Examples of the the word, disabled , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disabled ), is the 3385 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. NCAA) intercollegiate basketball. * Disabled basketball played by various, disabled ,groups, such as ** Wheelchair basketball, a sport based on basketball but
  2. The winter of 1777-78 alone. The number of Revolutionaries seriously wounded or, disabled ,by the war has been estimated from 8,500 to 25,000. The total American military
  3. Steel, collapsible wheelchair was created by Harry Jennings and his, disabled ,friend Herbert Everest, in 1933. Examples of Assistive technology in
  4. The measure, George H. W. Bush said: On the debate of what it means to be, disabled , Joan Ale shire stated in the book Voices From the Edge: About the importance of
  5. And thus not specific to any brand or device. The disk lock can be enabled and, disabled ,by sending special ATA commands to the drive. If a disk is locked, it will
  6. By a few private plaintiffs who view themselves as champions of the, disabled , For the ADA to yield its promise of equal access for the disabled , it may
  7. That could get players hurt, and sideline millions of dollars in payroll on the, disabled ,list, became less common. Stealing home, a popular tactic of great stars of the
  8. Of the disabled . For the ADA to yield its promise of equal access for the, disabled , it may indeed be necessary and desirable for committed individuals to bring
  9. No longer supported in AIM Triton or AIM 6. For a while, warnings had not been, disabled ,server side, meaning that older AIM clients, third-party clients, or
  10. Calls to payphones are disabled ; furthermore, the Bell ANA number is also, disabled , There are some private national toll-free numbers that use ANI and then have a
  11. The hole at second base which was opened after Orlando Hudson was placed on the, disabled ,list. Beckstein was traded from the Toronto Blue Jays for Minor League pitcher
  12. Spacecraft was loaded with fuel or cryogenics, and all pyrotechnic systems were, disabled , Some witnesses said they saw White on the television monitors, reaching for
  13. Act in its $226-million renovation by failing to add enough seats for, disabled ,fans or accommodate the needs for disabled restrooms, concessions and parking.
  14. León that Portugal was a sovereign kingdom. In 1169 the now old DOM Alfonso was, disabled ,in an engagement near Badajoz by a fall from his horse, and made prisoner by
  15. Act of 2008 (ADANA). This was intended to give broader protections for, disabled ,workers and" turn back the clock" on court rulings which Congress deemed too
  16. American children whom the public school system had labeled as being" learning, disabled ,". One article about Marva Collins' school stated, Working with students
  17. Increased chance of premature morbidity or mortality or be otherwise, disabled ,; or to selectively reduce the number of fetuses to lessen health risks
  18. Took advantage of this, gaining storage by leaving non-graphical data in the, disabled ,area. Other games would load non-graphical data into the display, leaving it
  19. Low Score settings. Besides not being locked to multiplier, they were also not, disabled ,from SMP operation as were other Athlon XP's. Thus, one could use them instead of
  20. Errors, array access errors, and other detectable bugs. These checks can be, disabled ,in the interest of runtime efficiency, but can often be compiled efficiently.
  21. The Vietnam Red Cross has raised more than $22 million to assist the ill or, disabled , and several U. S. foundations, United Nations agencies, European governments
  22. A pre-launch test; and an in-flight failure on the 1970 Apollo 13 flight which, disabled ,the command spacecraft's propulsion and life support, forcing the crew to use
  23. The elderly woman. His escape is blocked by Dim, who attacks Alex, leaving him, disabled ,on the front step as the police arrive. Part 2: Ludovico's Technique Sentenced
  24. As the result of societal pressures. These might include the stigmatization of, disabled ,people, preference for children of a specific sex, disapproval of single
  25. The Thorton core was a later variant of the Barton with half of the L2 cache, disabled , and thus was functionally identical to the Thoroughbred-B core. The name
  26. Triple-core and quad-core variants, all using the same die with cores, disabled ,for the triple-core and dual-core versions. This resolved issues that the
  27. Equality within American society, including the Free Speech Movement,the, disabled , women, Native Americans, and migrant workers. The term" African American "
  28. Bolts that open the parachute compartment to deploy them. If they were indeed, disabled , the command module would have crashed uncontrollably into the Pacific Ocean
  29. Making reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of, disabled ,employees, not advancing employees with disabilities in the business, and/or
  30. Came on the night that starting third baseman Chipper Jones went on the 15-day, disabled , list with a strained oblique muscle. With Bet emit gone, the Atlanta called up
  31. Such as ** Wheelchair basketball, a sport based on basketball but designed for, disabled ,people in wheelchairs and considered one of the major disabled sports practiced
  32. And she has four elder brothers, all mentally retarded ... The students are all, disabled , retarded and of different ages. Teaching them is a hard job. They are of the
  33. By failing to add enough seats for disabled fans or accommodate the needs for, disabled ,restrooms, concessions and parking. Additionally, the distribution of the
  34. Were gassed there. At the clinic in Attach itself, around 50 intellectually, disabled ,children were injected with the drug Luminal and killed that way. A plaque was
  35. South. By 08:56,the flight was turned around, and the transponder had been, disabled , The FAA was aware at this point that there was an emergency on board the
  36. Ranging from individuals with severe impairments—who may be silent, mentally, disabled , and locked into hand flapping and rocking—to high functioning individuals who
  37. But designed for disabled people in wheelchairs and considered one of the major, disabled ,sports practiced. * Ethnic and Religion-based basketball: Examples of ethnic
  38. The time was that he would not be re-signed. LF Eric Byrnes was on the 60-day, disabled , list from late June, with a torn left hamstring, and was out for the remainder
  39. Fall After allowing for loopholes throughout the summer, Hungary effectively, disabled ,its physical border defenses with Austria on 19 August 1989 and, in September
  40. It was decided how the money from the settlement would be paid out. A totally, disabled ,Vietnam veteran would receive a maximum of $12,000 spread out over the course
  41. Alexander spared the life of Arrhidaeus, who was by all accounts mentally, disabled , possibly as a result of poisoning by Olympias. News of Philip's death roused
  42. 57 mm radar-guided anti-aircraft artillery the crew attacked and destroyed or, disabled ,most of the convoys. Israel was also assigned to the 919th Special Operations
  43. Disabilities Act of 1990,a U. S. law that prohibits discrimination against, disabled ,people *Anti-Deficiency Act, a U. S. law that prohibits the federal government
  44. And team play.; Wheelchair basketball: Wheelchair basketball, created by, disabled ,World War II veterans, is played on specially designed wheelchairs for the
  45. Tasks, it ruled that the Court of Appeals erred when it found Williams to be, disabled , This ruling is now, however,no longer good law -- it was invalidated by the
  46. To the fact that Allosaurus individuals were drawn together to feed on other, disabled ,or dead allosaurs, and were sometimes killed in the process. This could explain
  47. 21 of The Murder of Roger Across, for example, Poirot talks about a mentally, disabled ,nephew: this proves to be a ruse so that he can find out about homes for the
  48. Been more difficult. As a matter of course, incoming calls to payphones are, disabled ,; furthermore, the Bell ANA number is also disabled . There are some privates
  49. Of the State of Georgia. The Confederate Soldiers' Home was built to house, disabled ,and elderly Georgia veterans from 1901 to 1941. Henry W. Grady, the editor of
  50. Over the course of 10 years. Furthermore, by accepting the settlement payments, disabled ,veterans would become ineligible for many state benefits that provided far more

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