Examples of the the word, lament , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lament ), is the 9562 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stung with mourning and great worry ... the young and old, glorious nobles, all, lament , the loss of their Caesar ... the world lament s the death of Charles ... O
  2. What does thou here, Elijah? " Elijah again evades the question and his, lament ,is revised, showing that he did not understand the importance of the divine
  3. The audience, responding with nationalistic fervor to the exiled slaves ', lament ,for their lost homeland, demanded an encore of the piece. As encores were
  4. Is a song on Brand New Shadows's debut album, White flags. It is a mournful, lament ,from King David's perspective. Painting * The Banquet of Absalom - attributed
  5. Area. Commercially, Parma is dependent on Jackson for a great many things. A, lament ,common in the Parma community is that there is no real grocery store. The Parma
  6. Himself financially at the academy. Garfield later said of this early time," I, lament ,that I was born to poverty, and in this chaos of childhood, seventeen years
  7. On the evidence of his wife. Act 2 Before the prison Blair and his friends, lament ,the fate of Belarus, whose eyes have been put out by his enemies, falsely
  8. See Jeremiah 12.3). Jeremiah’s“ confessions” are a type of individual, lament , Such lament s are found elsewhere in the psalms and the book of Job. Like Job
  9. ICH SAH was Kind" ) is occasionally performed in concert, as is Amphora ', lament ,from Act 1 (" Revolves Erie" ). Instrumentation Parsifal is scored for an
  10. Allusion to the protagonist of Nabokov's Lolita within the lyric of a love, lament ,sung by a member of 'The Paranoids ', a teenage band who deliberately sing
  11. Modern performances typically use a few more players). Its opening and closing, lament ," The Ballad of Mackie Lesser ", was written just before the Berlin premiere
  12. Siege to the factory, Helena reveals she has burnt the formula. The characters, lament ,the end of humanity, and defend their actions despite their imminent deaths as
  13. Death. * Ender's Shadow references the story of Absalom and King David's, lament , Bean, as he sends his soldiers on a suicide mission to destroy the Buggers
  14. Together. However, Julian's visit began ominously as it coincided with a, lament ,for Adonis, the doomed lover of Aphrodite. Thus, Ammianus wrote, the emperor
  15. Views. Elegy An elegy is a mournful, melancholy or plaintive poem, especially a, lament ,for the dead or a funeral song. The term" elegy," which originally denoted a
  16. Northern Kingdom (what the grounds are for the divorce). Chapter 11 is God's, lament ,over the necessity of giving up the Northern Kingdom, which is a large part of
  17. A curse" or an evil spell, is occasionally used as an interjection of, lament ,or anger, but not necessarily to replace any of several Spanish profanities
  18. Largest category of Psalms, though not grouped as such in the text, is that of, lament ,(expressions of complaint and pleas for help from God). There appears to also
  19. Which bore on its leaves the initial letters of his name Ai, also expressive of, lament , His ashes were deposited in a golden urn on the Rotten promontory at the
  20. Offerings for the Jerusalem temple, interspersed with a call to national, lament , (1:1–20) ** A more apocalyptic passage comparing the locusts to an army, and
  21. Up and knocked all the taxmen out cold. Then he went back to the club, only to, lament ,under his bitter tears," See how they've ruined my dress! " Gone are the
  22. 2 and 3 are entreaties to a guardian to let the poet see Corinne, poem 6 is a, lament ,for Corinna's dead parrot,7 and 8 deals with Ovid's affair with Corinna's
  23. MTA),was immortalized by The Kingston Trio in the popular folk-protest, lament ," M. T. A." Locals call it simply" The T ", after its logo, the letter T in a
  24. From sickness to drowning to a firing squad (" Just You Wait" ). The servants, lament ,the hard" work" Higgins does (" The Servants' Chorus" ). Just as they give
  25. Though Proven argues for an historical interpretation. Many elements of the, lament ,are borne out in the historical narrative in 2 Kings concerning the fall of
  26. Coupled with a protracted siege of Rain (9–16 July),caused Prince Eugene to, lament ," … since the Donauwörth action I cannot admire their performances ", and later
  27. The run of single-class champions in Indiana. There are many in Indiana who, lament ,this loss, and who know that Hoosier Hysteria has been dramatically and
  28. Lamentations is disputed. The Book of Chronicles says that Jeremiah did write a, lament ,on the death of King Josiah. The work is probably based on the older
  29. Singer Steve Goodman featured Wrigley Field as the setting for his popular Cubs, lament ," A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request," extolling both the trials of the Cubs and
  30. Can be subdivided into two categories 1) the individual and 2) communal, lament , Both types of lament s typically but did not always include the following
  31. Scene 1: A pavilion in the imperial palace. Before sunrise Ping, Pang,and Pong, lament ,their place as ministers, poring over palace documents and presiding over
  32. The work is probably based on the older Mesopotamian genre of the" city, lament ,", of which the Lament for Your is among the oldest and best-known. According to
  33. Trouble, no helpmates in hateful poverty, but only in wealth. Hesiod goes on to, lament ,that men who try to avoid the evil of women by avoiding marriage will fare no
  34. Of the imperial family are described as are his final moments and Livia's, lament ,over the body, which is compared to birds. The lament s of the city of Rome as
  35. Practice cut the robbery of the Yurodivïy in the From Scene, but duplicate his, lament ,that ends each scene. The Rimsky-Korsakov Version is often augmented with the
  36. For Tsar Herod (see Massacre of the Innocents). The yuródivïy then sings his, lament ,(" Flow, flow,bitter tears! ") about the fate of Russia. Scene 2 1869
  37. Unwaveringly denounce racism, in all its forms, as deplorable sin" and ", lament ,and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to
  38. Referred to in any of the surviving fragments. In his Heroines, Ovid has Sappho, lament ,that," Six birthdays of mine had passed when the bones of my parent, gathered
  39. Birds chirp in the background, as they do in the first scene when the farmers, lament ,their seemingly hopeless fate. " Recurring themes The master–disciple
  40. At a place named AKO. The Emperor, her father, is graciously pleased to raise, lament ,for her. By topic Religion * June 27 – Pope Agatha succeeds Pope Bonus as the
  41. Of a new Davidic monarch. While the book is relatively short it includes, lament ,(1.8-16; 7.8-10),theocracy (1.3-4),and hymn prayer of petition and
  42. Mary meets Jesus, she falls at his feet. In speaking with Jesus, both sisters, lament ,that he did not arrive in time to prevent their brother's death:" Lord, if
  43. Whatever emotion they express. Separation from their lover led them to strongly, lament ,and moan their state, although,once they finally meet, they are at a loss of
  44. To perform at Nashville's Grand Ole Pry in 1974. Eric Bogle's 1972 folk, lament ,to the Gladioli campaign" And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" recalled the
  45. The American Civil War. The expression" sold down the river" originated as a, lament ,of Upper South slaves, especially from Kentucky, who were shipped via the Ohio
  46. Festival that requires abstinence,13 is a poem on a festival of Juno, and 9 a, lament ,for Bibulous. In poem 11 Ovid decides not to love Corinne any longer and
  47. Taken the role of caregiver to the Abrades children) and Stellar — meet and, lament ,the fact that they have lost the initiative in the political arena. Paul
  48. Dishonored, written under the title of Shore's wife is supposed to be the, lament ,of Jane Shore, whose ghost tells her life story and makes moral reflections.
  49. Her suicide attempt deeply rational, writing after her rescue," I have only to, lament , that, when the bitterness of death was past, I was inhumanly brought back to
  50. For the communal sins of the people. Therefore, we can observe examples of the, lament ,form/genre concerning destroyed cities and temples from extra-biblical sources

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