axon. Physiology The physiology can be described by the Hodgkin-Huxley Model, extended ,to vertebrates in Frankenhaeuser-Huxley equations. Peripheral nerve fibers can
  40. The definition of absolute value given for real numbers above can easily be, extended ,to any ordered ring. That is, if an is an element of an ordered ring R, then the
  41. The Canada Presidential Residence stands today. To the west, the Roman city, extended ,until the area of the Menelik Park and Railway Station, while on the southern
  42. Samoa is communal. A Masai can represent a small family group or a great, extended ,family that reaches across islands, and to both American Samoa and independent
  43. The" Masai" ( chiefs) are elected by consensus within the photo of the, extended ,family and village (s) concerned. The Masai and the photo (which is itself
  44. Attended by dozens of former students, now adults of varying age ... This, extended ,sequence ... expresses, as only Kurosawa can, the simple joys of
  45. Restricted to" spirit of wine" ( ethanol) in the 18th century, and was again, extended ,to the family of substances so called in modern chemistry from 1850. Physical
  46. A divine reason (mind) gave order to the seeds of the universe, and Plato, extended ,the Greek belief of ideal forms to his metaphysical theory of forms (idea:
  47. The loss of his kinsman. Death The dominion of Alp Asian after Manifest, extended ,over much of Western Asia. He soon prepared to march to the conquest of
  48. Calculated on-line. Weighted incremental algorithm The algorithm can be, extended ,to handle unequal sample weights, replacing the simple counter n with the sum
  49. Prize for this work in 1963. The formulas detailing atonal conductance were, extended ,to vertebrates in the Frankenhaeuser-Huxley equations. Erlangen and Gasser
  50. His longtime friend Toning Guerra. Tchaikovsky returned to Italy in 1980 for an, extended ,trip during which he and Toning Guerra completed the script for the film

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PLEASE click record and read the phrase: Orbán Bu sway, metropolitan railways, and the Adelaide-Glenelg Tram, which was, extended ,as a metropolitan tram in 2010 through the city center to the inner north-west

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