Examples of the the word, betrayal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( betrayal ), is the 11188 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Supporters of the Irish Parliamentary Party also felt the rebellion was a, betrayal ,of their party. Finally, the fact that the Rising had caused a great deal of
  2. Love towards a sinful Israel. In this text,God's agony is expressed over the, betrayal ,of Israel. Stephen Cook asserts that the prophetic efforts of this book can be
  3. The government and spoke against the bill, accusing Disraeli of" a political, betrayal ,which has no parallel in our Parliamentary annals. " Claiborne, however,was
  4. With a 24-hour kill switch, and that Paul's has been activated due to his, betrayal , Mannerly orders JC to fly to Hong Kong to eliminate Tracer Tong, a hacker
  5. Words:: The White Paper is still in effect. It is enforced, despite the, betrayal ,of the Arabs and the loyalty of the Jews; despite the mass enlisting to the
  6. Purges of the feudal aristocracy (which he suspected of treachery after the, betrayal ,of prince Kursk),culminating in the Massacre of Novgorod (1570). This
  7. And even had an ill-fated romantic relationship with Gustavo. The brothers, betrayal ,and execution are also mentioned in the book. The character Abraham Reyes in
  8. Were beheaded at Westminster on 9 March. Trial of Charles I for treason The, betrayal ,by Charles caused Parliament to debate whether to return the King to power at
  9. A mockery of optimism (a matter of historical context) is a" very basic, betrayal ,of the text ". Reception Though Voltaire did not openly admit to having written
  10. His brothers for plotting against him, but even forgave Final for his outright, betrayal , With his armies travelling at a leisurely pace, Sher Shah was gradually
  11. Had the edge in infantry. This Roman cavalry superiority was due to the, betrayal ,of Mantissa, who had earlier assisted Carthage in Iberia, but changed sides in
  12. It recounts his humble act of washing the disciples' feet, the prophecy of the, betrayal , which set in motion the events that would lead to the cross, and his long
  13. That he alone, knowing the truth as no other did, accomplished the mystery of, betrayal ,; by him all things were thus thrown into confusion. They produce a fictitious
  14. Views Advanced Chemistry's appeal to the German image as a" symbolic, betrayal ,of the right of ethnic minorities to 'roots' or to any expression of cultural
  15. The following epic, Ran,is“ a relentless chronicle of base lust for power, betrayal ,of the father by his sons, and pervasive wars and murders. " The historical
  16. Albert Speer: The End of a Myth). Speer considered Walters' actions to be a ", betrayal ," and a" stab in the back ". The original Chronicle reached the Archives in
  17. Pregnancy or miscarriage in 1534,he saw her failure to give him a son as a, betrayal , As early as Christmas 1534,Henry was discussing with Cranmer and Cromwell the
  18. Feeling disgust and recovering from the Latin Crusaders' conquest and, betrayal , refused to accept the agreement made at Lyon with the Latins. In 1282,Emperor
  19. Superhuman intelligences, aliens,variable physics, space battles, love, betrayal , genocide, and a conversation medium resembling Usenet. A Fire Upon the Deep
  20. Diplomacy) consists of making elaborate plans together, with possibility of, betrayal , Luck is introduced to a game by a number of methods. The most popular is using
  21. Of the Crooked Man. The betrayal of the Crooked Man is paralleled with David's, betrayal ,of Uriah the Hittite, carried out in order to win Bathsheba. * Stefan Heym's "
  22. But members of the U. S. antiwar movement wound up being involved in the, betrayal ,of Far Eastern nations, in a genocide and in the suffering today imposed on 30
  23. Has left Jen spiritually poisoned, which can be seen in the lying, stealing and, betrayal ,Jen commits. Even though she is the one who initially trained Jen, Jen is never
  24. Who has been driven mad with grief over his father's death and the colonies ', betrayal , discovers the schematics for Wing ZERO and has it built. He then uses it to go
  25. Is rife with accounts of rivalry, jockeying for positions, mutiny,and, betrayal , Upon his arrival in 1504 in Santo Domingo, the capital of Hispaniola, the
  26. Breaking of ancient traditions, losses in battle and to disease and hunger, betrayal ,to their enemies, all made the American Revolution one of the darkest periods
  27. The five stones chosen to slay Goliath are typical of the five wounds; the, betrayal ,by his trusted counselor, Achitophel, and the passage over the Pedro remind
  28. 1920s,because of the near-annihilation of the workers' movement in the KMT, betrayal ,of 1927,which was made possible by Stalin's order that the Communists join
  29. Now a Scottish king and still guilt-ridden over his involvement in Wallace's, betrayal , leads a strong Scottish army and faces a ceremonial line of English troops at
  30. Plot with Nicodemus, the leader of the Democratic Party on the island, for the, betrayal ,of Regina. He was to seize the old city, and they were to come to his aid on
  31. Of the Canadian argument, the event resulted in what was thought of as a, betrayal , leading to alienation of the British from the new nation of Canada.
  32. Up to 1,300 jobs. Mayor of New York City Ed Koch described this move as a ", betrayal ," of New York City. American moved to two leased office buildings in Grand
  33. Toy horsewhip to a public lecture and demanded, onstage,that Most explain his, betrayal , He dismissed her, whereupon she struck him with the whip, broke it on her knee
  34. Italy. It has been suggested that the towns' doors may have been opened by the, betrayal ,of the Gothic auxiliaries in the Byzantine army, but historians generally hold
  35. Structure for the Sherlock Holmes story The Adventure of the Crooked Man. The, betrayal ,of the Crooked Man is paralleled with David's betrayal of Uriah the Hittite
  36. Finally left him and married a younger colleague of Munch. Munch took this as a, betrayal , and he dwelled on the humiliation for some time to come, channeling some of
  37. American poet Walt Whitman. Both wrote passionately about the promise (and, betrayal ,) of American democracy, the central importance of erotic experience, and the
  38. Khrushchev held power for another two years. Cuba perceived it as a partial, betrayal ,by the Soviets, given that decisions on how to resolve the crisis had been made
  39. Of secret algorithms falling into wider knowledge, variously through espionage, betrayal ,and reverse engineering. (On occasion, ciphers have been reconstructed through
  40. Connections with the Wright brothers, and sent a message to Gatsby about the, betrayal , Gatsby, who had been due to go hunting with the King, suspected that Gresham
  41. Orthodox Christians fast on every Wednesday (in commemoration of Christ's, betrayal ,by Judas Iscariot),and Friday (in commemoration of Christ's Crucifixion)
  42. Culpable violation of the Constitution, bribery,graft and corruption, and, betrayal , of public trust. These offenses are considered" high crimes and misdemeanors "
  43. Gulf War when Pakistan contributed troops for the UN Coalition, seeing it as a, betrayal ,due to Iraq's constant support for Pakistan in their previous wars with India.
  44. In a $3 million ceremony, provoked widespread opposition, as it was seen as a, betrayal ,of his father's antipathy towards the mulatto elite. At the request of Michèle
  45. Word began to reach the colony of the French intention to restore slavery. The, betrayal ,of Toussaint and news of French actions in Martinique undermined the
  46. Version of Daisy appears in the game, built by the Mad Doctor (before his, betrayal ,) as Oswald wanted to replicate Mickey's friends. Her parts, after the Doctor
  47. Set in the landscape of Sweden. His major subjects were death, illness,faith, betrayal , and insanity. Bergman was active for more than six decades. In 1976 his career
  48. Treaty, and the Republican opposition, for whom the Treaty represented a, betrayal ,of the Irish Republic. The war was won by the Free State forces. The Civil War
  49. His interest in the" escaped" slave Jim for forty dollars. Outraged by this, betrayal , Huck rejects the advice of his" conscience ", which continues to tell him
  50. A pseudonym which Lynch himself invented, inspired by his own feelings of, betrayal ,) as the screenwriter. Meanwhile, in 1983 he had begun the writing and drawing

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