Examples of the the word, inward , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inward ), is the 9560 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The velocity is against the direction of local rotation, the acceleration is, inward ,to the axis. The vector cross product can be evaluated as the determinant of a
  2. Farther from the center of the positive cloud, it felt a larger net positive, inward ,force, because there was more material of opposite charge, inside its orbit (
  3. Sometimes the case in trains, such as for the door to the toilet, which opens, inward , A swing door has special hinges that allow it to open either outwards or
  4. The index finger of the right hand is pointed forward, the middle finger bent, inward ,at a right angle to it, and the thumb placed at a right angle to both, the
  5. Angular momentum to be transported outward allowing matter to fall further, inward ,releasing potential energy and increasing the temperature of the gas. In the
  6. Acceleration, but together they provide a net" centripetal ", radially, inward , component of acceleration (that is, directed toward the center of rotation)::
  7. In fun, they find themselves beginning to realize that they are indeed going, inward ,and outward in respect to the center of Earth, which is our Spaceship Earth.
  8. The ball appears to bear to the left from direction of travel on both, inward ,and return trajectories. The curved path demands this observer to recognize a
  9. Meaning the entire force is the component in the radial direction. An, inward ,force of gravity would therefore correspond to a negative-valued F (r). The
  10. In the rotating frame is a circular motion, the ball's motion requires an, inward ,centripetal force, provided in this case by a fictitious force that produces
  11. Either setting it on an outward trajectory escaping the black hole or on an, inward ,spiral eventually crossing the event horizon. While light can still escape from
  12. Were formed with a larger outward arch when compared to modern cello bows. The, inward ,arch of a modern cello bow produces greater tension, which in turn gives off a
  13. Can increase only if the piston moves, and conversely, if the piston is pushed, inward , the reaction is driven backwards. Similarly, a redox reaction might occur in
  14. 1931) — A humanistic adept has discovered that by focusing his energies, inward ,he can extend his life almost indefinitely. He undertakes an experiment using
  15. Sacrament is that it is an outward sign, instituted by Christ, that conveys an, inward , spiritual grace through Christ. The two most widely accepted sacraments are
  16. Spiral motion. This force is the sum of an outward centrifugal force and an, inward ,Coriolis force. The Coriolis force overcompensates the centrifugal force by
  17. Direction of rotation (0 no rotation,1 forward,2 backward,3 reverse,4 =, inward ,) and the third digit indicates the number of half-somersaults. Inward-rotating
  18. Peak. Influenced by psychedelic drugs, Brian Wilson turned his attention, inward ,and probed his deep-seated self-doubts and emotional longings. The Beach Boys
  19. First using the upper arm, then the forearm, then the wrist (turning slightly, inward ,) to maintain a straight stroke. An up bow is drawn by moving first the forearm
  20. Between the Coriolis force and the pressure gradient accounts for the radially, inward ,acceleration of the system's circular motion. Flow around a low-pressure area
  21. The new edition replaced the word" white" with the word" pure ", emphasizing, inward , spirituality. Doctrinal reforms and influences Good Neighbor policy (LDS
  22. 2008 making it the world's sixth-largest outward investor. In 2010,China's, inward ,FDI was $106 billion, marking a 16 % increase over 2009.
  23. Rotation axis, the Coriolis acceleration is zero. *if the velocity is straight, inward ,to the axis, the acceleration is in the direction of local rotation. *if the
  24. We find this discomfort is reduced when the curve is banked, tipping the car, inward ,toward the center of the curve. A different point of view is that of the
  25. Similar to a piano, at right angles to the cabinet, the tops of the keys, inward ,toward the bellows * 6-plus-6-accordions use a butt onboard with three rows of
  26. In the right panel, which shows the viewpoint of the rotating frame,the, inward ,gravitational force in the rotating frame (the same force as in the inertial
  27. Distance to remain constant the outward centrifugal force must cancel the, inward ,force of gravity; for other orbit shapes, these forces will not cancel, so r
  28. Designer views the car as executing curved motion and therefore requiring an, inward ,centripetal force to impel the car around the turn. By banking the curve, the
  29. Method used iron rebar set vertically in the concrete footing and then bent, inward ,and welded in place to create the dome's wire form structure and performed
  30. Transmission of weight from the arm to the bow happens through the pronation (, inward ,rotation) of the forearm, which pushes the index finger and to a lesser degree
  31. Included an increase in the size of the tail fins and a decrease in their, inward ,can't. A total of 6,608 B-25s were built at North American's Fairfax Airport
  32. Around the plug hole that is initially present accelerates as water moves, inward , If the water is so still that the effective rotation rate of the earth (once
  33. Army units immediately formed two defensive fronts: a circumvallation facing, inward ,and a contravallation facing outward. Adolf Hitler had declared in a public
  34. Centre until the latter half of the 20th century. Industrialization and the, inward ,migration it brought made Belfast, if briefly, the largest city in Ireland at
  35. Horizon—a boundary in spacetime through which matter and light can only pass, inward ,towards the mass of the black hole. Nothing, not even light, can escape from
  36. The chill of winter is on the horizon. Skies turn gray, and many people turn, inward , both physically and mentally. Similar examples may be found in Irish poet
  37. The force needed to turn the ball continuously into the turn is the radially, inward ,centripetal force FC of magnitude:: | \math bf_\math rm | m | \math bf_\math rm |
  38. Of the built environment ", although it had failed" to attract the major, inward ,investors originally anticipated ". In the 1997 devolution referendum, Cardiff
  39. By the surface reflection and incoming angle. By connecting outward light to, inward ,light, via an interaction point, this equation stands for the whole 'light
  40. Frac \math bf_\math rm+ \franc\math bf_\math rm\, \\ \end where UN is the unit (, inward ,) normal vector to the particle's trajectory, and R is its instantaneous
  41. Seen in passers is that the primaries are replaced outward, secondaries, inward , and the tail from center outward. Before nesting, the females of most bird
  42. Rotation, giving rise to large buoyant forces which push low-density particles, inward , Elements or particles denser than the fluid move outward under the influence
  43. Driven by gravity, and involves both the uplift of the central region and the, inward ,collapse of the rim. The central uplift is not the result of elastic rebound
  44. Each year. At the beginning of the academic year, the center gates open, inward ,to admit students during Convocation. At the end of the second semester, the
  45. Since that is where the current flows into the device (see drawing). This, inward ,current is carried externally by electrons moving outwards, negative charge
  46. Being to restrain secretion. Thus, nerves carry impulses outward and sensations, inward , The activity of these nerves, or rather their fibers, may become excited or
  47. Holder of US public debt. China is the world's third-largest recipient of, inward ,FDI, attracting US$92.4 billion in 2008 alone, and China increasingly invests
  48. Uke. For example, an " entering" ( Irish) technique consists of movements, inward ,towards use, while a technique uses a pivoting motion. Additionally, an
  49. Because it predicts that all atoms are unstable. Also, as the electron spirals, inward , the emission would gradually increase in frequency as the orbit got smaller
  50. Has been a small population decline, and the population increase is due to, inward ,migration into Cornwall. According to the 1991 census, the population was

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