Examples of the the word, sinner , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Latina, Gregory stated that he believed" that the woman Luke called a, sinner ,and John called Mary was the Mary out of whom Mark declared that seven demons
  2. Catechism of the Catholic Church defined hell not as punishment imposed on the, sinner ,but rather as the sinner 's self-exclusion from God. Unlike other Christian
  3. Except the mother of Jesus. " The idea that this Mary was 'the woman who was a, sinner ,' or that she was unchaste, is altogether groundless. "" Beloved Disciple "
  4. Argue that if Christ takes the punishment in the place of a particular, sinner , that person must be saved since it would be unjust for him then to be
  5. Malachi (Laws of Kings) 8.11. The Christian view is that every human is a, sinner , and being saved by God's grace, not simply by the merit of one's own actions
  6. And Geoffrey of Genome (died 1132) all referred to Mary Magdalene as the, sinner ,who merited the title apostolarum apostle, with the title becoming commonplace
  7. Myself. My sin was all the more incurable because I did not think myself a, sinner , (Confessions, Book V, Section 10) Some modern scholars have suggested that
  8. One year. Serious sins involving child sex abuse permanently disqualify the, sinner ,from appointment to any congregational privilege of service, regardless of
  9. On to enumerate the accounts of each of these three persons (the unnamed ", sinner ,", Mary Magdalene, and Mary of Bethany) in the Gospel of Luke and concludes
  10. A sacrifice in the biblical sense, the death of the animal reminds the penitent, sinner ,that his or her life is in God's hands. The Talmud speaks of learning "
  11. Church defined hell not as punishment imposed on the sinner but rather as the, sinner ,'s self-exclusion from God. Unlike other Christian groups, the Catholic Church
  12. Tends to be understood in legal terms, similar to Jewish law. Sin alienates the, sinner ,from God. It has damaged, and completely severed, the relationship of humanity
  13. And now neither of those documents mention Mary Magdalene as a repentant, sinner ,of ill repute. St. Mary Magdalene was the patron of Magdalena College, Oxford
  14. Your heart, saying always:" Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a, sinner , " The prayer rope is considered to be the sword of the Spirit, because prayer
  15. Ashby clarifies:" Arminius allowed for only two possible ways in which the, sinner ,might be justified: (1) by our absolute and perfect adherence to the law, or
  16. Miracle workers. Although unsure as to why these saints should choose such a ", sinner ," as their patron, Einhard nonetheless set about ensuring they continued to
  17. In this manner, Milton portrays Adam as a heroic figure, but also as a deeper, sinner ,than Eve, as he is aware that what he is doing is wrong. After eating the fruit
  18. Changes made in 1969,there is no longer mention of Mary Magdalene as a, sinner ,in Roman Catholic liturgical materials. The Eastern Orthodox Church has never
  19. De qua Marcus septum ammonia eject foods testator),thus identifying the, sinner ,of, the Mary of and (the sister of Lazarus and Martha of Bethany),and Mary
  20. I love you" and added" anything that leaves the impression that we hate the, sinner , we want to change that" He later commented to New York Times columnist Frank
  21. Of God whose job is to tempt one into sin, and then turn around and accuse the, sinner ,on high. An additional understanding of Satan is from a parable to a prostitute
  22. Been blind and said:: 'Speak the truth before God.: We know this fellow is a, sinner , ': 'Whether he is a sinner , I do not know. ': the man replied.: 'All I
  23. Ashby clarifies:" Arminius allowed for only two possible ways in which the, sinner ,might be justified: (1) by our absolute and perfect adherence to the law, or
  24. Lad that loved you Was one that kept his word. His poem," Oh who is that young, sinner ,with the handcuffs on his wrists? ", written after the trial of Oscar Wilde
  25. He conceals. If the foregoing argument holds good, Mary of Bethany and the ", sinner ," are one and the same. Eastern Orthodox tradition In Orthodox Church tradition
  26. During His crucifixion, and the crucifixion of the" old man" of the repentant, sinner ,in preparation for baptism. Changing customs and concerns regarding modesty
  27. For the penalty, which allows God to remit the penalty by his grace when any, sinner ,repents and believes in Jesus as the Christ. Covenant theology Although the
  28. Redemption and divine grace formed his perspective that he considered himself a, sinner ,so vile that he was unable to change his life or be redeemed without God's
  29. States," The Greek Fathers, as a whole, distinguish the three persons: the ", sinner ," of; the sister of Martha and Lazarus, and; and Mary Magdalena. On the other
  30. In them. A sinner is not reformed merely by assuring him that he cannot be a, sinner ,because there is no sin. To put down the claim of sin, you must detect it (
  31. Whether he would have used he Alabama if another woman, and she a ", sinner ," in the city, had done the same. It is conceivable that John, just because he
  32. Be forgiven, Tertullian calls baptism and penance" two planks" on which the, sinner ,may be saved from shipwreck — language which he gave to the Church (DE
  33. Purana recounts the remarkable story of Bahia, a profligate and unrepentant, sinner , who is killed by a tiger in the forest. His soul arrives before Rama, the Lord
  34. Dwells and is present substantially in every soul, even in that of the greatest, sinner ,in the world, and this union is natural. " St. Julian of Norwich, while
  35. Religious beliefs Reinhard made numerous references to himself as a ", sinner ,", a description of himself that shows his Augustinian influenced world view.
  36. Truth before God.: We know this fellow is a sinner . ': 'Whether he is a, sinner , I do not know. ': the man replied.: 'All I know is this:: once I was blind and
  37. My predecessors did not know how to be pope ". He claimed to have" lived as a, sinner ,among sinner s ", in his own words. During his pontificate, he added a new
  38. Classes if their conduct is orderly. For lesser sins, or in cases where the, sinner ,appears truly repentant, individuals may be put on probation for a time, during
  39. Desires, Hamlet realizes that" he himself is literally no better than the, sinner ,whom he is to punish ". John Barrymore introduced Freudian overtones into his
  40. Believe in Hammerstein's vision of redemption, which has it that a dead, sinner ,can return to Earth to do godly good. " The Hitler production in New York was
  41. The moral of the opera –" Such is the end of the evildoer: the death of a, sinner ,always reflects his life" ( Quest è IL fin). In the past, the final ensemble
  42. Cancelling Gasoline’s project, Accattone (1961). Condemned as a“ public, sinner ,” for La Dolce Vita, Fellini responded with The Temptations of Doctor Antonio
  43. Migrates across a stream to escape association with the body of a newly buried, sinner , Plays The texts of plays by Shaw mentioned in this section, with the dates
  44. Cannot be resisted, but that the Holy Spirit," graciously causes the elect, sinner ,to cooperate, to believe, to repent, to come freely and willingly to Christ. "
  45. Mary was dead, wishes to point out to us that she was really the same as the ", sinner , " In the same way Luke may have veiled her identity precisely because he did
  46. Came to experience salvation; preaching was fiery and focused on saving the, sinner ,from temptation and backsliding. Religion was stripped of ornament and ceremony
  47. Of life is warranted when the glories of eternity await. Newton saw himself a, sinner ,like David who had been chosen, perhaps undeservedly, The effect of the lyrical
  48. Of evil and disease in all their forms, but realize no reality in them. A, sinner ,is not reformed merely by assuring him that he cannot be a sinner because there
  49. To any congregational privilege of service, regardless of whether the, sinner ,was convicted of any secular crime. Christadelphians Similarly to many groups
  50. Repeats the Jesus Prayer," Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me,a, sinner , " The Hesychast prays the Jesus Prayer 'with the heart'—with meaning, with

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