Examples of the the word, embryonic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( embryonic ), is the 9554 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Asexual reproduction in animals, whereby the fertilized egg or a later stage of, embryonic ,development splits to form genetically identical clones. Within animals, this
  2. They are crustaceans, while cautioning against the idea that one organism or, embryonic ,stage is" higher" or" lower ", or more or less evolved. Hacker disregarded
  3. Embryos using DNA from adult skin cells, aiming to provide a source of viable, embryonic ,stem cells. Dr. Samuel Wood and a colleague donated skin cells, and DNA from
  4. For the Po wick Asylum band. Diana McVeigh in Grove's Dictionary finds many, embryonic ,Bulgarian touches in these pieces, but few of them are regularly played, except
  5. In development,” which are said to be the result of certain adaptations to, embryonic ,life due to environmental changes. In his drawings, Haeckel cites the notochord
  6. In biology undergraduate developmental biology lessons. Comparing different, embryonic ,stages of different animals is a tool that can be used to infer relationships
  7. May occur independently, for instance during certain stages of fruit fly, embryonic ,development. Errors in mitosis can either kill a cell through apoptosis or
  8. S theory that the complete phylogeny of a species would be repeated during, embryonic ,development, including generation of the first nucleated cell from a" Monera
  9. Easily distinguished from one another as in adults. On Beyer’s laws governing, embryonic ,development are specific rejections of recapitulation. On Beyer’s embryo
  10. Recapitulation means that what is repeated (and built upon) is the ancestral, embryonic ,development process. He supported the theory with embryo drawings that have
  11. Introduced the concept of" heterochromia ", which is the change in timing of, embryonic ,development over the course of evolution. Hacker was a flamboyant figure. He
  12. A mature differentiated somatic cell are still capable of reverting to an, embryonic ,totipotent state, creating a cell that can then go on to develop into any part
  13. Was of a mammal, a bird, or of a reptile, and Darwin's own research using, embryonic ,stages of barnacles to show that they are crustaceans, while cautioning against
  14. He formulated the Recapitulation theory. This theory states that an animal's, embryonic ,development follows exactly the same sequence as the sequence of its
  15. Generally favor the pro-life position in the abortion controversy and oppose, embryonic ,stem cell research (particularly if publicly funded); oppose both eugenics
  16. The term, ‘ recapitulation,’ has come to embody Hacker’s Biogen etic Law, for, embryonic , development is a recapitulation of evolution. Hacker proposes that all classes
  17. Claim that all vertebrates are essentially identical in the first month of, embryonic ,life as proof of common descent, His responses by insisting that a more skilled
  18. Ancestor to the corresponding gastric. Hacker argues that certain features in, embryonic ,development are conserved and polygenetic, while others are cladogenetic.
  19. Of new species (speciation). Bistability has also been described in the, embryonic ,development of Drosophila Melanogaster (the fruit fly). Examples are
  20. Hacker’s opponents believe that he de-emphasizes the differences between early, embryonic ,stages in order to make the similarities between embryos of different species
  21. Versa. In the cave form, lens development begins within the first 24 hours of, embryonic ,development, but quickly aborts, the lens cells dying; most of the rest of the
  22. Shown that evolution can alter development to produce new structures, such as, embryonic ,bone structures that develop into the jaw in other animals instead forming part
  23. Not crucial to) the evolutionary concept of common descent. His postulation of, embryonic ,development coincides with his understanding of evolution as a developmental
  24. This may be involved in development; there is more methylation of lysine 27 in, embryonic ,cells than in differentiated cells, whereas lysine 4 methylation positively
  25. Haeckel encountered numerous oppositions to his artistic depictions of, embryonic ,development during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Hacker’s
  26. Represents a gradual alteration in the original phylogenetic sequence due to, embryonic ,adaptation. As well, von Beyer early noted that embryos of different species
  27. The persistence of interdigital webs, and open brain. Additionally, after, embryonic , day 12.5,the brain of the embryos showed several structural changes.
  28. Show vertebrate embryos at different stages of development, which exhibit, embryonic ,resemblance as support for evolution, recapitulation as evidence of the
  29. Embryo drawings are primarily intended to express his idiosyncratic theory of, embryonic ,development, the Biogen etic Law, which in turn assumes (but is not crucial to
  30. Brain malformation. A cascade 8 knock-out leads to cardiac failure and thus, embryonic ,lethality. However, with the use of creator technology, a cascade 8 knock-out
  31. Kirghizia" volume WWII, issue 5 of 1987. * Sheep: (1996) From early, embryonic ,cells by Seen Williamson. Megan and Moral cloned from differentiated embryonic
  32. Yeast cell cycle, the CDK-cyclin machinery operates independently in the early, embryonic ,cell cycle. Before the blastula transition, zygotic transcription does not
  33. A common underlying form, which appears most clearly during early stages of, embryonic ,development. In its earliest form, the brain appears as three swellings at the
  34. Biologist who pioneered in this field was Ernst Hacker. By comparing different, embryonic ,stages of different vertebrate species, he formulated the Recapitulation theory
  35. Between the immune system and the nervous system begin early during the, embryonic ,stage of life, and successful neurodevelopmental depends on a balanced immune
  36. Stages and the telescoping, or driving back, of such stages to descendant’s, embryonic ,stages are likewise representative of Hegelian embryonic development. In
  37. An experiment on January 17, 1912 where he placed tissue cultured from an, embryonic ,chicken heart in a stoppered Pyrex flask of his own design. He maintained the
  38. And adaptations. This research addresses the origin and evolution of, embryonic ,development and how modifications of development and developmental processes
  39. Proper orientation of cilia via centriole positioning toward the posterior of, embryonic ,node cells is critical for establishing left–right asymmetry during mammalian
  40. Criticism and comparison with other cases. Ultimately, His ’ critical work in, embryonic ,development comes with his production of a series of embryo drawings of
  41. Cascade that leads to apoptosis. Since a -/- mutation in the APAF-1 gene is, embryonic ,lethal, a gene trap strategy was used in order to generate an APAF-1 -/- mouse.
  42. To descendant’s embryonic stages are likewise representative of Hegelian, embryonic ,development. In addressing his embryo drawings to a general audience, Haeckel
  43. Embryonic cells by Seen Williamson. Megan and Moral cloned from differentiated, embryonic ,cells in June 1995 and Dolly the sheep from a somatic cell in 1997. * Rhesus
  44. Agustín Martín Velez, Blas Rock, and Francisco (Aquino) Rosales founded the, embryonic ,Cuban Communist Party. For three decades, the country was led by former War of
  45. Therapeutic cloning. The egg is placed into a Petri dish where it develops into, embryonic ,stem cells, which have shown potentials for treating several ailments. In
  46. And seismic activity during the late Tertiary geological period; the first, embryonic ,surfaces started to appear in the waters of Santa Maria during the Miocene
  47. Democracy the sources are very meager, and it can be thought of as being in an, embryonic ,state). A case can be made that discriminatory lines came to be drawn more
  48. Hacker was not the only one to create a series of drawings representing, embryonic ,development. Karl E. on Beyer and Hacker both struggled to model one of the
  49. For degradation. Studies on transgenic mice reveal that calreticulin is cardiac, embryonic ,gene that is essential during development. Transcription regulation
  50. Between the one-cell stage (generally, the zygote) and the end of the, embryonic ,stage. Embryology was originally a more descriptive science until the 20th

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