Examples of the the word, storytelling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( storytelling ), is the 9575 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The reader a choice in the novel's world. Interactive storytelling Interactive, storytelling ,is a developing kind of computer entertainment. The term was coined by Chris
  2. The antagonist and protagonist may be blurred. The beginnings of post-classical, storytelling ,may be seen in the 1940s and 1950s film noir films, in films such as Rebel Without
  3. Myths, jokes,riddles, legends,cautionary tales, and many other forms of, storytelling , Founding myths The founding of the United States is often surrounded by
  4. Storytelling and interactive fiction are distinct in that interactive, storytelling ,focuses on drama and dynamic circumstances, where interactive fiction games
  5. The war gaming scene, the roots of Glorantha lie in experiments with mythology, storytelling , and recreation and blending of ancient societies. Stafford's first imaginings
  6. He lived. Storytelling was the main entertainment in England at the time, and, storytelling , contests had been around for hundreds of years. In 14th-century England the
  7. Actor or actress, which is a person in theater, television,film, or any other, storytelling ,medium who tells the story by portraying a character and, usually,speaking or
  8. Including first prize in the 2006 Kama Sutra" Quantum Leap" awards for, storytelling ,in a video game. Deus Ex has appeared in a number of" The Greatest Games of All
  9. Film titled inspired Tea to become a comic artist. He introduced episodic, storytelling ,and character development in comic format, in which each story is part of
  10. The basis of ethics – and a personal moral core developed through art and, storytelling ,as very influential in one's later ethical choices. * Informal theories of
  11. A single game for a longer period of time. Next, Infocom titles featured strong, storytelling ,and rich descriptions, eschewing the day's primitive graphic capabilities
  12. The past for future generations, and a sense of self-satisfaction in accurate, storytelling , Some scholars differentiate between genealogy and family history, limiting
  13. Is no narrator and no one outside of black metal takes part in any interview or, storytelling , * Until The Light Takes Us (2009) explores black metal's origins and
  14. To its origin of not being solely as a form of entertainment but as a form of, storytelling ,and a display of the skill, beauty and endurance of the dancer. Outside
  15. Employed the flashback/voice over combination. Bold experiments in cinematic, storytelling ,were sometimes attempted during the classic era: Lady in the Lake, for example
  16. And games, including visual novels, interactive novels, and interactive, storytelling , Visual novel Visual novels are interactive fiction featuring mostly static
  17. Dances for different occasions. There are dances for funerals, celebrations, storytelling , praise and worship etc. Some of these dances include Amaya, adowa, kpanlongo
  18. To cinema as producers sought personnel experienced in dialogue-based, storytelling , Many major silent filmmakers and actors were unable to adjust and found their
  19. Dragons with giving him" ... a really strong background in imagination, storytelling , understanding how to create tone and a sense of balance. " Licensing Early in
  20. Of novels written in Europe at the time, and an emphasis placed on realistic, storytelling ,would become clear throughout her subsequent fiction. She also adopted a new
  21. Skilled code writers usually do not make it in the ethereal game master world of, storytelling ,and verse. Game masters in online games A gamemaster's duties in an online game
  22. Of expression saying it was" the same kind of old-fashioned, consensual, storytelling , that once drew universes out of ASCII. " GameS pot reviewer Denny Akin called
  23. Since the Cultural Revolution and they soon jettisoned traditional methods of, storytelling ,and opted for a more free and unorthodox approach. After the so-called scar
  24. They managed to combine Moore's style with Kuttner's more cerebral, storytelling , Their stories include the classic" Missy Were the Grooves" ( the basis for
  25. Post-classical cinema' is a term used to describe the changing methods of, storytelling ,of the" New Hollywood" producers. The new methods of drama and
  26. Be run. For example, the Storyteller System used in White Wolf Game Studio's, storytelling ,games calls its GM the" storyteller ", while the rules- and setting-focused
  27. Inspiration predominated. Its communal gatherings celebrated soulful song and, storytelling ,as forms of mystical devotion. Hasidim comprises part of contemporary
  28. For the Humanities in 1999. * In 2007,The Moth, a NYC-based not-for-profit, storytelling ,organization, awarded Garrison Keillor the first The Moth Award - Honoring the
  29. The Netherlands has a tradition of cabaret or leakiest, which combines music, storytelling , commentary, theatre and comedy. Cabaret dates back to the 1930s and artists
  30. Sequences, and ultimately creating a finished motion picture. It is an art of, storytelling , Film editing is the only art that is unique to cinema, separating film-making
  31. Of an" atomic bomb ". *Prezi, a web-based presentation application and, storytelling ,tool, developed by Adam Somlai-Fischer and Peter Palace in 2007. *Aron
  32. Identifies the following four differences between Barks's and Rosa's way of, storytelling ,: * Rosa follows a very strict continuity, while Barks paid very little
  33. Harry Bailey. As the pilgrims turn back home, the Merchant restarts the, storytelling ,with Tale of Bern. In this tale, a young man named Bern travels from Rome to
  34. Audiences. Soviet socialist realism was built on this style, which assured tidy, storytelling , Various guidelines were then added to the doctrine: positive heroes to act as
  35. More popular in the intervening years, in 1991 it was still mostly unknown as a, storytelling ,medium in North America. In 1997,a new series was created, titled Bubblegum
  36. The late 1950s and appealed to his background in mathematics and avant-garde, storytelling , Its unconventional unfolding of plot (exemplified in its mathematical layout
  37. By several people improvising on a particular subject. Ship combines poetry, storytelling , dance and vocal and instrumental music into a traditional performance art that
  38. And Yataro Katakana. By the 1930s animation became an alternative format of, storytelling ,to the live-action industry in Japan. But it suffered competition from foreign
  39. The term" interactive fiction" is sometimes used to describe other forms of, storytelling ,and games, including visual novels, interactive novels, and interactive
  40. The role of the protagonist in a dramatically rich environment. " Interactive, storytelling ,and interactive fiction are distinct in that interactive storytelling focuses
  41. Introduced a whole new generation of Disney comic book readers to the wondrous, storytelling ,of such luminaries as Barks, Paul Murry, and Floyd Gottfredson, as well as
  42. Remade as The Outrage (1964),and inspired films with" Fashion effect ", storytelling ,methods, such as And ha Naval (1954),The Usual Suspects (1995) and Hero (
  43. Three components proved key to Infocom's success: marketing strategy, rich, storytelling , and feelies. Whereas most game developers sold their games mainly in software
  44. And function they may originate from Scandinavian and Germanic traditions of, storytelling ,that can be seen in poems such as Beowulf. The earliest example we have of a
  45. As much as a half-hour to the length of the film without regard to pacing and, storytelling , Such" commercial" director's cuts are seldom considered superior to the
  46. Can be used as) a fortune-telling device, Everway treats the Deck only as a, storytelling ,device and an element of the fictional setting. It does not in any way endorse
  47. By Chris Crawford, a main proponent and developer. He defines interactive, storytelling ,as," a form of interactive entertainment in which the player plays the role of
  48. Culture * World Storytelling Day is a global celebration of the art of oral, storytelling , celebrated every year on the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, the
  49. A satire of orthodoxy, veracity,and even nationalism. In going beyond mere, storytelling ,to exploring the individualism of his characters, Cervantes helped move beyond
  50. S discretion – to allow the reader a choice in the novel's world. Interactive, storytelling ,Interactive storytelling is a developing kind of computer entertainment. The

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