Examples of the the word, rotary , in a Sentence Context
The word ( rotary ), is the 9557 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Was first licensed by Curtiss-Wright in New Jersey, US. On January 19, 1960 the, rotary ,engine was presented for the first time to specialists and the press in a
- To convey the signal's information. For example, an aneroid barometer uses, rotary ,position as the signal to convey pressure information. Electrically, the
- Control volume or modify effect parameters (e.g., the rate of the simulated, rotary ,speaker effect). By the 1980s and 1990s,software effects became capable of
- Modeling effects can simulate speaker cabinets and miking techniques. A, rotary ,speaker simulator mimics the Doppler sound of a vintage Leslie speaker system
- O. Bentley or just" W O ". Bentley had been previously known for his range of, rotary ,aero-engines in World War I, the most famous being the Bentley BR1 as used in
- In physics, a change in the direction of velocity also is an acceleration: for, rotary ,motion, the change in direction of velocity results in centripetal (toward the
- Hill south of Beaumont, Texas began to tremble and mud bubbled up over the, rotary ,table. A low rumbling sound came from underground, and then, with a force that
- ACTIVISION · Tradition & Forum" in Altlußheim, a permanent showing of over 80, rotary , engines and many cars equipped with Wankel motors. Licensee Honors and awards
- And the Cardin shaft with universal joints, which allows the transmission of, rotary ,motion at various angles and is used in vehicles to this day. He studied
- NSU Print. At this time the" Wankel engine" became synonymous with the, rotary ,engine, whereas previously it was called the" Motor each System NSU/Wankel ".
- Radial Tuned Suspension" ( RTS). As a result of GM's toying with the Wankel, rotary ,engine, as used by Mazda of Japan, an export agreement was initiated in 1975.
- Of which are still popular as vintage race cars. NSU then focused on new, rotary ,engines based on the ideas of Felix Wankel. In 1967,the new NSU RO 80 was a
- Suspension gallop and the extreme flexibility of the spine. " Double suspension, rotary ,gallop" describes the fastest running gait of the Greyhound in which all four
- Porosity of the cake and reduces resistance of the cake during filtration. In a, rotary ,filter, the filter aid may be applied as a Prescott; subsequently, thin slices
- Distillation and it is commonly found in the laboratory in the form of the, rotary ,evaporator. This technique is also very useful for compounds which boil beyond
- As aerodynamics, light weight, and safety. However, teething problems with the, rotary ,engines put an end to the independence of NSU. The Neckarsulm plant is now used
- http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4787051.html US Patent 4787051) to detect, rotary ,movement for every axis supported. The most common models (manufactured by
- Inventions that are credited to the ancient Greeks such as the gear, screw, rotary , mills,screw press, bronze casting techniques, water clock, water organ
- Linear motion can come from either a diaphragm or piston actuator, while, rotary , motion is supplied by either a vane type air motor or piston air motor.
- Or rotary -wing aircraft, use a spinning rotor with airfoil section blades (a, rotary ,wing) to provide lift. Types include helicopters, autogyros, and various
- Into four operational commands: I FAE (I Force Area) Advanced fixed and, rotary ,wings instruction; II FAE (II Force Area) Maritime patrol, SAR,helicopters
- The Audi A1 production model, is a hybrid vehicle with a range extending Wankel, rotary ,engine to provide power after the initial charge of the battery is depleted. It
- The speed of the wind over its wings, which may be flexible or rigid, fixed,or, rotary , With powered lift, the aircraft directs its engine thrust vertically downward.
- Museum in Munich. In the same year, with the KKM 250,the first practical, rotary ,engine was presented in a converted NSU Print. At this time the" Wankel engine
- Is a valved instrument; nearly all current models are piston valved, though, rotary , valved models do exist. A person who plays the euphonium is sometimes called a
- Generally convert the compressed air to mechanical work though either linear or, rotary ,motion. Linear motion can come from either a diaphragm or piston actuator
- Of wings, and rotorcraft by spinning wing-shaped rotors sometimes called, rotary ,wings. A wing is a flat, horizontal surface, usually shaped in cross-section as
- Touch-Tone system, using the telephone keypad, gradually replaced the use of, rotary ,dial starting in 1963,and since then DTMF or Touch-Tone became the industry
- To develop the Skycap M400,which is powered by four pairs of in-tandem Wankel, rotary ,engines, and is approaching the problems of satellite-navigation, incorporated
- air-to-air combat during most of the period to disprove this notion. The, rotary ,engine, popular during World War I, quickly disappeared having reached its peak
- And ramjet operation. Rotorcraft A helicopter obtains lift from a powered, rotary ,wing or rotor, which acts much like an upward-pointing propeller. Forward
- Introduced at Adventure 2008,the Switchblade is to utilize a single Wankel, rotary ,engine and ducted fan to keep the propeller out of harm's way on the ground.
- And other newly emerging techniques. Around 1815 the use of pistons (later, rotary ,valves) was introduced, initially to overcome problems associated with
- Crankshaft fixed to the airframe and instead the cylinders rotated, known as a, rotary ,engine design. Rotary engines such as the Wankel engine are referred to as
- Were used for lofting communications antenna. Submarines lofted observers in, rotary ,kites. The Royally parading kite and the Albert para foil kite were used for
- Package" equipment in 1969. Surprise Package included the latest 20 mm, rotary ,cannons and 40 mm Boors cannon but no 7.62 mm close support armament. Surprise
- Design. Rotary engines such as the Wankel engine are referred to as pistonless, rotary ,engines. In the Wankel engine the rotors drive the eccentric shaft, which could
- The same fingering system as other brass instruments, but four piston valves and, rotary ,valve variants also exist. It can thus be played without too much trouble by
- To Multinational Force and Observers (MFA). From 1982 to 1986,the RAAF provided, rotary ,wing aviation support. Since 1994 the Australian Army has maintained a presence
- Main tuning slide. Valve mechanism The two major types of valve mechanisms are, rotary ,valves and piston valves. The first piston valve instruments were developed
- Valve was an improved design. However, many professional musicians preferred, rotary ,valves for quicker, more reliable action, until better designs of piston valves
- In the way they voice the upper harmonics and in their simulation of the, rotary ,speaker effect. Refinements to Hammond emulations eventually led to the
- Natural horn, ( although the valves do add some weight, they are lighter than, rotary ,valves) even using crooks in the front of the horn, between the mouthpiece and
- The air into extra tubing to change the pitch. Most horns have lever-operated, rotary ,valves, but some horns like the Vienna horn use piston valves (similar to
- Usually converts energy into linear motion, however solenoids also come in a, rotary ,motion (normally up to a turn of 90 degrees). * A Spider coil is a high Q
- To carve by hand. Modern methods of carving include using computer-controlled, rotary ,bits and sandblasting over a rubber stencil. Leaving the letters, numbers and
- Horn is a special horn used primarily in Vienna, Austria. Instead of using, rotary ,valves or piston valves, it uses the Pumpenvalve (or Vienna Valve),which is
- The unit process of evaporation may also be called" distillation ": *In, rotary ,evaporation a vacuum distillation apparatus is used to remove bulk solvents
- And Samuel Wyatt and built on land purchased by Wyatt in Southward. This was a, rotary ,steam-powered flour mill by Matthew Boulton and James Watt, with grinding gears
- Made smaller horns with piston valves and the Germans made larger horns with, rotary ,valves. For more information on instrument valves see Brass Instrument Valves.
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