Examples of the the word, nickel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nickel ), is the 11179 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Vacuum tubes such as television cathode ray tubes. An alloy of barium with, nickel ,is commonly used in automobile ignitions. Applications of barium sulfate Barium
  2. Nickel or palladium. For laboratory syntheses, Raney nickel (an alloy of, nickel ,and aluminum) is often employed. The simplest example of this reaction is the
  3. Extensive. Across the Canadian Shield and in the north there are large iron, nickel , zinc, copper,gold, lead,molybdenum, and uranium reserves. Large diamond
  4. To form the most stable medium-sized atomic nuclei, like iron and, nickel , This fact allows for later energy release, as such intermediate-sized elements
  5. On boats. *Nickel brass is composed of 70 % copper,24.5 % zinc and 5.5 %, nickel ,used to make pound coins in the pound sterling currency. *Naval brass, similar
  6. Important sources of industrial raw materials and export earnings. Deposits of, nickel , tin, chromite,uranium, bauxite,beryllium, copper,lead, tungsten,zinc, gold
  7. States Mint on 22 June 2006 * Buffalo nickel or Indian Head nickel , an American, nickel ,five-cent piece minted from 1913 to 1938 Computers * Buffalo ArtStation, a line
  8. Manganese and uranium ores, and also contains major deposits of gold, nickel , iron, lead and zinc ores. Because of its size, the value of grazing and mining
  9. Heaviest nuclides. In theory, it can occur only in nuclei somewhat heavier than, nickel ,(element 28),where overall binding energy per nucleon is no longer a minimum
  10. A substrate is prepared with a layer of metal catalyst particles, most commonly, nickel , cobalt, iron,or a combination. The metal nanoparticles can also be produced
  11. Complex is hydrophobic, it will precipitate out of water. This occurs with the, nickel ,ion Ni2+ and dimethylglyoxime, ( dmgH2): in this case the lattice energy of
  12. And manganese. Smaller deposits exist of iron, gold,silver, uranium,chromite, nickel , and others. Bulgaria has abundant non-metalliferous minerals such as rock-salt
  13. Reagents are catalysts used in hydrogenation such as platinum, palladium and, nickel ,(reverse hydrogenation),quinones and the elements sulfur and selenium. Arena
  14. And land use Natural resources: bauxite, copper,lead, zinc,uranium, bismuth, nickel , coal, timber,arable land use: arable land: 43 % permanent
  15. With mercury. At temperatures below, it alloys with cobalt, iron,molybdenum, nickel , platinum, tantalum or tungsten. It forms well-defined intermetallic compounds
  16. Candlestick is bronze containing a mixture of copper, zinc,tin, lead, nickel , iron, antimony,arsenic with an unusually large amount of silver - between
  17. 1900,including: * Such now-familiar industrial materials as aluminum, silicon, nickel , chromium, magnesium,and tungsten * Reactive metals such as lithium, sodium
  18. Risk of depletion. Large discoveries continue to be made, such as the massive, nickel ,find at Voisey's Bay. Moreover, the far north remains largely undeveloped as
  19. Used as an abrasive. Its usefulness arises from its insolubility in iron, nickel , and related alloys at high temperatures, whereas diamond is soluble in these
  20. Used to catalyze redox reactions (oxidation, hydrogenation ). Examples are, nickel , such as Reyna nickel for hydrogenation, and vanadium (V) oxide for oxidation
  21. Are based on platinum, nickel or palladium. For laboratory syntheses, Raney, nickel ,(an alloy of nickel and aluminum) is often employed. The simplest example of
  22. By the United States Mint on 22 June 2006 * Buffalo nickel or Indian Head, nickel , an American nickel five-cent piece minted from 1913 to 1938 Computers *
  23. The same elevation Natural resources: petroleum, natural gas, coal,iron ore, nickel , gold, copper,emeralds, hydropower Land use: arable land: 2.42 % permanent
  24. 3 pounds and 12 pence; as well as just 8 p or 8 pence. * AME uses words such as, nickel , dime, and quarter for small coins. In BRE the usual usage is a 10-pence piece
  25. Bullion coin introduced by the United States Mint on 22 June 2006 * Buffalo, nickel ,or Indian Head nickel , an American nickel five-cent piece minted from 1913 to
  26. By flooding and landslides. Natural resources Burundi possesses reserves of:, nickel , uranium, rare earth oxides, peat,cobalt, copper,platinum (not yet exploited
  27. Of a metallic catalyst. Common industrial catalysts are based on platinum, nickel ,or palladium. For laboratory syntheses, Raney nickel (an alloy of nickel and
  28. The processing of agricultural exports. Although potential wealth in petroleum, nickel , copper, and other natural resources is being explored, the uncertain security
  29. MOA. A second enterprise, Cobalt Refinery Co. Inc., was created in Alberta for, nickel ,refining. Canada has been critical of the U. S. trade embargo against Cuba, and
  30. Salts, other metal catalysts commonly employed nowadays included iron, cobalt, nickel , and palladium. The addition can be done highly region- and stereo-selectively
  31. Are also present in nature in various mixtures, such as the alloy of iron and, nickel ,invariably found in metallic deposits of meteorite origin. Hydrogen and helium
  32. Heating and cooling. Many alloys of aluminum, copper,magnesium, titanium,and, nickel ,can be strengthened to some degree by some method of heat treatment, but few
  33. Of petroleum reserves in 1995 were. It also possesses significant amounts of, nickel , gold, silver,platinum, and emeralds. The discovery of high-quality oil at
  34. And several methods are used to recover copper, zinc,lead, arsenic,antimony, nickel , molybdenum, gold,silver, and cobalt. The process Bioleaching can involve
  35. Is a world leader in the production of many natural resources such as gold, nickel , uranium, diamonds and lead. Several of Canada's largest companies are based
  36. Large ". Most natural bitumen contain sulfur and several heavy metals such as, nickel , vanadium, lead,chromium, mercury and also arsenic, selenium,and other toxic
  37. Of decalin-ol isomers.: The compound resorcinol, hydrogenated with Reyna, nickel ,in presence of aqueous sodium hydroxide forms an enolate which is alkylated
  38. With publicity; when Bowery concert halls dispensed schooners of beer for a, nickel , with a stage show thrown in; when Theis's Music Hall still resounded on 14th
  39. Royal blue numbers. The helmet remained primarily red with one navy blue, two, nickel , two royal blue, two white stripes, and white face mask. A new logo, a stylized
  40. Alloy. If there are three types of atoms forming the mixture, such as iron, nickel ,and chromium, then it is called a ternary alloy. An alloy with four
  41. Nitriles are reduced to amines using hydrogen in the presence of a, nickel ,catalyst. Reactions are sensitive acidic or alkaline conditions, which can
  42. The Nickel City due to the appearance of a bison on the back of Indian Head, nickel ,in the early part of the 20th century. The City of Good Neighbors refers to the
  43. Changes. A darker shade of blue was introduced as the main jersey color, and, nickel , gray was introduced as an accent color. Both the blue and white jerseys
  44. Resources Natural resources include: bauxite, gold,iron ore, manganese, nickel , phosphates, platinum,tin, uranium,petroleum, hydropower and timber. Rivers
  45. Later several other pairs of elements (such as argon and potassium, cobalt and, nickel ,) were known to have nearly identical or reversed atomic weights, leaving their
  46. This mode of decay has only been observed in nuclides considerably heavier than, nickel , with the lightest known alpha emitter being the lightest isotopes (mass
  47. Phenolic composite (" Marta" ). Frets are the metal strips (usually, nickel ,alloy or stainless steel) embedded along the fingerboard and placed at points
  48. Of graphite and metal catalyst particles (the best yield was from a cobalt and, nickel ,mixture) to synthesize single-walled carbon nanotubes. The laser ablation
  49. Bismuth bronze is a bronze alloy with a composition of 52 % copper,30 %, nickel , 12 % zinc,5 % lead,1 % bismuth. It is able to hold a good polish and so is
  50. And is too brittle for general use. The term may also refer to certain types of, nickel ,silver alloys as well as Cu-Zn-Sn alloys with high proportions (typically 40%+

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