Examples of the the word, estate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( estate ), is the 1557 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Residential care, job training and placement, sexuality,social skills, and, estate , planning. Prognosis There is no known cure. Most autistic children can acquire
  2. Were murdered. Thus, the Pelican princedom became part of the Premyslid ', estate , Albert damned the murderers (Vršovci) in church and, according to the
  3. Related legal papers. Abstract of title The Abstract of Title, used in real, estate ,transactions, is the more common form of abstract. An abstract of title lists
  4. Merry Pranksters and motorcycle gang the Hells Angels takes place at Kesey's, estate ,in La Honda, California introducing psychedelics to the gang world and forever
  5. Paris, Nobel signed his last will and testament and set aside the bulk of his, estate ,to establish the Nobel Prizes, to be awarded annually without distinction of
  6. The Right Honorable the Countess of Lovelace ". Their residence was a large, estate ,at Occam Park, in Occam, Surrey,along with another estate on Lock Torrid on
  7. New forms of dwelling, and hence a large inventory of words designating real, estate ,concepts (land office, lot,outlands, waterfront,the verbs locate and
  8. Templar's found the Maccabees treasure at Rebel al-Madhbah, returned home to his, estate ,at Herdlike in Warwickshire, UK,taking the treasure with him. Ireland During
  9. Net worth is difficult to calculate, particularly in light of declining real, estate ,values owing to economic recessions in the United States and Europe. In June
  10. 1944 – Melvin Summer, American claimant to the Howard Hughes, estate ,*1948 – Danny Strafing, American musician (Chicago) * 1948 – Murray Parker
  11. Abraham Lincoln, a militia captain and landholder who had inherited an, estate ,in Rockingham County, Virginia. The elder Abraham later moved his family from
  12. One year when (1825) he met with that reverse of fortune which involved the, estate ,in debt. In 1830 the library and museum were presented to him as a gift by
  13. Acres of land. On May 23, 1845,Abby May was granted a sum from her father's, estate ,which was put into a trust fund, granting minor financial security. The Alcott's
  14. Censuses, and the size of a herd reflected the prestige and importance of the, estate ,or temple that owned them. In addition to cattle, the ancient Egyptians kept
  15. Warhol had so many possessions that it took Sotheby's nine days to auction his, estate ,after his death; the auction grossed more than US$20 million. In 1987,in
  16. Was close to the Todd's, and he and his family occasionally visited the Todd, estate ,in Lexington. Early career and militia service In 1832,at age 23,Lincoln and
  17. His last view of the land he had inhabited was by moonlight on his mountain, estate ,at 2:00 A. M. While tending to her husband after his long illness, Mabel
  18. Earnings in an array of stocks, bonds,privately controlled companies, and real, estate ,holdings worldwide, so a more accurate estimation of his net worth is difficult
  19. Funeral, the rumor spread around that Agrippina poisoned Crispus to gain his, estate , After being widowed a second time, Agrippina was left very wealthy. Later that
  20. Other forms of specialist consultants. Many architects elect to move into real, estate ,(property) development, corporate facilities planning, project management
  21. Was established, Bell married Mabel Hubbard (1857–1923) at the Hubbard, estate ,in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His wedding present to his bride was to turn over
  22. Decide to become Caesar's political heir as well as heir to two-thirds of his, estate , Having no living legitimate children, Caesar had adopted his great-nephew
  23. Could be produced from the waste of farms and factories. At his Canadian, estate ,in Nova Scotia, he experimented with composting toilets and devices to capture
  24. Along with a sketch of his famous Voltaic Pile. Volta retired in 1819 in his, estate ,in Carnage, a fraction of Como now called Carnage Volta after him, where he
  25. The Alexander Graham Bell Museum, in Bad deck, Nova Scotia, close to the Bell, estate ,Band Breach; * The Bell Homestead, also known as Melville House, overlooking
  26. Not holding the gods in honor. Aristotle fled the city to his mother's family, estate ,in Challis, explaining," I will not allow the Athenians to sin twice against
  27. 57,Agrippina was expelled from the palace and went to live in a riverside, estate ,in Museum. While Agrippina lived there or when she went on short visits to
  28. Place of his birth. In addition to a library, Carnegie also bought the private, estate ,which became Pittencrieff Park and opened it to all members of the public
  29. Soon took over the boatyard at Bell Laboratories on Band Breach,Bell's, estate ,near Bad deck, Nova Scotia. Pinaud's experience in boat-building enabled him to
  30. Tuberculosis, dropsy,and heart failure. In his will, Jackson left his entire, estate ,to his adopted son, Andrew Jackson Jr., except for specifically enumerated
  31. Died of complications arising from diabetes on August 2,1922,at his private, estate , Band Breach, Nova Scotia, at age 75. Bell had also been afflicted with
  32. At St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York. Warhol's will dictate that his entire, estate ,– except a few modest legacies to family members – would go to
  33. London, American novelist (b. 1915) * 1996 – James W. Rouse, American real, estate ,developer, activist,and philanthropist (b. 1914) *1997 – Helene Han ff
  34. In 1828,Diabetes purchased a large portion of the composer's massive musical, estate ,from Schubert's brother Ferdinand. As Schubert's total compositions number
  35. Which was being developed on Point Loma by Katherine Tingley. He built an, estate ,in the Sunset Cliffs area of Point Loma where he lived for the rest of his life
  36. A brief search, Oakland was chosen, and an ownership group led by local real, estate ,developer Chest Soda was formed. After initially being called the Oakland "
  37. To his mother. The terms of Hopwood's will left a substantial portion of his, estate ,to his alma mater, the University of Michigan for the establishment of the
  38. At the small village of Bad deck. Returning in 1886,Bell started building an, estate ,on a point across from Bad deck, overlooking Bras d'Or Lake. By 1889,a large
  39. It lasts until 1956. *1888 – Thomas Green Clemson dies, bequeathing his, estate ,to the State of South Carolina to establish Clemson Agricultural College. *1893
  40. Wife Mabel and with her financial support after the sale of some of her real, estate , The AEA was headed by Bell and the founding members were four young men:
  41. Strong resistance. These bases were prepared in advance, often by capturing an, estate ,and augmenting its defenses with surrounding ditches, ramparts and palisades.
  42. Beginnings, as something of a self-made man. Eventually, he acquired a large, estate ,in the Cuban region in the northern foothills of the Caucasus. During World War
  43. The skyline has drastically changed in recent years, and the residential real, estate ,market has remained relatively strong. Downtown growth has been aided by the
  44. Dr. Alexander Graham Bell was buried atop Band Breach mountain, on his, estate ,where he had resided increasingly for the last 35 years of his life
  45. Of study, and a body of religious-themed works was found posthumously in his, estate , During the last part of his life, Warhol made many paintings that
  46. Antilles. Anguilla has become a popular tax-haven, having no capital gains, estate , profit or other forms of direct taxation on either individuals or corporations
  47. And poet, Walter Scott. It is a Category A Listed Building. The nucleus of the, estate ,was a small farm of, called Cartleyhole, nicknamed Clarity (i.e., muddy ) Hole
  48. Kentucky, As the eldest son, by law Moroccan inherited his father's entire, estate , leaving Thomas to make his own way. Lincoln's mother, Nancy,was the daughter
  49. Was a large estate at Occam Park, in Occam, Surrey,along with another, estate ,on Lock Torrid on and a home in London. They had three children; Byron born 12
  50. Placed near her casket. In her will, Rand named Leonard Payoff the heir to her, estate , Philosophy Rand named her philosophy" Objectives ", describing its essence

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