Examples of the the word, inaccuracy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inaccuracy ), is the 11180 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The state, it is I" ) is frequently attributed to him, though considered an, inaccuracy ,by historians. Quite contrary to that apocryphal quote, Louis XIV is actually
  2. Earthly phenomena. By 1599,however, he again felt his work limited by the, inaccuracy ,of available data—just as growing religious tension was also threatening his
  3. Though his claims were subsequently criticized by the liberal group FAIR for, inaccuracy , Quayle's closing argument sharply asked voters," Do you really believe Bill
  4. Then archaeological expertise, and has since been criticized for its, inaccuracy , The historical period The climate worsened over the course of a thousand years
  5. Criticism Machine pistols have long been criticized for their inaccuracy . The, inaccuracy ,of most machine pistols occurs because it is hard to control a fully automatic
  6. His son’s lover is because the king is a“ psychopath,”. (This is another, inaccuracy ,as Piers Galveston lived on into the reign of Edward II. ) Gibson expressed
  7. Seeks to correct a shortcoming in the Peng–Robinson EOS in that there was an, inaccuracy ,in the van der Waals repulsive term. The EOS accounts for the effect of the
  8. Naming names. " Criticism Machine pistols have long been criticized for their, inaccuracy , The inaccuracy of most machine pistols occurs because it is hard to control a
  9. Registration point shoot: the adjustment of fire onto one target to identify, inaccuracy , then switching to another while applying the known correction to achieve
  10. To their desired value, since manufacturing processes have certain tolerances (, inaccuracy ,). Sometimes such cores for frequencies above 100 MHz are made from highly
  11. Invariably applied, but the fall of shot usually needed adjustment because of, inaccuracy ,in locating the target, the proximity of friendly troops or the need to engage
  12. In the use of a musket, it became far easier to form massive armies. The, inaccuracy ,of the weapons necessitated large groups of massed soldiers. This led to a
  13. His own combination of Scottish patriotism and pro-British Unionism. One, inaccuracy ,in Ivanhoe created a new name in the English language: Cedric. The original
  14. Strongly against" its implementation. Criticisms include its expense, inaccuracy ,(it will be impossible to ensure only illegal sites are blocked) and the fact
  15. Crimes, both because they usually target civilians and because the weapons ', inaccuracy ,would disproportionately endanger civilians even if military targets were
  16. The series was widely and strongly attacked by the surviving players for its, inaccuracy ,and sensationalism. To this day, the body line tour remains one of the most
  17. And causation (as in" Correlation is not causation" ), citing its, inaccuracy ,as incomplete. *"Empirically observed covariation is a necessary but not
  18. Still the most accurate figure that is widely known and accepted. However,the, inaccuracy ,of the Libby half-life is not relevant if calibration is applied: the
  19. Whose computed value depends on the choice of the norm to measure the, inaccuracy ,). Matrices For example, the condition number associated with the linear
  20. Inaccurate congressional testimony about one of the investigations, but this, inaccuracy ,may have been due to his relying on what FBI officials told him. Several
  21. His permission some technician had put up the picture of Chelsea. Claims of, inaccuracy ,Some groups and individuals have criticized Limbaugh's accuracy. The
  22. Combat, but the device was a commercial failure due to its" unwieldiness and, inaccuracy , " The 1994 PlayStation launch title Battle Arena Toshinden is credited for
  23. And made the presumption that the terms can be applied without serious, inaccuracy ,to the men of the Paleolithic and the Neolithic. Child broke with this view: "
  24. And possibilities are worked out. The same book famously featured a devastating, inaccuracy ,: the eponymous Ring world is not (in) a stable orbit and would crash into the
  25. However, the condition number does not give the exact value of the maximum, inaccuracy ,that may occur in the algorithm. It generally just bounds it with an estimate (
  26. Solar calendar, and its 24 terms, to determine when to plant crops, due to the, inaccuracy ,of the unipolar traditional calendar. However, the traditional calendar has
  27. Gun websites claim that the nickname is also a reference to the weapon's, inaccuracy , An article on California street gang violence states that" killings and
  28. Childhood were, that Edmund indeed, as Henry James remarked, had " a genius for, inaccuracy , " Although Edmund went out of his way to declare that the story of F&S was "
  29. Deck produced the broadside, where the weight of shot overcame the inherent, inaccuracy ,of firing cannons from a ship at sea. An example is the Mary Rose, the flagship
  30. December 31, 1999–January 1,2000—with few on the actual date a year later. The, inaccuracy ,stems from the assumption that there is a year zero, however this is not the
  31. The election by a comfortable margin, there was no major reaction towards the, inaccuracy ,of the polls. Name limb /> The polls were also less inaccurate than the
  32. Historian Frank Stenton said of the Anglo-Saxon chronicler that" his, inaccuracy ,is more than compensated by his preservation of the English title applied to
  33. Below). Struck and White's The Elements of Style notes both uses. A common, inaccuracy ,is the use of the plural pronoun when the antecedent is a distributive
  34. Rapidly to this solution, just that it won't diverge arbitrarily because of, inaccuracy ,on the source data (backward error),provided that the forward error
  35. The first ICBMs, Atlas 1 and Titan 1 were of this type. In addition,the, inaccuracy ,of missiles in the 1950s made them useless as precision strike weapons. They
  36. The abstract statement may possess by virtue of the confession of its, inaccuracy ,and one-sidedness, and this confession is an essential ingredient of truth. "
  37. Nor the consistency in projectile dimensions were controlled, with resulting, inaccuracy ,in firing due to wind age, the difference in diameter between the bore and the
  38. The roads and the Rent aria bridge. The devastation was primarily caused by the, inaccuracy ,of bombing techniques of the day and the fact that the mass of refugees moving
  39. That only one shot was fired in the course of an entire battle) and their, inaccuracy ,made them more of a psychological force multiplier than an effective
  40. Theorists have heavily criticized these ideas, accusing Rough garden of factual, inaccuracy , unwarranted assumptions, and ignorance of recent research on sexual selection.
  41. Of mine told me that they ... This is a semantic assessment (note the words ", inaccuracy ,"," implying "," requires "," justification" and" intention" ), however
  42. Is still in use today outside Australia – its use is discouraged because of the, inaccuracy ,in the name. Other descriptive English names based on" bear" have included
  43. West of. The presence of the German destroyer in the Atlantic Ocean is a likely, inaccuracy , as most of the surface fleet of the Kriegsmarine never ventured that far west
  44. Of the clock, the amount of time it gained or lost per day, was actually an, inaccuracy , and refused to allow it to be factored out when measuring longitude.
  45. Our preconceived notions. Therefore, our sensory input alone cannot lead us to, inaccuracy , only the concepts and opinions that come from our interpretations of our
  46. And from aircraft of improved versions continuing into the late 1940s. The, inaccuracy ,of the guidance system compared to new methods such as beam-riding and TV
  47. And after menstruation" was the most fertile part of a woman's cycle; this, inaccuracy ,was repeated in the 6th century by the Byzantine physician Genius. Similarly, a
  48. Profitable. Some articles in earlier editions have been criticized for, inaccuracy , bias, or unqualified contributors. The accuracy in parts of the present
  49. Demanded, of which the importance was so much overrated. " The glaring, inaccuracy ,of the second part of this judgment was recognized by the same magazine more
  50. He had in fact read a Zulu novel in translation: Dhaka by Thomas Modulo (an, inaccuracy ,remains in this: Mofolo's novel is in Sesotho, not Zulu). Despite his

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