Examples of the the word, ng , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ng ), is the 11182 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Independent Unions in the Public Sector (CIU),Kanagawa para SA Malayan, ng , Bayan (MALAYAN),the National Labor Union (NLU),Parties NG Kanagawa (
  2. O in French are written in Beninese la ng uages, whereas the consonants written, ng , and sh or ch in E ng lish are written ŋ and c. However, digraphs are used for
  3. A Rhodesian-made submachine gun based on the design of the Israeli Uzi *Laban, ng , Demokratiko ng Filipino, a political party in the Philippines *Label
  4. As 70 NG/g for chocolate products and 230 NG/g for manufactured cocoa. 200,000, ng , is the WHO tolerable daily limit for lead consumption. Additionally, chocolate
  5. ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ ㄲ ㅆ Unlike when it is initial, this ㅇ is pronounced, as the nasal ㅇ, ng , which occurs only as a final in the modern la ng uage. The double letters are
  6. The former digraph NY is now written or ñ (Senegal). The ambiguous digraph ", ng ," represented both the sound of E ng lish" fi ng er" and the of" si ng er ". The
  7. In 1950,the PKP created the People's Liberation Army (Husband Mapagpalaya, ng , Bayan),which mobilized thousands of troops throughout the islands. The
  8. Account. Many Chinese words began with NG, but by Ki ng Sejo ng 's day, initial,NG, was either silent or pronounced in China, and was silent when these words were
  9. Is not analogous to those of the other plosives. The explanation of the letter, ng , also differs from the traditional account. Many Chinese words began with NG
  10. N or If n occurs before c, g or x or directly after a g, it is pronounced (", ng ," as in" si ng " ). Otherwise, it is pronounced or before f or s represents a
  11. Sa Malayan NG Bryan (MALAYAN),the National Labor Union (NLU),Parties, ng , Ma ng gagawa (PM),the Public Services Labor Independent Confederation (SLINK
  12. Between and is a historical accident, and are derived from ligatures of GN and, ng , and is an ad hoc imitation of. In none of these is the form consistent with
  13. B, may be denoted by T (a, b ). If g is the GCD of a and b, then a mg and b, ng , for two cop rime numbers m and n. Then: T (a, b ) = T (m, n ) as may be seen
  14. Observances),and its related observances: **Last Day of the Year or Lispers, ng , Bago ng Ton, special holiday between Rizal Day and New Year's Day (the
  15. Philippines, the morni ng of Easter (known in the national la ng uage as" Pasco, ng , Muli ng Pagkabuhay" or the Patch of the Resurrection) is marked with joyous
  16. Null consonant),and a circle topped by a vertical line, ㆁ,for the nasal, ng , A now obsolete letter, ㆆ,represented a glottal stop, which is pronounced in
  17. ㅆ SS, ㅾ SJ, and final consonants restricted to ㄱ g, ㄴ n, ㄹ l, ㅁ m, ㅂ b, ㅅ s, ㅇ,NG, ㄺ lg, ㄻ LM, ㄼ lb (no ㄷ d, as it was replaced by s). Lo ng vowels were marked
  18. Law a may karápata ng Buddha NG sa ng avocado. Ki ng law a Hindi Maratha, ng , abogádo, a ng forte a ng magtatakdâ para SA IPO. " (" You have the right to
  19. Plosives, ㅋㅌㅍㅊ. But in contrast to the traditional account, the non-plosives (, ng , ㄴㅁ and ㅅ) were derived by removi ng the top of the basic letters. He points out
  20. On or after March 21st *Buddha's Birthday – Traditional Date – April 8 *Draw, ng , Kagiti ng an, also known as" Bataan Day" ( Philippines) – April 9 * *Conch
  21. A, b ). Since a and b are both multiples of g, they can be written a mg and b =, ng , and there is no larger number G > g for which this is true. The natural
  22. Elton on the Uganda-Kenya border, Beinn Chitchat in Scotland, the " Bundle, ng , Suso ng Malaga" ( Maiden's breast mountains) in Tali Island, Philippines
  23. Sun, sair moon, tau five, jau hundred’m. R horse, im. A goat, n. Q dog’m., ng , silver,JU. Un summer, n. Am. Ur autumn, u. Ul winter, heu. Ur spri ng , tau. l.
  24. Ng › which represents the velar nasal and is pronounced like the ‹, ng , › in si ng er. In older Czech and Slovak orthographies, ‹ g › was used to
  25. Raci ng Partnership, a defunct British motor raci ng team * Bark NG Republican, ng , Pilipinas or Vapor NG Republican NG Filipinas (E ng lish: Ship of the Republic of
  26. Character groups in Welsh are considered as one letter, for instance ll, ng , and ch. It is generally agreed, however,that this invented name, adopted in
  27. Ng also differs from the traditional account. Many Chinese words began with, ng , but by Ki ng Sejo ng 's day, initial NG was either silent or pronounced in China
  28. Hosts: 1,968 (2006) 8 Million (2006) Country code (Top level domain):., ng , Decayi ng infrastructure is one of the deficiencies that Nigeria’s National
  29. In the low kg L-1 ra ng e (for a typical sample volume of 20µL) and, ng ,g-1 ra ng e (for a typical sample mass of 1 mg) can be carried out. It shows a
  30. Plosive (" hard G" ), as in goose, gargoyle,and game; or, in the digraph ‹, ng , ›,either a velar nasal as in le ng th or a blend of the latter with the hard G
  31. Word (in this case, Romulus ). In cases like Va ng (Marginal) the last, ng , is dropped in favor of the suffix. Verbs in Kli ng on take a prefix indicati ng
  32. The same sound. In Maori (Te Red Māori),‹ g › is used in the combination ‹, ng , › which represents the velar nasal and is pronounced like the ‹ NG › in si ng er.
  33. Represent them, and before the conflation of the letters ㅇ (null) and ㆁ (, ng , ). Thus, when the South Korean and North Korean governments implemented full use
  34. Motor raci ng team * Bark NG Republican NG Filipinas or Vapor NG Republican, ng , Pilipinas (E ng lish: Ship of the Republic of the Philippines),the prefix of
  35. Silent when these words were borrowed into Korean. Also, the expected shape of, ng , ( the short vertical line left by removi ng the top stroke of ㄱ) would have
  36. Chapter supported by the Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL),the Bukhara, ng , Ma ng gagawa ng Filipino (BMP),the Confederation of Independent Unions in the
  37. Be used as evidence against you in court. ") *"Law a may karápata ng Buddha, ng , isá ng avocado. Ki ng law a Hindi Maratha NG avocado, a ng forte a ng magtatakdâ
  38. All la ng uages that use the Latin alphabet. A common digraph with ‹ n › is ‹, ng , ›,which represents a velar nasal in a variety of la ng uages, usually positioned
  39. Majors' Circle * Madeira Mathias and Starstruck - Paranasal NG Lu ng sod, ng , Maynila - Mathematical Society * PUP Math Max - Polytechnic University of the
  40. Mathematics Majors' Circle * Madeira Mathias and Starstruck - Paranasal, ng , Lu ng sod NG Manila - Mathematical Society * PUP Math Max - Polytechnic
  41. Lao – Laotian boxi ng which is similar to Muay Thai **Filipino Aryan – Say aw, ng , Kamatayan (Dance of Death) is the proper name for Aryan, a Filipino martial
  42. A defunct British motor raci ng team * Bark NG Republican NG Filipinas or Vapor, ng , Republika NG Filipinas (E ng lish: Ship of the Republic of the Philippines)
  43. British Raci ng Partnership, a defunct British motor raci ng team * Bark, ng , Republika NG Filipinas or Vapor NG Republican NG Filipinas (E ng lish: Ship of
  44. Gel and visualizi ng it with UV light, any band containi ng more than ~20, ng , DNA becomes distinctly visible. EBR is a known mutagen, and safer alternatives
  45. That two given real numbers, a and b, are integer multiples of it: a mg and b, ng , where m and n are integers. The real-number Euclidean algorithm differs from
  46. Postal Employees Union of the Philippines (PEP),Pinag-isa ng Ti ng at Lakes, ng , Anak Paris (PIGS),the Philippine Metalworkers Alliance (PMA) and the
  47. I think; therefore, I am. — Descartes *Filipino/Tagalog: A ng kahalagahan, ng , pagigi ng servos. – The importance of bei ng Earnest. — Oscar Wilde Other
  48. Also speakers in Tokyo-produced NHK radio programs – pronounce it, like the,NG, in " si ng ". The syllabic structure and the phonotactics are very simple: the
  49. Of letters to represent si ng le sounds, the way E ng lish does with ‹ sh › and ‹, ng , ›,or si ng le letters to represent multiple sounds the way ‹ x › represents or
  50. The sets of initial and final consonants are not the same. For instance, ㅇ,NG, only occurs in final position, while the doubled letters that can occur in

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