Examples of the the word, responder , in a Sentence Context

The word ( responder ), is the 11192 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. No trump bidder corrects to the previously unbid major suit. In either case,a, responder ,who rebids No trump over a response in a major suit promises four cards of the
  2. Course, record student attendance and other tasks which assist the professional, responder ,in delivering their unit as efficiently as possible. Citizen Corps CERT
  3. Responds to the 2 (3) response with 2 (3) to deny a four-card major,the, responder ,bids three of the four-card major. The No trump bidder then places the contract
  4. 5+ diamonds and 2+ cards in each major. After 1NT - 2,2 With a 5 card major, responder ,begins with a transfer. After completion of the transfer, bidding the other
  5. A bit mask indicating which of the response packets it received, so the, responder ,could retransmit the remainder. ATP could operate in either" at-least-once "
  6. To explore slam in any of the above sequences. Some partnerships also admit, responder ,'s rebids of a major suit that the No trump bidder did not name. A bid of 4 over
  7. Wound First aid training also involves the prevention of initial injury and, responder ,safety, and the treatment phases. Key skills Certain skills are considered
  8. And the continuation is as in the basic Stay man),while 2 is forcing to game (, responder ,bids 2NT without majors). Puppet Stay man response to a 1NT opening A frequent
  9. Has only two normal rebids. * If the No trump bidder names a major suit and the, responder ,has four cards in that suit, the responder bids four of the No trump bidder's
  10. System, forcing and non-forcing Staymans are differentiated in the start: 2 by, responder ,shows only invitational values (and the continuation is as in the basic
  11. He would transfer to the major immediately. The only exception is when, responder ,has 5-4 in the majors; in that case, he would normally use Stay man, and in the
  12. Mode was essential for operations which were not idempotent; in this mode,the, responder ,kept a copy of the response buffers in memory until successful receipt of a
  13. And misdemeanor prisoners. They are the primary criminal patrol and first, responder ,agency in all matters criminal and civil. They are also the official tax
  14. Does not have at least four cards or bids diamonds to deny a major suit,the, responder ,bids 3NT (game). If the No trump bidder has four cards in each major suit, the
  15. About the no trump opener's hand to the opponents. After 1NT by opener, responder ,starts by bidding 2 just as in the standard Stay man convention, but the opener
  16. Peptides) proved that there is a fitting of ranges (amplitudes; number of, responder ,cells) and chemo tactic activities: chemo attractant moiety is accompanied by
  17. He Orange Kris ". The foundation" IPEV" certifies mainly advanced and first, responder ,level fir staid training. Medical fir staid must always be provided by certified
  18. Based simulations for training exercises, as do a growing number of first, responder ,roles (e.g., police,firefighter, EMT ). One example of a non-game
  19. Game, and with minimum, bid on the lowest level, leaving the decision to the, responder , Here is a typical Puppet Stay man auction:: Note that opener has denied a
  20. Has four normal rebids. * If the No trump bidder names a major suit and the, responder ,has four cards in that suit, the responder bids three of the No trump bidder's
  21. BOK also extended the offer to other architects, but Wright was the sole, responder , " A Home in a Prairie Town" and" A Small House with Lots of Room in it "
  22. Correct" by bidding the other major suit at the lowest level. Of course, responder ,who has sufficient strength also may bid 4 (Gerber) or 4NT (Blackwood),or
  23. Stay man" is an extension of" Garbage Stay man" for situations in which the, responder ,'s diamond suit is short. In" Crawling Stay man ", the responder rebids 2 over
  24. Cards or bids diamonds to deny a major suit with four (or more) cards,the, responder ,bids 2NT (invitational) with 8-9 HCP or 3NT (game) with 10 or more HCP.
  25. Receptors and ligands allows for the possibility of selecting chemo tactic, responder ,cells with a simple chemotaxis assay. By chemo tactic selection we can determine
  26. Bidder names a major suit and the responder has four cards in that suit,the, responder ,bids three of the No trump bidder's suit (invitational) with 8-9 HCP or four
  27. Are not played, there are two approaches to resolve the situations when the, responder ,has a 5-card major. In one, more common, referred to as non-forcing Stay man, in
  28. Standard Stay man After an opening bid or an overall of 1NT (2NT), responder , bids 2 (3) to ask opener or over caller to bid a four card major suit if he
  29. Bidder names a major suit and the responder has four cards in that suit,the, responder ,bids four of the No trump bidder's suit (game). * If the No trump bidder names
  30. Usually to express a writer’s mood. Emoticons are often used to alert a, responder ,to the tenor or temper of a statement, and can change and improve
  31. In which the responder 's diamond suit is short. In" Crawling Stay man ",the, responder ,rebids 2 over the No trump bidder's 2 reply. This conventional bid shows a weak
  32. For partner's suit, no four cards in other major. Maximum hand. 3/: Bidding, responder ,'s major shows three, bidding the other major shows four. Maximum hand. You
  33. Series of novel techniques which became available to investigate the migratory, responder ,cells and subcellular fractions responsible for chemo tactic activity. The
  34. With 10 or more HCP. * If the No trump bidder bids a major suit in which the, responder ,does not have at least four cards or bids diamonds to deny a major suit with
  35. Minor Forcing New Minor Forcing is used in the following bidding sequences, for, responder , with invitational values or more to find 3 card support for his major or find a
  36. Play this same bidding sequence as" Crawling Stay man" by which the, responder ,shows a weak hand (less than eight high card points) with shortness in
  37. Common, referred to as non-forcing Stay man, in the sequence: :1NT – 2; 2 – 2, responder , 's simply rebid of a major suit is only invitational, showing 8-9 points and
  38. Ligand. Nevertheless, correlation of the amplitude elicited and ratio of the, responder ,cells compared to the total number are also characteristic features of the
  39. A standard 2NT showing 20-21 points). By invoking the Stay man convention,the, responder ,takes control of the bidding since strength and distribution of the opener's
  40. Convention is an extension of Standard Stay man for situations in which the, responder ,has five cards of one major and four cards of the other, with game-going values
  41. In the longer or stronger major. In the standard form of Stay man over 1NT,the, responder ,has four normal rebids. * If the No trump bidder names a major suit and the
  42. Replies: * 3 holding a 4-card major and denying a 5-card major; following this, responder ,bids: ** 3 showing a 4-card spade suit and denying a 4-card heart suit ** 3
  43. For partner's suit, no four cards in other major. Minimum hand. 2/: Bidding, responder ,'s major shows three, bidding the other major shows four. Minimum hand. 2NT:
  44. A 5-card major and has denied a 4-card heart suit by not bidding hearts after, responder ,bid 2,but opener's bidding has not revealed anything about whether he has a
  45. 2 only with a 5-card major. Otherwise, the response is 2. After 1NT – 2; 2,the, responder ,then tells opener which 4-card major he is interested in, by bidding the other
  46. The previously unbid major suit. In the standard form of Stay man over 2NT,the, responder ,has only two normal rebids. * If the No trump bidder names a major suit and the
  47. Use Stay man in conjunction with Jacoby transfers. With Stay man in effect,the, responder ,practically denies having a 5-card major, as otherwise he would transfer to the
  48. S suit (game). * If the No trump bidder names a major suit in which the, responder ,does not have at least four cards or bids diamonds to deny a major suit, the
  49. Either expectant, or are in need of immediate aid. From that point the first, responder ,is quickly able to identify those in need of immediate attention, while not
  50. Nothing additional about the club suit. Bidding Check back implies that the, responder ,has five cards in his major, and may have four in the other. 1 m - 1M - 1NT - 2

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