Examples of the the word, hereafter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hereafter ), is the 11171 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Apologized to Krishna, promising that he would fight with full dedication, hereafter , and the battle continued. Krishna had directed Yudhisthira and Arjuna to
  2. Territory to include" any territory on the continent of America which shall, hereafter ,be acquired ". This time Representative Stephen Douglas, Democrat of Illinois
  3. The door of Abu Bakr The good referred in the first part means the good in the, hereafter , Khalil means intimate friend. The door referred to here is the door to the
  4. Believe their spirits are immortal, and that their spirits will be rewarded, hereafter ,by ascending to kazoo mo sir (Land of the Gods). The Ainu believe the bear is
  5. Under the old building of error and superstition, which a single spark may, hereafter ,inflame,to produce an instantaneous explosion; in consequence of which
  6. He leaps over it. Romulus kills him, saying " So perish every one that shall, hereafter ,leap over my wall ". In the other version, Remus is simply stated as dead; no
  7. Certainly they know that he who bought it should have no share of good in the, hereafter ,and evil was the price for which they sold their souls, had they but known this
  8. Others with God, The above verse is referring to the forgiveness in the, hereafter , Those who die believing not in the“ One God” do not receive salvation. Those
  9. The Spartans claimed the command of land forces, and since the Greek (, hereafter ,referred to as" Allied" ) fleet would be dominated by Athens, Themistocles
  10. To fight others with physical force:" For him struggles for the right must, hereafter ,be waged only on the moral plane. " Were informally dubbed" hobbits" by their
  11. Now, gentlemen,let us do something today which the world may talk of, hereafter , " Because the winds were very light during the battle, all the ships were
  12. Which have been put to rest for years. The full range of sanctions in Rule 38, hereafter , shall be summoned in response to a totally frivolous appeal. ": :We are
  13. Remain in use. Forces The tidal force produced by a massive object (Moon, hereafter ,) on a small particle located on or in an extensive body (Earth, hereafter )
  14. And that all crime will be punished, and virtue rewarded, either here or, hereafter , Franklin retained a lifelong commitment to the Puritan virtues and political
  15. Of their own debasement and ruin. ": *"Peace and good will have been, and will, hereafter ,be, cultivated with all, and by the most faithful regard to justice. They have
  16. During late Miocene times, a so-called" Messina Salinity Crisis" ( MSC, hereafter ,) occurred, which was triggered by the closure of the Atlantic gateway.
  17. Were defined in relationship to one another as follows: Systematic biology (, hereafter ,called simply systematic) is the field that (a) provides scientific names
  18. In my opinion if our intelligence or soul or whatever one may call it lives, hereafter ,as an entity or disperses back again from whence it came, scattered amongst the
  19. Church provides that" the Book of Common Prayer, as now established or, hereafter ,amended by the authority of this Church, shall be in use in all the Dioceses of
  20. Forest. His soul arrives before Rama, the Lord of Death, to be judged for the, hereafter , Having no compensating virtue,Vahika's soul is at once dispatched to hell.
  21. Marshall: His Speeches, Writings,Arguments, Opinions and Reminiscences, cited, hereafter , ); and law school deans Paul Mahoney of University of Virginia School of Law
  22. President to any person who, while serving in any capacity with the Army shall, hereafter ,distinguish himself or herself, or who, since 1917-04-06,has distinguished
  23. Palacios argued that Dante derived many features of and episodes about the, hereafter ,from the spiritual writings of In Arab and from the IRA and Mi'RAJ or night
  24. Cheiroballistra / Manuballista The Cheiroballistra and the Manuballista (, hereafter ,Manuballista) are held by many archaeologists to be the same weapon. The
  25. Within the City of New York heretofore called King's College be forever, hereafter ,called and known by the name of Columbia College. " On the May 21, 1787
  26. That a condition of the grant is that" we ourselves and our heirs shall always, hereafter ,have firm and unshakable friendships from Archbishop Cloth and his
  27. Law touching the Succession to the Throne or the Royal Style and Titles shall, hereafter ,require the assent as well of the Parliaments of all the Dominions as of the
  28. Name of which any inhumanity becomes an act of humanity to be rewarded here and, hereafter , The crime of an obviously mad but intrepid youth is being visited upon his
  29. Wright explained the need for a new term:" The point about what I shall, hereafter ,call nondegree, since no one else has thought up a word for them, is that
  30. Was adopted, which reads in part: The lands of the state, now owned or, hereafter ,acquired, constituting the forest preserve as now fixed by law, shall be
  31. Saints believe that the soul existed before earth life and will exist in the, hereafter , Angels are either spirits that have not yet come to earth to experience their
  32. And his descendants were declared to be participants in the felicity of the, hereafter , This interpretation of the status of non-Jews made the development of a
  33. Law touching the Succession to the Throne or the Royal Style and Titles shall, hereafter ,require the assent as well of the Parliaments of all the Dominions as of the
  34. By mystic and splendid visions, the felicity of the soul both here and, hereafter , when purified from the defilement of a material nature and constantly
  35. He never deceived. " Lord Palgrave wrote," I am thoroughly convinced that, hereafter , when time shall have worn away those specks and blemishes which sully the
  36. Fares are sold at kiosks and at automated machines in the station foyer (see, hereafter ,for details). Entrance to platforms is by automated gate, opened by smart
  37. While they are in distress.: I hope the Lord will protect you while living: And, hereafter ,when your Majesty is dead.: I hope The Lord will place an eternal Crown: upon
  38. In Jesus would allow Christians to overcome death and attain salvation in the, hereafter , Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox Christians, and some Protestants teach the
  39. Who believed that earthly bodies would be precisely reconstituted in the, hereafter , Origin argued that Paul's notion of a flourishing spiritual body is more
  40. Have believed on our Christ will spend a thousand years in Jerusalem; and that, hereafter ,the general and, in short, the eternal resurrection and judgment of all will
  41. So far as religion is concerned) that I rested all my hopes of happiness, hereafter , So say I now and so help me God. Paine is often credited with writing "
  42. These letters are for the purpose of quotation in the Book that he will write, hereafter ,". Chamberlain was also able to deter some of Churchill's more extreme plans
  43. Labels held no value, and it is the deeds of human that will be judged in the, hereafter ,what we call ourselves religiously holds no value. Sikhs have always being
  44. Hereafter) on a small particle located on or in an extensive body (Earth, hereafter ,) is the vector difference between the gravitational force exerted by the Moon
  45. Otherwise went unpunished. Surprisingly, this leniency worked to good effect;, hereafter , the Provencals proved staunch supporters of Charles, providing money and
  46. In 1531:" ... this once yet the pious are led over this bridge, but no more, hereafter , " Just" a short time afterwards such a violent storm and flood came that the
  47. Witnesses Jehovah's Witnesses occasionally use the terms" afterlife" and ", hereafter ," to refer to any hope for the dead, but they understand Ecclesiastes
  48. Are found on every continent except Antarctica. Morphology While typical owls (, hereafter ,referred to simply as owls) vary greatly in size, with the smallest species
  49. That any other nation than this of Wales, nor any other language, whatever may, hereafter ,come to pass, shall on the day of severe examination before the Supreme Judge
  50. Second as" Thane of Cawdor," and the third proclaims that he shall" be King, hereafter , " Macbeth appears to be stunned to silence, so again Ban quo challenges them.

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